Meet Dunder Mifflin’s own tribute band:
Sweet Diss and the Comebacks.
Singer/songwriter Nate says the songs have “catchy melodies and soaring harmonies,” and may I also add, are oh-so-sing-along-able.
Please take a watch and listen:
- Download the songs Dunder and Dwightning and Pam Pong
- Watch the fan videos Dunder and Dwightning and Pam Pong
- Watch Nate perform Pam Pong
- Sweet Diss and the Comebacks at MySpace
Great stuff, Sweet Diss and seat18b!
Dunder and Dwightning, I like it.
It’s true. Their songs are unbelievably catchy! I can’t wait for their next CD to come out soon.
At first I wasn’t all that into the D/D song. but that ending was incredible! Way to go!
Adorable! I love it!
I couldn’t believe that these guys weren’t covered on OT already :) They’re pretty awesome; I mean, Jenna had “Pam Pong” on her myspace a little while ago!
Both those songs are so catchy! When I read the lyrics, I thought “How could this really be a catchy song?” but they did it!
I agree with the zoppity, the ending to D/D is amazing, I was bopping up and down in my cubicle!
Too awesome. Made my friday morning! Thanks.
I’ve listened to Pam Pong for months now… i’m glad tons of other people are catching on to its…catchiness. :)
I love that Pam Pong video montage. That is just perfect!
I’m so glad this Washington band is getting some attention! :-) The lead singer has the cutest hair. And I mean that in an un-squee-y way, I swear.
Just popping in to say that these guys are awesome!! And also… props to seat18b for the great work, too!
… where can I buy this album? :)
I so love all of Sweet Diss’s songs, and already ave both downloaded. They are AWESOME
Wow, I just clicked it because I wanted to hear something amusing, but they are actually very good. It says they have a new album coming out, and i’ll be buying it.
Those were great! I want more songs!
Ugh! Three weeks until the premiere is too long!!
Okay like I wasn’t loving Pam Pong enough…. I listened to Dunder and Dwightning today and was humming & caught singing the chorus all day today – especially the “Hello Dunder Mifflin this is Pam” part. hahaha. Great stuff – Keep em coming Sweet Diss…. may I recommend a song based on Kevin? hmmm
Will they be at the office convention?
Easily the most exciting thing in Ellensburg!
Sweet Diss is AMAZING. Pam Pong and Dunder and Dwightning are awesome, but everyone should check out all of their music. Sweet Diss and The Comebacks is by far, one of my favorite bands XD
Ok maybe I’m technologically retarded…but how do I download them? Because I click on the links and I can listen, but no download. :( So is that just me?
By the way, LOVE LOVE LOVE Sweet Diss and the Comebacks! I want them on my iPod and in my car….
Hey Spazzychipmunk, I was having trouble at first but then I got it. Instead of just clicking on the link, you need to right-click and select “Download linked file” or something like that. It’s working for me at least lol
THANK YOU SARAH!!!!! You just earned one Schrute buck from me.
Dude. I totally want the editing talent of seat18b. Her videos ROCK. Unbelievable. I’m still watching It’s Getting Hot In Here. Pam Pong gave me goose bumps. Incredible editing! You go girl!
Thank you so much for posting the links to download the songs on here. I’d been trying to download them on MySpace, but it wasn’t working, so this is AWESOME.
can’t seem to figure out how to put on my iTunes
tried right clicking.
i love these songs
How do you get the songs to download and get them on an ipod? Please somebody tell me.
How to download “Pam Pong”…
You have to open the song in Internet Explorer.
After it’s completely downloaded to listen to, click on Tools, Internet Options…
In the General tab, under Browsing History, click on Settings. Click View Files. Look for the file named “pampong” Right click, Copy, and paste it somewhere in your “My Documents/My Music” folder.
Hey Tallyheads! This is Nate from Sweet Diss and the Comebacks. Just wanted to let you all know we have a new Facebook page ( http://facebook.com/sweetdiss ), and a brand new album on iTunes called “Emerald City Love Song” ( http://bit.ly/eclsitunes ). Thanks for listening all these years!