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Writer: Brent Forrester, Director: David Rogers
Summary (NBC): As the office readies for the premiere of the documentary that night, Jim convinces Dwight, who is planning to propose to Esther (Nora Kirkpatrick), that he needs an Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager, and holds tryouts to find the best candidate. Angela brings her baby to work after her daycare turns her away. Meanwhile, Andy attends auditions for “The Next Great A Cappella Sensation.” Guest stars: Aaron Rodgers, Clay Aiken, Mark McGrath, Santigold, Jessica St. Clair, Scot Robinson. One-hour long, starting 9/8c.
The Office A.A.R.M. extras
- Photos
- Video clips
- The song on Jim’s video montage for Pam is Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol.
- Darryl’s dance song is Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind, & Fire.
The Office A.A.R.M. rating
In a poll conducted May 9-13, 2013, Tallyheads rated this episode: 9.42/10
See all The Office Season 9 ratings.
The Office A.A.R.M. quotes
Manually transcribed by tanster :)
Erin: The tea in Nepal is very hot.
Kevin: But the coffee in Peru is much hotter.
Dwight: It’s not the KGB, but it’s a start!
Dwight: I’d like to get harmful steam, but the prices are absurd!
Dwight: Break protocol! Break protocol!
Creed: I’m saving a fortune on dry cleaning!
Oscar: Ironic that now it’s Angela who’s living in the closet.
Oscar: Saddle shoes with denim. I will literally call child protective services.
Dwight: Don’t worry. They’ll get got.
Dwight: This is my grandmother’s ring. It was made from a bullet I took out of her left buttock. She was a moonshiner shot by Adolf Coors. This is my grandmother’s buttock bullet ring.
Andy: On this show, all three judges are mean.
Dwight: Together, we run a no-nonsense office.
Pam: I love Goofy Jim.
Jim: Your agenda-taking pleases him.
Angela: Apparently my station in life has descended to a depth even they won’t forgive.
Meredith: I’ve been on my best behavior for nine years. If it wasn’t for the cameras, I would have done some truly vulgar crap.
Oscar: When this thing started, I was still having sex with women. As was Kevin, I believe.
Creed: If my parents see this, I am toast.
Jim: I’m going to need you to look at your hierarchy mobile.
Jim: How would King Arthur choose the next knight of his Round Table?
Andy: I am nothing if not a total pitch bitch.
Andy: Pour some Sugar Ray on me!
Jim: Absolutely, we do.
Dwight: You’ll always have the upper hand when you have a good AARM. Trademark pending.
Jim: Sure, every participant will be getting a corn dog, but that’s for fueling only, no savoring.
Pete: What’s the opposite of a horse?
Andy: All you got to do is risk your life for this country and everyone goes gaga for you.
Andy: Is this a show about the resiliency of the human spirit, or is it a show about singing?
Andy: Wait til they get a good feel of me.
Erin: Are you kidding? You broke our hearts.
Dwight: Anyone who needs to speak to me, has got to go through me first.
Pam: I’m afraid I’m not enough for you.
Darryl: These dudes are definitely in a weird mood.
Meredith: Did we ever get loaded and listen to Zeppelin in my van?
Kevin: Tell Phillip that his stupid little baby wish came true.
Dwight: Smart baby. That’s the most flavorful bond.
Dwight: The way that boy looks at the Galactica is precisely the way I look at the Galactica! And he eats the same kind of paper I do.
Oscar: You don’t want to wake up the grumpy old walrus, do you?
Aaron Rodgers: Flag on the play.
Kevin: I’m giving you the silence treatment.
Kevin: What a chubbers.
Dwight: Genes so pure, you could lick them.
Jim: Not enough for me? You are everything.
Darryl: I’m gonna miss these guys.
Dwight: I will raise a hundred children with a hundred of your lovers if it means I can be with you!
Dwight: This expresses how loudly I love you!
Oscar: One thing we do know. Nothing will ever be the same.
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
Well, I guess we know what happens where RM of DM is concerned. Or do we? Does this mean Jim comes back to Scranton and DM for good, is now RM, gets Dwight to be his ARM and is now getting Dwight to hire an AARM? Or is Dwight named RM of DM and this is Jim being old Jim, prankster, good natured Jim? Hmmmmmm.
This sounds strange to me, but Jim is in Scranton so it can’t be too bad!
I’m really not crazy about all the guest stars. It’s a little overkill in my opinion.
Dwight better not marry Esther! >:(
Yeah, the summary is a little confusing. Is it Jim or Dwight that replaces Andy? I guess we’ll have to wait it out!
I actually applaud them for making it tough to tell who takes the job. No reason to spoil the story. ….. Though it does reveal that Andy is essentially gone within the next two episodes.
I’m guessing if Dwight previously had the best day of work ever, it means he’s Jim’s boss finally (although he was temporarily a couple years ago).
Aaron Rodgers? Aww yeah xD Go Pack Go!
I think Jim is the Regional Manager when Andy leaves, which means he returns to Scranton for good to be with his family. He then makes Dwight ARM and pranks him old school style!!
Poor Angela :(
But I’m a sucker for a cappella, so this should be a great episode! Also I’m kinda loving the title of this episode
It’s amazing how Angela can cheat on Andy with Dwight, or cheating on The Senator with Dwight, and in one episode can make viewers sympathise with her in an episode like this. AND still be consistently funny in nine seasons. Angela Martin is such an under-rated character.
The fact that Aaron Rodgers is in this episode leads me to believe that Jim is still at Athlead.
Aaron Rodgers could be a celebrity judge on A Capella Sensation, who knows??
@12 I hope so!
