A few pictures
Here’s a photo sent in by ‘Anonymous’:

Here’s a copy of the flasher flyer signed by Rainn:

And lastly, here’s a photo of the women’s restroom:

Co-executive producer Kent Zbornak, who was our tour guide of the day, told Kathie and me that we were the first people to see this room, even before the actors!
More on the set visit: For more on the set visit, go to The Office Set Visit archive. See also GMMR’s notes about the episode!
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Zoppity article!!
Very cool insight. Thanks Jennie!
Great article and great pics! :)
Awesome write up!
OMG! I love this recap of your visit!! I have been waiting with baited breath for this episode to air so you could finally reveal the whole process to us! Wow!! How exciting. I love this!! Yay!
Fascinating! Thanks for letting us share in it!
Besides being imo the best writers on the show, Gene and Lee seem like real cool guys
Nice recap
This was so neat! Thanks so much for sharing. It was like an extra treat to hold us over ’til next week. Very cool.
Thanks again.
I love that Gene and Lee asked for your opinions on how Jan would react. Yet another example of how much The Office values its viewers. You guys had the experience of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Thanks so much for this! Especially the Michael/Jan scene details. Steve and Melora are awesome.
Why can’t the women’s room at my office be that nice???!!!
Great info.! I loved reading both your and GMMR’s take on the behind the scenes goings-on at The Office. Of course I’m so jealous of you two, but am so glad that such big fans of the show had this amazing opportunity! I hope you both get to go back next season!
This was so fun to read!
i think i have mentioned this before… but i’m still very jealous, LOL! you are a very luck girl, jennie. =D thanks for sharing!
Such an interesting, not to mention well-organized, set report! Thanks for sharing with us, glad you got to do that.
In the Jan scene that made the cut, I got the impression that Melora was about to cry, and that that was her reason for turning and fleeing before she let amyone see her tears.
That would seem very much in character for her, in my opinion.
I think you made a good call!
Fantastic Jennie!! I forgot about Melora throwing the orange ball at Michael. And I’m glad she left angry rather than crying. So sad that it’s come full circle, and it’s all over. Until next year (fingers crossed)
Loved the insight on the Michael and Jan scenes! Everything else, too. It’s all so interesting to me.
Thanks for the info!!! Loved it! I’m so jealous! My favorite part of the DVDs are all the bloopers, so I loved that you described many of them – so funny!
Me again – I think most of the messed up take/blooper talk was at GMMR – I’m getting my Office Set Visit info all confused! But both insights were fun and interesting.
HAHAHA! the picture of Dwight as the pervert still cracks me up.
Has anyone tried calling the number on the poster? I keep getting a busy signal, anyone have better luck? I’m just curious since most numbers given out on TV are 555.
Ray, I agree with you about Jan’s reaction to the voice message. I saw clearly that she was shocked and sad rather than angry. Now that I got the episode from itune and watched it again, I am sure I was right. I felt so bad for her, and Michael. I hope they will work out.
Despite Jan’s tough exterior, she is obviously very hurt. Her personality prevents her from allowing that she be seen crying, but you know she did. Big time.
I think she really loves Michael in her own way, but has been taking advantage of him.
This definitely isn’t over.
I find it fascinating that they filmed different versions and edited according to what they felt was the best fit to the characters and story. Too angry wouldn’t have worked, nor would a crying meltdown. Once again, I think they nailed it.
Ha! The phone number works. It’s a message from Dwight, so keep trying…
1-800-984-3672. It will change your life. ;)
[from tanster: let’s post comments about the episode here. thanks!]
Thanks for the behind the scenes info and also for posting the picture of the Dwight sign!
Jennie: I bet it was hard not to spill all this behind-the-scenes knowledge sooner. Thanks for the excellent reporting. Oh and I’m once again a lovely shade of chartreuse.
i can’t believe dwight could be persuaded to sell his firebird!
Thanks GT! I’m glad I took notes — it seems like the visit was a long, long time ago … I never would have remembered all this otherwise. :)
Thanks for the new info, tanster. Awesome as usual.
Hey Jennie! I’m the one who posted the link on LiveJournal! Thanks again for sharing all of this with us, so that can all live vicariously through you! Good times.
Ray, I cannot agree more with you that they nailed it. And many thanks to Jennie for the detailed description. It must be hard for you to hold until the episode was aired.
Thank you, thank you Tanster, for indulging my inner geek! the whole process of an episode going from writing to the final shot fascinates me to no end.
Thank you for the insights, Jennie! I love this kind of stuff, especially when it is about my favorite show!
I love all the interesting insight!!!!! Thank you so VERY MUCH, Tanster.
I am so jealous! Thanks for sharing!
Question. Why did Meredith have ‘feminine products’ in her van? She had a hysterectomy…. lol.
I’m interested in what the writers were like. Any photos of Gene and Lee?
wow, thats some great insight, thanks for posting. I think my head would’ve exploded…and some blood would have gotten on pam just like if Ed trucks accident had occured next to stanley hahah..
I love your website! Oh and by the way I love the Office!!!!!