Their baby, Isabel Ruby Lieberstein, was born on May 3rd!
Congratulations to Angela, Warren, and the entire family!
Like Harry Potter?
Their baby, Isabel Ruby Lieberstein, was born on May 3rd!
Congratulations to Angela, Warren, and the entire family!
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A big old congrats is in order! Glad the baby waited for filming to wrap. ;)
YAY!!! Congrats!
HOORAY! Awww… Isabel is cute!!! Congratulation to mommy and family. Can’t wait to get a glimpse of her!
My vote was for May 4, so close but no cigars! I wonder who won the baby pool???
Congrats to Angela and family!! That is so exciting. Isabel is a beautiful name!
Congratulations, Angela and Warren!!!
Warren? I thought she was having a gay affair with Oscar. Anyway, congrats to them.
Congratulations Angela! That’s fantastic news! Isabel is a beautiful name.
YAYYY!!!! Congrats Angela, Warren, and Uncle Paul/Toby! I bet she’s a beauty!
Congratulations Angela! I’m so happy for you and your family!
Also, that is a beautiful name! = ^.^=
Congrats Angela!
Congratulations, Angela!
Yay! Congratulations to Angela, Warren and Uncle Paul!
Who won the pool?
AHH!!! Congratulations Angela!!! Hope the baby is doing well!
Lucky kid, we share a birthday! :)
just adding to the CONGRATULATIONS!!
Isabel Ruby! Aw, what a great (Southern-ish, too!) name. Congrats to the family!
AW! A thousand congrats Angela. Such a pretty name too!
Congratulations Angela and Warren! There’s no doubt in my mind that you will be an amazing mother to this blessed baby girl. I wish you and your husband all the best in this amazing journey you’ve just begun.
Eeeee, this is so exciting! Congrats to Angela, Warren, Paul, and the rest of the Liebersteins and Kinseys! Something tells me Isabel will be a big hit around the set. :-D
Aww i love that name! Congratulations!
Yayyy!! Congrats Angela and family! Hope mommy and baby are doing well! Isabel is one of my favorite girl’s names and Ruby is too cute!
Awwwwww!!! What wonderful news! Congratulations to Angela and the family!
Congrats Angela!!!! I wonder who won the bet on set? :P
CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA!!!!!! Isabel is a beautiful name!
What fantastic news!!! :) I hope the entire family is getting lots of bonding time and some rest and sleep in between all of that! ;)
That is AWE-SOME.
Congratulations! What a beautiful name!
Congratulations to the whole family! What a gorgeous name!
Aw, that’s so fantastic. Congratulations to Angela and Warren. Isabel is a totally beautiful name- that’s what my fiance and I want to name our first daughter too :)
Congratulations! Wonderful news! Hope baby, momma and dadda are all doing well!
Aw, Congratulations!!! And I love the name! :)
Congratulations Angela and Warren. :)
Not enough “congratulations” can be given, so I’ll pile on. Congratulations!
I wonder who won the baby pool?
Congratulations, you’ve picked a beautiful name!
Congratulations to Angela and Warren (and Uncle Paul Lieberstein too!) on this beautiful bundle of joy!
Oh my congratulations! Such a pretty name… I wonder who won the baby pool…haha!
Congratulations on your new baby girl Angela and Warren!! Isabel is a very pretty name. Hope mom and baby are doing well (:
Congratulations! Gorgeous name!
Congrats! And such a lovely name.
adding to the CONGRATULATIONS as well.
Isabel Ruby is such a lovely name.
Yay! Congrats to Angela and her family!!
Welcome to the world Izzy and congratulations to Angela and Warren!
Congratulations to you and your husband Angela!!!!!
A little girl, how wonderful!
I love the name, so pretty!
Enjoy this magical time!
Congratulations!!! I was so excited for them when I found out! Such a pretty name.
MAZEL TOV to the happy parents. And welcome to the world, baby Isabel.
Welcome Baby Isabel! And congratulations to Angela and Warren, how lovely!
Congratulations! I wish your beautiful baby a world of blessings!
Welcome To The World Baby Isabel! :)
Congratulations to Angela, Warren and their whole family!
Baby Isabel can finally collect on her share of the pool winnings. =)
Ahhh! I’m so excited for you and your family, Angela. Congratulations!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!! Best wishes to you and your family! Hope Isabel can sometime make an appearance on The Office?
congratulations to angela and warren, i have to agree with everyone- what a beautiful name!!