I get that Jim hasn’t been very thoughtful towards Pam concerning this Athlead business but… does that mean he should carry on in a job that he doesn’t like? From the very beginning Jim has always said he wanted to get out of DM. And again in the first episode this season you could see that Pam was happy living the boring DM life but Jim wasn’t. It feels like they’ve been building Jim up for this change. I can’t see the season ending with an unhappy Jim preparing to work at DM for the rest of his life. I think Pam will come around!
[from tanster: thanks!]
who’s new regional manager? david wallace & jim as manager is my prediction
“…Dwight, who is planning to propose to Esther…”
WHAT ?!?!
Still hoping she’s just a distraction in the complicated web of Dwangela, but there are so few episodes left for a resolution. Monkey better do something fast.
Let’s not forget that the producers/writers promised us that Jim’s giving up NYC for Pam will come into play at some point. I am guessing she’ll see flashback footage and realize how much he’s already given up for her and then she’ll move to Philly to make him happy.
There are many options for the new RM
1. Jim he comes back full time
2. Dwight finally achieves his goal
3. Andy stays instead of acting
4. Darryl is promoted
5. David Wallace becomes a Robert California
and monitors the office
6. No one
7. Jim and Dwight since Jim is part time
8. Michael Returns miracle
9. Downsizing finally
10. Pam is promoted from adminstrator to RM
I think it is a pretty safe bet that Dwight will be RM. He has his best day at work ever, which would be him getting promoted. We have just had an episode where people said he would never achieve his goal, which points strongly at it. He also is thinking about proposing to Esther, and what better time to propose then right after you get a huge promotion at work and get your black belt (although I sincerely hope he leaves her for angela, and gets married in the finale) ?
It’s Dwight.
I believe that a certain Scranton Times “review” mentioned that Dwight was “forever chasing a manager position he will never get.”
That foreshadowing alone makes me believe that Dwight will end up much like Gareth did.
@21 if the documentary has an air date, why they are still filming still confuses me. The mention of always chasing and never getting was aired before this happened.
can someone clarify…PLEASE? this episode (A.A.R.M.) is when everyone watches the promos/documentary, right? then, the FINALE is set several months after the “documentary” and shows us how it affected the characters (and their lives) and what they’re doing “now”, right?
Omg just realised David Rogers is directing! He directed episodes like Employee Transfer (S05E06) & Ultimatum (S07E13) Got a good feeling about this one! If it is anything like last week it will definitely be emotional and funny.
@18 mary: IIRC, it’s actually that PAM giving up NYC for JIM will come back at some point. I think that means that either Pam reminds Jim of that to try to convince him to stay in Scranton, OR Jim sees that again in the documentary and is inspired to stay in Scranton. Either way, Jim ends up back in Scranton, unless (coming straight out of left field here) Athlead decides to move to New York and Pam agrees to move there so she can finally finish Art School.
Oh!!! A.A.R.M… Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager!!!
That’s Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager.
No spoilers, but the first 10 minutes were really good. They were aired at the Wrap Party over the weekend.
#28 – did they air just 10 minutes? Or did they air more and only the first 10 minutes were good?
Predictions: Pam will see where Jim turned down a job opportunity to be VP of dunder mifflin and realize she has been selfish and decides to jump aboard the USS dream job
@25: I think #18 meant Jim gave up NYC at the end of season 3 to be with her.
Is there anyway you can post the promo? I haven’t been able to see it yet. Thanks and much appreciated.
Looks like Rodgers is a judge! :D
#29- they just previewed the first 10 minutes.
I’m sorry, but after watching the Pam Talking Head from the Jimmy Fallon clip–wow, I really REALLY can’t stand how Pam is treating Jim. Grow up Pam.
I’m thinking, the reason Jim wants an assistant to the assistant to the Regional Manager is because he is going to be traveling to Cali for 3 months for Athlead? !
@ #25 (remember to call) – #31 is correct, i was referring to Jim giving up the position in NYC at the end of season 3 for a chance to be with Pam in scranton. there have been several notes from greg daniels about how that will be recalled again.
i think jim wants to do the aarm thing to prank dwight
That means YE, Plop!
Wow! This episode is on FIRE so far :D.
Is that Jen Celotta with Andy?
That was beautiful.
Dreams do come true…teapot letter, the end of The Office now feels real. It is now seriously hitting me. This episode couldn’t have been done any better. It was so amazing, completely in tears right now.
I cried so much during this episode. Then, at the end, they showed the finale for next week, and I haven’t been able to stop crying, yet. I’m not sure I’m going to understand one word they’re saying next week through all my crying.
Oh wow, just wow! I am sitting here with my four year old remembering going through my infertility and this was the only show that made me forget my struggles. So sad it is ending but love how it is going out! Thank you Tanster for this site and all the work yove put in, it has been an awesome ride! …tears
Didn’t Dwight have a paternity test last season?
Bloody brilliant.
There needs to be an 11 rating. So much awesome.
This is the best episode of the office since Michael left. easily!
Wow. Amazing. Now I have to go console my husband who has gotten emotional. Next week is going to be insane.
So good!! One of my favorites. I was bawling!
No words….wow. Finale has some REALLY big shoes to fill.
On a more objective note, I felt like Andy’s plot was a weak spot, although I did love the fact that they showed him failing instead of heroically wowing the judges. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride
But wow. All the actors were firing on all cylinders here. Just amazing.
woohoo!! another awesome episode!!!! What a perfect Dwangela Payoff, And the Darryl dance was fantastic, especially Creed, and hooray Pam Finally read the tea pot note. And Jim Dwight Interaction was solid.
Awesome episode….can’t wait for the Dwangela wedding next week!!
The Andy stuff was like a 3, the rest of the episode, a 10.
Didn’t John Krasinski say that he actually wrote a card for Christmas Party and no one else knew what it said? Or am I making that up? Did they use the original card?!
ALSO: BEESLEY?! Did I imagine that they spelled that wrong?
42/JMJE, I also immediately thought that was Jen Celotta! But the makeup made it hard to tell for sure, and the voice didn’t seem right?
I’ve been crossing my fingers for her to be a Schrute in the Dwangela wedding we all knew was going to close the series. :)
Oh, we’re dolts — it says it in the post. Jessica St. Clair was the singer in line with Andy. So there’s still hope for a Schrutelotta.
Everything about this episode was pure gold! Dwight and Angela engaged. The top notch dance with Darryl at the end, and finally, FINALLY Pam gets her Christmas card! I scared my dog out of the room cheering for that. That whole montage with Jim talking to Dwight was really good. I thought I was done getting misty after last week, but nope. Not a chance. I also love how in the last thirty seconds we hear the first thirty seconds of the first show. What a great way for this show to come full circle.
Note to self: buy tissues for next week.
Only one thing I want to know: what did Jim’s card to Pam say??? Gah!!!
Wow is all I can say.. It hasn’t seemed like this is it this season. Tonight was when it sank in. I had tears in my eyes between the Jim/Pam montage, Office dancing, Dwight/Angela, and hearing Michael’s voice at the end while the staff watched. BRILLIANT! I don’t know how I am going to get through next week’s episode.. I’m not ready for this… :( But I am soooo excited to see happy closure for all of these characters.
Jim’s advice to Dwight about love was spot on.
I don’t think we’ll never know what the card actually said. Some things are left a mystery, much like the letter Michael ‘stole’ off of Holly’s computer (that Pam read). We’ll never know what it said either.
Also, @57, I’m pretty sure that was the original card. At the ‘office wrap party’ they showed us a video tour of their prop warehouse, and some of the props were so small that it was almost surprising that they kept them after all these years. I wouldn’t be surprised if the card for Pam was kept too.
So much awesomeness in one hour! I am so happy with the way they are wrapping things up. I have spent the last half hour crying.
I have to admit, I waited breathlessly on the edge of my seat as they panned the camera around Poor Richards hoping for a surprise Michael sighting. I know, I know, we’re not supposed to have any Michael, but we’re all hoping, right?
Next week is going to be brutal.
Who is the girl Andy’s talking to in line at the acapella competition? She looks so familiar to me but I can’t place her…
The Dwangela proposal/Darryl dance/Angela and Oscar moments were all perfect. The JAM DVD felt a little cheesy to me, but Pam finally receiving the teapot note was a nice bit of closure and I was actually relieved when she didn’t read it out loud.
It’s hard to believe that this isn’t actually the finale and that there’s more after this…I can only imagine what’s in store next week.
This has been the best episode in a long time. Everything was perfect. As soon as I saw the teapot I knew they had to bring back the card. They are really tying everything together. Does anyone know what song was playing during the montage? My fiance and I are getting married in a month and we are being introduced to the Office theme song. Would love to have that song for the cake cutting.
I have invested myself in these characters all these years. I have the same feeling now as when M*A*S*H ended. Bittersweet…but I will be watching my DVDs for years to come. Thank you to the actors, writers, and producers.
My eyeballs are not thanking me for watching! What a fantastic episode. As soon as Jim sat Pam down with the computer I got the tissue box! That was the most touching scene at an emotional time. Dwight & Angela were perfect! I am heartbroken for the end but I am so excited to see it all unfold next week. And to see footage from the Wrap Party!
I laughed, I cried (alot). ‘Nuff said. I’m going to miss these people so much. Thanks to the cast and crew for this amazing show.
Next week at 10:15pm is gonna suck.
Oh My God!! To the cast and the directors… You are NAILING it! And leaving Andy open for some kind of respectful closure seems another ‘wake up call’ is coming. Get ‘The Office finale ‘get togethers’ going! Next week is going to be a memory we’ll never forget… Thank you Steve..
amazzzzzzzzing episode! funny and sweet! laughed like crazy and cried at the same time!
For whatever this is worth…I bet the series finale will show that JAM finally left Scranton to pursue Jim’s Dream Job…Pam will relent in the end…JUST A GUESS…AND perhaps “THE OFFICE” is setting us fans up for a “reunion” show and/or movie in the future sometime (not putting any dates for that)…
I am SO confused – didn’t they do a paternity test on Philip last season, and it said Dwight was not the father? Angela didn’t tell him, the doctor did.
Did I miss something?
Other than that – what a FANTASTIC episode!
Another great episode! The dance scene was perfect! The Dwight and Angela reunion made me cry, and these last few episodes have been the first time I’ve really cared about Jam since their wedding. Even though he is one of my favorite characters, Andy’s arc this season has been poorly constructed. I loved Jessica St Clair’s character! She provided much needed comic relief in an otherwise depressing storyline. Can’t wait for next week!
I didn’t realize how sad I was about this ending until the JAM montage. My husband has been laughing at me since it ended b/c I keep crying.
I really hope Jim still gets to go on his trip and have his dream job. I think the Darryl dance thing was kind of out of left field but I was wondering if that is something that he was known for on the set?
I think this may have been the best episode since Season 3.
Sweet episode– loved the Angela/Oscar/Dwight stuff! One thing that REALLY bugged me though was that Jim’s DVD was made in a day. So the doc crew had to put together years of footage for him in like, a few hours. But anyway. I’m going to be a sobbing mess next week. :'( Hold me.
@#47 SWWT
I think at the time of the paternity test some people speculated that the diaper Dwight stole wasn’t Phillip Lipton’s but was really Phillip Halpert’s. It happened on Free Family Portrait Day and both Phillips were in the office.
@#66 Matt
The song was “Open Your Eyes” by Snow Patrol.
@79 halfbaked-thanks so much! I think that they said that Dwight wasn’t the father at the end of the last season because they were trying to do The Farm and I highly doubt Angela would have been in that show. Remember if that show got picked up, Dwight would have left half way during this season. Now that they aren’t going through with The Farm, it makes sense to get them back together.