Congratulations Angela and Warren! And I totally love the name! It’s a beautiful name for what I’m sure will be a beautiful little girl.
Congratulations on your healthy baby girl, Isabel. Isabel is a beautiful name. Please be sure to let us know who won the office pool.
Congratulations to the new mom and dad!!!!! Beautiful name.
Congratulations to Angela and the rest of the family! What a beautiful name, too.
Congrats to Angela and her family.
Congrats to Angela and Warren! And a beautiful name! Hopefully we’ll get some pics of the little one once everything’s settled down for them :)
Angela and Warren ~ I’m so happy for you! I hope all is going well. :)
We luv ya!
Congrats to the whole family!!
I’m not sure if Angela planned it… but how nice that she gets to spend her whole vacation with her new baby!
You never know love, never pray as much, and never appreciate your mother until you hold your first child. You’ll love every minute of it!!
aww, what a pretty name :)
Congrats to Angela and Warren!
And to baby Isabel: Your parents are part of the best show in the world, and now you can be too! :D
Congratulations, Angela!!!
Congrats to them all! Isabel is a beautiful name!
Congrats Angela! Named my baby born 3.23.08 Isabelle. That’s the spelling my hubby preferred. Liked it from the movie “Fools Rush In.”
Awww, yay! Congratulations to Angela and Warren. Isabel’s lucky to be born into such an awesome family, and lets not forget the gaggle of honorary aunts and uncles!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!
Love the name!! It flows:)
What a lucky little girl! This is great news and I pray all is well!
What a lovely name.
Let ’em ring. Let the bells of Dunder Mifflin chime out your love. Because this is really good. This is really good. My heart soars, with the eagle’s nest.
AWWWW. Congrats to the lovely couple!!!
I am so happy to hear the news! Congratulations and enjoy this wonderful, special time Angela and Warren! :D My best to you and your newly expanded family!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!!! And I love the name – Isabel Ruby, so pretty. She will be truly spoiled with so many aunts and uncles on The Office! Now I wonder who won that Baby Pool….. :)
Awww, how lovely! Congrats to the happy family!
Congrats to Angela! I’m so happy that her little girl is here. I knew she’d give her a sensible, pretty name too.
YAY!! Big congrats to all!
Congrats to Angela and Warren. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!
Oh I’m so excited for her!!! YAY!!!
Congratulations to the new mom and dad! All the best.
That is such a pretty name. Hope Mommy and Baby are doing well.
Congratulations to the Kinsey/Lieberstein family!
Congrats! i wonder who won the office pool
Congratulations you guys!!! :D
Congratulations to the new parents!!
Congratulations, Anglea and Warren!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!
And with news just as great, I am happy to inform everyone that I won the baby pool with my friends (Office fanatics). That’s right. Someone’s going to Red Lobster!
Congratulations to the new family!! That is so exciting!
Congrats to the new family. Here’s to a life of wonderful memories.
Congratulations! :)
Congrats Liebersteins! Such a beautiful little girl name. And congrats to all the new aunts and uncles in the classic gang!
Yay, congratulations!!
And, what a great name. :)
Congrats Angela!!! Beautiful name, Isabel/Isabelle is one of my favorites!
Congrats on the new addition to your family!
Congratulations, Angela, Warren, and the rest of the family and friends! Isabel is just an adorable (and normal) name. Very classic. :)
That little girl is going to be surrounded by so much love. Angela, get some rest!
Congratulations to the happy family!
Maybe Michael can be the godfather, since Sasha already has one?
Congratulations! Angela will be an awesome mom! :)
What an adorable name! Congrats to the family!
Congrats! I love the name too.
That’s adorable! Congrats to Angela, Warren, and the whole family :)
Oh my goodness congrats Angela! :) I am so happy for you. I am also so curious to know who won the money for the third, hehe.
YAY Angela! Congrats! Beautiful name. Hope they’re all doing well! I wonder if Jenna will be a godmother?
YAY! Congrats Angela and family!
I love babies!!
Congrats Angela and Warren and Welcome Isabel!
Congats to Angela and her family. Welcome to the world Baby Isabel :)
P.S. Beautiful Name!!!
Now Angela is a “Little Kid Lover” too!!!
Congrats to All!!!!
Yay! Well, we’ll know if it’s a Schrute baby or not by how thirsty it is… lol.
I hope she was born in LA, ’cause I was totally there on Saturday!