I have loved this show from the start. I even remember watching the first episode, not being able to tell if it was for real or not. It has meant so much to me these past 9 years, it hurts my heart to see it end.
This episode was amazing from start to finish! I hoped so hard that Michael would be at the end table at Poor Richard’s. I know Michael would not miss Dwight’s wedding. I know there are others out there holding on to this last strand of hope with me that he will be there in some way, shape or form!
People are forgetting, Angela TOLD HIM it wasn’t his in that episode. Dwight never saw the results himself.
I thought that the nurse told Dwight and Angela in the waiting room. He threw up his sports drink (?) all over her…it was very blue…
Anybody else think there were references to Office Olympics, Cafe Disco and a similarity between Jim proposing at a gas station and Dwight proposing on the side of the road? Or am I reading too much into it? One of the best episodes ever! Stocking up on Kleenex for next week.
Of course I loved this episode – such a reminder of why the show is the best comedy of all time. I was weeping from the time Pam hit play right onto the end. Not sure how I am going to make it through the finale next week.
Oh, forgot to add that while I loved this episode, the only thing that spoiled it was the appearance of Aaron Rodgers. LoL – and yes, I am a diehard Chicago Bears fan.
I thought the beginning was a little slow, but the last 15 minutes were a huge payoff. So happy to see the letter in the teapot! Happy Dwight’s story ended this way. Couldn’t imagine what this all would have been like had The Farm been picked up.
I don’t even know what to say after such an AMAZING episode! So, I will just say this: I. LOVE. THIS. SHOW. I can’t believe that in one week it will all be over. I remember when I first started watching it back in season 4. The Office is truly one of the best shows ever made and it will always have a special place in my heart. :)
Jim’s love advice to Dwight was beautiful — so perfect. The writers did a great job.
If I’m crying this hard now….next week is just gonna be RIDICULOUS…
@78 But consider that this was the night the documentary was to start airing, too. Meaning that they probably only had to edit down footage from nine episodes’ worth of the documentary itself in a few hours. Not quite as implausible!
I remember posting about an idea that Jim would ask the Doc crew to help prove a point to Pam. Doubt they saw that idea but it’s awesome/funny to see it actually happen. Loved it…completely. Good job! To the cast and crew!
Loved the episode, although it seems I’m in the minority because I loved ‘Livin’ the Dream’ a little more. I’m so glad that they brought back the letter from the teapot, but I’m hoping we don’t find out what was in it. I think no matter what it said, there will be people criticizing and I’d rather Pam and Jim keep it between them. I was bawling through the montage, and while I understand the “How did the crew do it so fast?”, I’d like to think they’d been working on it for the actual documentary and had it prepped.
Can’t wait for next week.
I want a copy of the portrait of Dwight that hung in the conference room.
Jim will be the best man. Calling it.
Like everyone else, I’m really gonnna miss The Office. The JAM montage at the end reminded me about why I fell in love with the show in the first place. I never thought a TV show could mean so much to me. I wish I could personal thank everyone on the show. I’m already sad just thinking about the finale.
BEAUTIFUL. I’ll admit I thought about giving up on TO several times during the past seasons, but I admire and thank the writers and producers so much for the enormous payoff they’re giving the fans. And I love the commitment the actors have to the show. Thank you!!
Was it just me, or when Andy walked into Poor Richard’s did it remind anyone of when he was the bartender in Threat Level Midnight?
Can I just say how much I love the fact that Snow Patrol was used for the JAM montage? That band and the entire “Eyes Open” album were such a big part of the JAM fandom back in season 2. It really took me back! :) It felt like a nod to the JAM fans from back in the day, even if it probably wasn’t intention by the writers. Still lovely and so incredibly perfect!
@84, I totally agree! I caught that too! And Oscar’s dance moves reminded me of his dance down the aisle at Jim and Pam’s wedding. The set up with Dwight and Jim at the end was shot so closely to how Michael and Jim’s farewell was done as well. So neat to see how the creators/writers/etc bring back such subtle things from the past.
I’m also in love with the outdoors scene with John and Jenna. What an awesome job they’ve done all year (along with the rest of the cast of course). So anxious to see the retrospective/finale…it’s going to HURT. A lot.
@57 perhaps the “Beesley” was another one of the many callbacks in this ep: Lecture Circuit with the “Kelley” on the b’day cake. The Andy storyline prevents me from giving A.A.R.M. a 10. Oh, one more thing: John deserves an Emmy nod.
@ 82. Daniel Gasparini
In this season’s opener, “New Guys”, a nurse tells both Dwight and Angela that Phillip isn’t his son.
I really can’t stand Plop. The character only exists to get between Erin and Andy. I also hate that the writers went out of their way to make Andy into a total douchebag this season. The Nard Dog used to be a likeable character.
Terrific episode, people!!!!! I loved the heartfelt moments between Pam, Jim, Dwight and Angela. And I enjoyed the scenes with Andy trying to audition. But the final scene was amazing with all the office dudes (and Andy, who comes along) gathering together at Poor Richard’s to watch the documentary. I can’t wait to see the end of the show. An awesome ending for a good comedy show.
@ 101. beeslyrules
Do you not remember what happened last season between Andy/Robert/Nellie? He got so angry that he punched a hole in the wall again, making him the same anger management corporate hungry Andy again. It made sense for them to change Andy’s persona again.
Unbelievable episode, the callbacks, memories relived, and the full circle ending with the opening scene from the pilot was good…..too good. It’s just now setting in that next week is it. This show is simply the greatest and I can’t thank everyone involved enough.
My top moment of the episode was seeing Dwangela holding hands. They have come so far, and that simple little public display of affection meant so much. This was definitely one of the top episodes of this season, actually the last three seasons. Besides everything else that has already been mentioned here, Darryl’s final talking head was perfection.
@ 93: Daniel. I am hoping for Jim to be the best man as well! It would be pretty perfect. This episode hit so hard. I can’t wait to re-watch it tomorrow.
AMAZING episode! I cried from the break room scene until the end. It will be extremely hard to see it end next week. I’m going to miss the Office so much. WONDERFUL job cast and crew!!!!
Another wonderful, wonderful episode. The scene between Jim and Dwight was unbelievably tender.I am going to be a blubbering wreck in a week’s time. I am in denial about the end, it has to be said.
Andy is getting the David Brent ending, it would seem. Brent met his perfect woman in the penultimate episode of the UK Office. Just saying.
Well, next week is gonna hurt like a mother[bleep].
One comment because in the first 106 posted, no one made a comment on how awesome that toddler did. Love the calming down for Dwight, the beet pick, and the high five!!
Jim kept the note from the Season 2 Christmas episode. Angela got proposed to because he loves her and Dwight knows for sure he’s a father. And Oscar vogued with Darryl. This episode gets a 1000000 rating.
All I can say is WOW! Best episode ever! JAM forever! Dwangela forever!
My favorite thing about tonight’s episode was the way Dwight came to Jim and needed advice about Angela. It was great seeing them come together like best friends and Jim bringing out the feelings Dwight had inside him all along. I’m glad after everything that has happened, this is the direction their relationship has gone.
Loved it! JAM and Dwangela forever!
When the heck do we find out who the Scranton Strangler is? I’m dying over here!!!
I stood about 2 feet from my TV for the last 10mins of the show, like I used to do back in seasons 3-4. I just didn’t want to miss a single thing. I was left satisfied and smiling. TWSS. I am glad they are ending this the right way.
Have read this site since season 3 (was in college) and never posted. I’m 28 now and can’t believe this has come to an end. This show has helped get me through tough times. Fiance and I are going through an extreme rough patch now and the love Jim and Pam show gives a nice and somewhat appropriate light at the end of the tunnel view. Thank you Jenny (tanster) for all that you’ve done, I honestly appreciate it.
Does anyone else not wanna desperately know what that card said?
All I can say is: dat card.
I LOVED this episode! Truly one of the best of the series. But I have to be honest — I could not believe that they misspelled BEESLY on Jim’s tape. C’mon guys!
theoffive – yes, you’re not the only one who noticed…
Hopefully they will fix it for the DVD.
But <3 <3 <3 the episode :-)
[from tanster: totally!]
@82, @100
I figured Dwight probably got a hold of the wrong diaper. Could have been one of Jim’s kids DNA, which is why it didn’t match up to Dwight’s.
Unrelated, but Tanster I just watched the Company Picnic episode and spotted your cameo! You looked great as a worried employee because of the branch being shut down lol!
[ from tanster: thanks! that was a super fun time. :) ]
@110. Couldn’t say it better myself. It hurts that this awesome show is ending next week. So many memories of laughing until my head hurt and talking about the episode the next day with fellow office fans. Sad sad sad
I haven’t cried on a sitcom…ever!!..and I think I cried more on the Dwangela proposal than Jim and Pam’s despite that I am a huge, huge JAM fan! lol!!
Office Olympics call-back! Yes!
I love JAM;). I, like everyone else, would love to know what was in the card, but I’m ok with not knowing. I’m so happy about Dwangela. Also, I’ve enjoyed watching the evolution of Oscar and Angela’s relationship.
I like the metaphor of Kevin being the jealous little kid to Oscar and Angela as parents. I would watch that show. Brian is an incredible actor!
Dwight’s awkwardly hilarious half-kneel reminded me of his cowboy impression in “Dwight K. Schrute, Acting Manager.” Callback?
I’ve been on record as not really enjoying the Dwight/Angela relationship, but I have to say that this was actually used and played out pretty interestingly in this episode. I was tearing up with the retrospective video. Jim’s voice-over about love talking about both his experience and his advice to Dwight was priceless.
I know we all love all the romantic pairings on the show, but I have to say that my favorite pairing on the show is actually Jim & Dwight. Their complicated friendship, the ongoing pranks, their oddly placed heart-to-hearts, and of course their chemistry is probably what makes this show priceless.
This episode was AWESOME! Only the Andy story line annoyed me, but I was never a fan of Andy anyway. I almost cried when Jim took out the tea pot note!
Why does Ryan have a baby in the promo at the end of the episode?
Love that they are bringing the stripper back from Bob Vance’s bachelor party, lol. Make her answer phones, lol
This one didn’t quite get there for me – the montage sequence felt stale and a little forced emotionally, the Dwight proposal was about as silly as I was expecting from those two and felt kind of flat, the dance-off was no Cafe Disco, and there was yet more whining from Andy. But somehow I still enjoyed it.
I’m looking forward to the final episode. On one hand I’ve had way more than enough of random personality changes, jerk Andy, Dwight-Angela shenanigans, Brian tangents, Dwightbaby, and Nellie. On the other I have to say that this season has had a pretty decent second half helped by steady writing, amusing if not great episodes, and the first interesting Jim and Pam story in far too long.
Hoping they can match Goodbye Michael!
Did anyone else notice that the “Christmas card” said Happy Birthday on it? Seems like a careless mistake unless I’m forgetting something about the Christmas episode.
long time lurker here, I can’t believe no one has mentioned Creed’s one line in the beginning that had me rolling “This thing is airing tonight? If my parents see this, I’m toast” LOL
Most everything has already been covered, so I’ll just add that it was pretty cool to see several shots from The Wrap Party in Scranton weaved into the preview for next week’s retrospective.
Oh man, when the promos for next week came on it really hit that next week is the last episode. Waterworks. What an amazing episode, loved everything but especially loved Darryl’s exit.