Yay! Congrats Angela and Warren :)
Aww! That is such a good name! It is so classy to have a baby in hollywood with a regular name. Not something like Apple. You will be a great mommy to baby Isabel.
Congratulations! She has such a beautiful name!
What an adorable name! Congratulations to you guys!
HEE! Babies are love. :D
Congratulations Angela and Warren!
Congrats Angela and Warren on your baby girl. I just know shes cute as a button. :)
Congrats! I wonder who won the bet. =)
Congrats to Angela and Warren! And hurray for Isabel!
Many congratulations to Angela and Warren! I am sure they will be wonderful parents to that special little girl. And what a beautiful name for their baby!
Congrats! Love the name!
Congrats to Angela and family!
Sorry it wasn’t a pair of well-behaved little boys :)
Congratulations Angela and Warren! Glad to hear everything went well and your baby is healthy. I’m sure her life will be great and filled with laughter thanks to her parents.
Congratulations, Angela! I love the name Isabel!
Congrats! Adorable name.
Hooray! Congratulations to Angela and Warren (happens to be my son’s name :) ) on your sweet little girl!
A HUGE congratulations to Angela and Warren! Everyone feels like such a huge part of this because she’s so open with the fans, I hope she knows how excited everyone is for baby Isabel! ♥
Congrats Angela!! What a pretty name!! :-)
What exciting news, Angela! I am so happy for you =)
I hope all is well, and that Isabel is doing fine!!
that’s my birthday too! congrats!
Congratulations to Angela and her family :)
Congrats Angela & Warren! Isabel, what a bee-yoot-iful name! I got a bit scared, though, because I came on here and thought I saw that she named her baby Israel. Isabel should SO have her own multi-million dollar Time magazine cover! Have fun with your bouncing baby girl!
What a lovely name. Congratulations!
Who Won! Who picked the closest date and time.
Weird…I said to my coworker today “I wonder if Angela had her baby yet.” I’m psychic!
Congrats Angela and Warren (and Uncle Paul)!
Congrats, Angela and Warren. :)
To paraphrase, of all people, Michael Scott:
That is your baby. And you pretend to account for people who pretend to sell paper.
We are very proud of you.
Congrats Angela! This might be a little weird, but this just made my day! I can’t get over it. Hooray!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!! Isabel Ruby is a a very beautiful name! Yay!!
How exciting! Congrats Angela!!
Congrats Angela and Warren. What an awesome name for a baby
#145 – That’s not weird. Weird is texting your sister out of the blue and telling her that Angela had her baby. She’s not that big of an office fan but I had to tell someone. I mean, I’ve never even met Angela but I’m so happy for her and Warren.
Congratulations Angela!! I wish you and your family the best! :-)
What a pretty name! :) Congratulations!
Congratulations Angela and family!!
139- Same here! I thought the name was Israel and I was like “Whoa.” But the name is so cute! Hey, is Paul (Toby, right? I’m not sure if that is his first name) Angela’s husband’s brother?
Yay!!!!! I actually just applauded out of sheer excitement…. and then had to explain why i was applauding to a computer…
Congrats Angela & Warren! May God bless your baby girl!
YAAAAY! A little Lieberstein has made its entrance into this world! Congrats!
Congratulations to the happy family!!!!!
Congratulations Angela, Warren, and Isabel!
Good luck with the new baby! I’m sure you’ve heard this from so many people, but please cherish these first moments. They go so by so quickly, never to return. Accept help from friends and family, pay for the help, whatever you need to do, so that all the chores and errands are done and all you need to do is spend that precious time with your daughter. And take LOTS of photos. They change from day to day; don’t let those memories slip away. You can never have too many pictures–fill those memory cards! And write down everything; you think you’ll never forget the little things your baby does, but you will if you don’t document it. Write it down, take the photo, scrapbook it later! I wish I had done all these things.
Oh, and don’t forget to share some photos with us Tallyheads, when you have a chance!
Best wishes to you all!
How great! I’ve been waiting for this baby to come more than I was waiting for my sister to have hers! LOL :D Congrats!
Maybe we should have a pool on who won the baby pool on set? My bet is Jenna. Just because of the whole best friend thing.
Wow! I feel like such a nerd because I’m so giddy that Angela had her baby on my son’s birthday! Another Derby Day baby! I feel we’re connected….
Oh, I’m such a nerd.