What a show! It felt as if the cast and crew were honoring the loyal fans by giving us exactly what we wanted/needed to wrap up our beloved characters’ lives. My heart is full now that Dwangela is back together! Loved the callbacks to when Dwight was A.R.M. with the camera pulling back to reveal Jim standing beside Dwight. Jim repeating Dwight’s words was such a great callback to the conference room scene in “Performance Review.”
I know it’s been said a million times in the past 24 hours, but I just have to…..We need to know what was in that card!!!
That I can now quote Aaron Rodgers on The Office makes me happier than a Schrute on a beet farm!
The JAM stuff made me weepy, but it was the tears in Rainn’s eyes during the conversation about love with Jim that really started the waterworks for me. Darryl’s “I’m gonna miss these guys” and hearing the first words from the pilot then turned me into an absolute wreck. God, I’m gonna miss this show.
Almost perfect episode! Loved the JAM stuff but I do hope Jim gets everything in the end like Dwight (the girl AND the dream job). It’s Pam’s turn to make a grand gesture to Jim. I hope she is now secure enough in their relationship she will agree to move so Jim can pursue his job at Athlead. On a sidenote, I am hoping that Michael pops up via Skype as Dwight’s best man. I can see Jim holding a laptop so Michael can “be there” because he can’t leave Holly who’s about to have their baby. My wish for the end.
It’s hard to believe we just have one last episode left. And as sad as that is, I’m grateful we’re getting this goodbye because it has been a wonderful ride.
This episode hit all the right notes and more. I see I’m not the only one who felt so. :)
I absolutely loved this episode. Jim giving Pam the card from xmas Season 2…AMAZING! I had to hold back the tears.
And I’m happy Dwangela has reunited. I love them together. As my boyfriend said, Dwight’s having the best week ever! :)
Oh and Hellooooo Aaron Rodgers… yum!
What a wonderful episode for Office fans. So many great memories revisited and character development. Thank you Greg Daniels for coming back to finish this series right. Maybe it was meant to be that Steve left early on his terms. It gave JAM and DWANGELA a chance to really shine. Jennie, I too am a long time viewer, first time commenting. Thanks for all your work on this website. Hope you’ll consider continueing posting for a while about the goings on of the cast as they move forward.
Bittersweet. I am glad the show is ending on a strong note. I wish more of it had been this good over the last few years.
This episode was great for one single thing. It shone a light on the one consistent arc that started all the way back in season 1: Jim and Pam’s love for one another. All couples make sacrifices. But ultimately they choose what will truly make them happy. Each other.
You know, this would have been an excellent series finale. I can’t wait to see how the actual finale tops this! It can act as the gravy, in my mind. A bonus. I thought the same thing about the penultimate and final episodes of 30 Rock, and it turned to be excellent!
Hey, there’s Rachel Crow from “The X Factor” on the show! (She’s the one performing in front of the judges before Andy bursts through.)
Also – #97, Laurie – John tweeted that Snow Patrol was indeed used on purpose for that reason! :)
@129 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I kept watching the comments to see if anyone else said anything, I thought maybe I saw something wrong. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. AND he was standing right next to Kelly. Hmmm…
Just when I thought the Jim-Pam scene couldn’t get any better, it did, thanks to Jim’s card. And something occurred to me: People have wondered how Jim could be content, whether working for a paper company isn’t a meaningless job. But the perfect expression of how Jim felt about Pam came in a card. As Michael said about Pam’s painting in season 3, “It is a source of beauty. And without paper it could not have happened.” (I’ll skip the part about the camera.)
I know they had the hiccup with planning for Dwight’s departure for “The Farm” but I really wished that they could have had more Dwight as RM episodes. This one was classic Office! I like how this ep was the “finale” with next week being the “special” mirroring the original British version.
A JAM fan from the beginning and was weepy over last evening’s episode but feeling a bit exasperated at Pam who I am starting to think was never my favorite as much as Jim. Pam’s insecurity is hard to continue to watch especially because it always impacts Jim’s life and dreams, because there are collective dreams a couple has together and individual dreams that partners have to respect and affirm in each other- that is the love that sustains over the years when romance settles into a deeper bond and people begin to think about the professional roads not taken because…
@131, I’m pretty sure it said, ‘Happy Holidays.’
[from tanster: yes!]
The card was a really unexpected resolve. Great work writers! Kudos for most of this episode. The B story focusing on Andy was not a good move. Most people stopped caring about that character 18 months ago. C story would have sufficed for him. Looking down the barrel at the finale I will be livid if Angela doesn’t finish the show out with all her cats being brought back from the shelter. Otherwise whatever comes I’m happy to see. It’s time to end this.
My new fave Dwight quote: “I will raise a hundred children with a hundred of your lovers….!”.
Bumps “Quiet You!” and “Fa la la la la la la KA CHING!!”
Also, was amazing to see Angela Kinsey’s warmth come through when “Angela” played with “Phillip”.
Incredible last night. I loved every second of it. After next week, Thursday’s will never, ever be the same. So perfect. I loved the resolve with JAM and the card – so cool! The video of their big moments, awesome! Love Dwangela – that was great. Everyone was terrific and so memorable. The dance? Classic!
Simply perfect! I love everything it chose to be.
Do we know who is playing Phillip? Is it Angela’s actual child? Or a child of another cast/crew member?
This episode had me in tears. I just love these characters so much and knowing that they’ll be gone after next Thursday is a bit overwhelming for me. The Christmas card revisit gave me goosebumps! So good! I wish Pam could have read it out loud! That last dance with Darryl gave me vibes of Cafe Disco. And Dwight and Angela, need I say more? Perfect, just a perfect episode.
Loved the episode. Hope next week shows Pam let Jim pursue Athlead/has agreed to move to Philly. I’d hate the last time we see her to be on a cowardly insecure note.
Jim leaning behind Dwight like Dwight did for Michael. Battlestar Galactica. Absolutely we do. Phyllis & Kevin: the only ones to volunteer for the Obstacle Course, just like Flonkerton. Angela putting Phillip in the same drawer that Bandit was in. Dwight’s siren. Obviously the beginning of the documentary and obviously Jim and Pam’s video, including the card. Just call-backs I picked up on.
Adding my love here. The card. Oh my god, the card. So perfect.
I’m really surprised to see not one mention of the bonus scene finally explaining the golf pencil. Had to be new footage, right? Cos Jim specifically stated it would take too long to explain (“So I won’t.”) so I doubt they filmed it then. Once the teapot was shown I *knew* he’d pull the card out of his back pocket (like it’d been there all along…awwwwww) but it was this little piece for the true DIEHARDS that really made me happy.
Oh man, was I crying during the video and then the reveal of the card!
I’m going to miss this show so much!
I gave up on this show in late season 6, the end of season 7, a few minutes into season 8 and yet persevered in the hope of a season like this one. I’ve loved every episode, and this is the best of them all – the office has became my favourite show all over again, I look forward to every Thursday. I shed a tear when Jim walked in on Pam’s interview, and at last again here – amazing stuff!
I’m a 24 year old man. I cried.
Last night’s episode was epic. There were so many callbacks. Just the fact that Jim finally gave Pam his Christmas letter made up for all the bullsh*t they’ve given us this season. Dwight & Angela stuff was worth the wait. I’m glad they’ve gone back to what made this show great in the first place: Jim, Pam, and Dwight. Andy’s stuff was eh, but whatever.
Best part: Nellie had 0 lines.
Better part: The start of the “documentary” was first scene of the first Office episode. It was like this episode was written by someone who actually had some knowledge of seasons 1-3! Crazy!
Oh, I’m gonna miss these guys too, Darryl…
It was perfect. In every single way.
Does anyone feel like the writers kind of blundered in keeping the whole Andy plot line in for A.A.R.M.? His goodbye with the song a few episodes ago was so amazing and almost made his unlikeable qualities this season to be totally worth it… then they bring us down again with his absurd contest audition. Probably the only real time I thought the writers screwed the pooch. Still one of my favorite episodes…
Anyone know the song the played during the credits?!
What a great episode. This is shaping up to be one fantastic send-off. :D
@166 It’s called I Lived by OneRepublic. Perfect song for the finale.
Drat, I didn’t like this episode overall as much as last week’s. However, I absolutely loved both of the Dwight storylines. Jim’s playacting was hilarious and Angela is so fun to watch.
Most of the other stuff seemed a little corny to me. Haha, or maybe it’s like the show is breaking up with me and I am in denial and can’t enjoy the sentimental moments! I will say that I have seen plenty of better JAM fan vids on YouTube.
Who writes the lines for Pam and Jim?
Loved the way Dwight proposed by pulling Angela over on the road then shouting at her through a megaphone. Not exactly romantic, but in a Dwangela way it was.
Jim’s video is also a tribute to a popular fan video (The Story of Jim and Pam) that was made several years ago. Some of the same scenes, and the same music (Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol). What an incredible way to recognize the audience. On so many levels, they telegraphed to us that “this scene is for our loyal fans.”
The Dwight/Jim and Jim/Pam scene combo was the stuff of legend. I cried even harder than last week.
I’m guessing Pam will let Jim move to Athlead. Every time I’ve doubted how these storylines would wrap up, the writers have made me realize I’m just being silly.
But the part of the night that made me smile the widest was Jim leaning on the cabinet behind Dwight’s desk. When I saw that, I had a mini-flashback of all the times Dwight was there for Jim… and there I go again. Excuse me while I wipe these tears.
I feel like this episode will be the “finale” for all intents and purposes. It wrapped up the Jim/Pam thing in the way everyone wanted, and ended with the Doc going on the air.
No matter how great it is, taking place 6 months later, I feel like next week’s episode will feel like sort of a mini-movie, with last real “The Office” episode being this one.
As soon as I saw that Christmas episode scene start I had a strong feeling it was heading to Jim giving Pam the note. My heart was racing.
Fantastic episode. Tried to savour every moment as I watched.
I don’t want the show to end to the point where I feel I’m in the bargaining stage of grief ha!
I thought the entire Andy arc was awful. As for the rest…brilliant. My money’s on Mose for best man. I can’t even imagine how bizarre a Schrute wedding is going to be. Will they wed in their caskets?
Did anyone notice the strange look Andy gave the camera toward the end of the episode? He knows something we don’t know!
The callbacks! I loved the callbacks for the die-hard fans. Means a lot. I just…don’t have any words for how spot-on and classic Office this felt. And of course, I cried like a baby when Pam watched the clip compilation. Also I definitely thought of fanvids as well! And Dwangela. Pete: “what’s the opposite of a horse?” hahaha
[from tanster: thanks, it’s awesome!]
What I like to believe was in the letter:
John Krasinski actually wrote a special note to Jenna
…is that too far off?
I like to think this is true because of how sincere Pam’s “thank you” was at the end of that scene.
@Kelskels: At what point?
This episode: 10/10 for me, absolutely.
It was emotional and sad while still being satisfying and very funny. Some emotional episodes in the past were too serious in comparison to the jokes.
Also Andy’s character has been a total rollercoaster for me. Mid-season I wanted to break his neck with his bullying of Catherine Tate, now I feel so sad for him during the audition. The actors on the judging panel really looked like assholes! Especially that d!ck on the right.
BTW, I’d prefer to never find out what was in Jim’s card. The way I see it, they want us to fill in the blanks ourselves with the way we feel about the relationship after following it for 9 years.