Congratulations to them! Very pretty name (and pretty baby, I’m sure too)
Congratulations Angela! I hope we get to see pictures soon! (hope that doesn’t sound creepy)
Yay! Congratulations Angela and family!!
Congratulations! I wonder who won the contest they were having on set!
Congratulations! Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Oh my goodness!! *squee* What a wonderful day! And a wonderful baby! ^-^ Congrats Angela!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!
And yay for Isabel!
Yes! Congrats to Angela, Paul and their families!
And may I just say that May 3rd is possibly the most awesome day to be born, especially since Isabel and I share that birthday. (Although I was rocking a May 3rd back in the ’80s.)
Congratulations Angela and Warren! I love the name.
P.S. Who won the baby pool? :)
YAY! The tiny baby inside of Angela is born! Congratulations to Angela and her husband :) I’m so happy for them!
Woohoo! Congragulations Angela and family! Blessings for your little bundle of joy!
Congratulations, Angela!
Awesome! I’m so happy for Angela and the entire family.
Yeah! Here’s to a successful delivery and a happy, healthy baby and mom :)
I think it is the sweetest thing that Jenna was there for the birth. She’s such a great friend!
Congrats to Angela and Warren!! Isabel is a gorgeous name, although I was rooting for Tiny Baby Inside Angela.
Brilliant!!! Congrats! This is fantastic news.
Welcome Miss Isabel! Better start working on your alphabet so you can be an Officetally reader as soon as possible. Please tell your parents congratulations and try and let them get some sleep every now and then :)
Congratulations–such wonderful news!
Congrats Angela! I can’t wait to see pictures of your baby girl! And great name too! (Isabel is my middle name):)
Oh my God I’ve never been so excited for someone I’ve never met! :-) Can’t wait to see her. I know she’s adorable!
Congratulations Angela and Warren, and welcome to the world, Baby Isabel!
I am tearing up, because I am so happy for Angela! CONGRATS!!!
YAY!!!! That absolutely made my day!
Aww! Congrats to the new parents! And what a beautiful(and normal) name!
Congratulations Angela and Warren! Can’t wait to see photos of her.
Remember: nap when the baby naps and anti-gas drops really help settle down fussy babies!
Congratulations Angela and Warren!
I’ve always liked the name Isabel. That would be my first choice for a baby name, too!
How wonderful! I am so happy that everyone is healthy! Congrats to Angela and Warren and best wishes to Isabel!
Congrats! There is no doubt that this little girl will grow up with lots of laughter and love around her.
Angela and Family,
Congratulations on your new addition to your family!!!!
can’t wait to see pictures! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
What great news! I’m so excited for them! Congrats to you, Angela and Warren!
I didn’t know until tonight that Angela was the sister-in-law of Paul Lieberstein and Greg Daniels. That must make for some hilarious family get-together/reunions!
Congrats on the baby, Angela!
Awww yayy!! I need to babysit! Congrats!
Oh, congratulations! May God bless you and your beautiful new baby.
Awesome news! Cute that Jenna was there.
Congratulations to Angela and Warren! I can’t wait to see pictures and read new things on your blog now that you are a fellow mom. Mothering will provide you with you lots of good comedy material–I promise that!
I am wondering who won the Office cast/crew poll on when the baby would be born?!? :-)
Best wishes and enjoy these first few months…they fly by!
Congrats Angela!!!! Who won the office pool?
Congrats all!
Congratulations! Welcome to the world baby Isabel!
Congratulations Angela and Warren! Love the baby’s name!
Congratulations proud new parents and I welcome Isabel to the world and the Office!
I love the name. Congratulations to Angela and Warren.
Congratulations Angela. I’m very happy for you. Isabel is a beautiful name!
Congratulations! Such a lovely name – we almost named our daughter that, in fact :)
Hope you take some well-deserved time off, Angela! Thanks to Isabel for letting mommy and family finish the season ;D
Congratulations, Angela and Warren!!!
Take all the time you need to relax and enjoy your family!
Congrats Angela and Warren and of course little miss Isabel, what a true blessing. In no time miss Isabel will be running around saying “ITS PRETZEL DAY!!!!
aGAIN CONGRATS AND Nothing but best wishes.
but may i suggest if you do nickname Isabel do a Bella or Belle and not an Izzie…lol :P
again, congrats!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I hope we get to hear lots of new-mom stories in your future Adventures with Angela. Definitely take a nice long break, but we’ll miss you!!!
congrats angela!!! i bet she’s beautiful :]