I think that makes it more personal and beautiful, than finding out it says something generic like “you’re the one for me, I’ve been waiting for years, blabla”. Pretty much everything’s been said already, which is why I thought the silent hug Jim gave Pam outside at the cab 2 episodes ago was so touching.
Really glad my all time favorite show is ending on such a high note! It is pretty touching to see what I believe are the actors’ real feelings come through with the goodbyes and emotional moments like with Jim/Pam and Dwight/Angela.
I wonder if Pam was actually watching the video during that scene. Her reaction is so real.
BTW, if anyone missed Jenna on Jimmy Fallon this week, it is a must watch. Great interview (as always) but she literally got choked up watching the clip in the conf room where she says she likes Goofy Jim. So touching!
@181 Jam4Ever
On the season two DVD, the Christmas Party episode had an audio commentary. On it, someone asks Jenna what the card said and she said that she doesn’t know but John wrote whatever was in there.
So you have your answer! =)
“He welcomes you!”
My only hope for the finale is that it isn’t overly and overtly “Shrute-ized” into utter absurdity. I hope it maintains a sentimental, lovely feel with tons of COMEDY GOLD that doesn’t feel forced, like with A.A.R.M.
This episode was definitely a 10/10! Such a sweet, wonderful, warm, fantastic episode. I lauged at the A.A.R.M prank, I cried when Pam saw the video, I screamed (out loud) when Jim handed her the christmas letter (FINALLY!), I laughed and cried at the same time when Dwight finally proposed to Angela. This episode was perfect. I can’t believe the show has come to an end.
LOVED this episode! D
I have rewatched the final 12 minutes of the episode (starting with the Pam/Jim video) several times now. This has got to be the best 12 minutes of television I have seen in a long time.
LOVED this episode! Love Jim sitting behind Dwight in true AtotheRM fashion, and I think I may have died a little when Jim gave Pam the Christmas card! Also, Creed’s parents? Only explanation is that they’re dead and he forgot, or he’s referring to that kindly Chinese couple who do his dry cleaning!
OH…..MY…..LORD!!! WOW!!!! perfect!
by the way @181 – i agree 100%
As soon as the video lingered on Christmas I knew the card would be in play, and we screamed like a bunch of fangirls when he did give her the card. The I’m not enough for you scene was sad, very S1 Pam I thought. And let’s get Rainn Wilson a LEAD actor Emmy nom!!
Question. When did Angela find out Dwight was the father?? If it was negative in the S9 premiere, when did she retest Phillip? After moving in with Oscar?? My one nitpick from the episode.
Did anyone else notice the Pennsylvania inspection and emissions stickers on Esther’s car window, with expiration dates May 2013? (I’m a native Pennsylvanian, so I noticed that)
#1 Great attention to detail!
#2 So sad that they put expiration May 2013 :-(
Now that I’ve had a couple of days to reflect (and rewatch!), it was a classic episode.
I am now realizing that Andy was always the one that was ending up like David on the U.K. version. His delusions of stardom are disintegrating before him.
I can’t say I felt any sympathy for him!
On a high note I am ecstatic for JAM & Dwangela!
My favorite scene in this episode was Dwight and Philip’s father/son moments in the manager’s office. His office. His son – and he knew, Dwight absolutely knew. Dwight sees himself in this child, and this boy who was abandoned by one man (the Senator) will be fully owned and absolutely cherished by his real dad. The audience can really see the future that these two will have together. Wow, just wow.
I showed the Dwight/Jim/Pam scene combination to my mother, who thinks The Office is stupid and the closest she’s ever gotten to watching TV is Danish crime dramas, and she cried (with me).
And that, to me, says everything that needs to be said about the beauty of that scene and this episode and this show.
I know I’m late to comment on this one but man. I gave it a 10. It had all the elements of a classic episode – ridiculous/absurd moments, cringe moments, sweet to the point of tears moments. I was bracing going into it knowing it’s where the actual narrative of the “doc” ends and so in a sense it’s a finale episode. It did not disappoint. I am going to be so sad on Friday when there will no longer be new episodes to look forward to.
I don’t know if this was addressed somewhere already, but the season premiere had the doctor say the DNA test for the baby was negative. The question is how was it faked? Did Angela tamper with the DNA or did she pay the doctor off in secret to say negative?
@198 Pam & Jim’s baby was also there that day, it could have been his diaper that Dwight took.
I’m a dad!
I’m so happy to see Jim and Pam back to normal again, even if their reconciliation (just like their decline) seemed a bit abrupt. They are truly the best couple ever! I did think Jim’s flashback video was a bit of a letdown though — perhaps I’ve come to expect a little too much from these writers. But I loved that Prince William (Nico Evers-Swindell) showed up as a singing U.S. soldier!
Wow, you guys really loved this episode. This is the all-time highest rated episode on OfficeTally, so according to the average rating, this is the greatest episode of this show in at least four years.
Heck, I loved this episode, but even I don’t know if it was quite THAT good :O
“181. Jam4Ever Sat. May. 11, 2013 | 12:47am
What I like to believe was in the letter:
John Krasinski actually wrote a special note to Jenna
…is that too far off?
I like to think this is true because of how sincere Pam’s “thank you” was at the end of that scene.”
^^^ quoting myself because i was right! John wrote a special note to jenna while filming this episode and that was her real reaction.. *tears up*
Someone PLEASE tell me the name of the song that plays during the promo for A.A.R.M. (the 4th video on the video clips page). All I can hear are a bunch of oh-oh-oh’s. Thanks!
@200. ASFan: I also wondered about the DNA test and the doctor. Two explanations one like you suggested Angela paid the doctor (unlikely), the second one more plausible:
On the picture days, Angela’s baby wasn’t the only baby in the office, remember Jim’s family was there also, :)