Here are a few more photos from my March 2013 set visit!
For the full listing of my 2013 set visit content, go here.
The sign in the lobby of the Scranton Cultural Center.
I'm sorry, Jim Halpert doesn't work here anymore.
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We need to start a petition to preserve that studio and set. Open it for tours. It should never ever be touched.
Great photos and stories. Thanks again, Tanster.
Great Pictures, Tanster! In #17 I can see you working on OfficeTally!
[ from tanster: lol, yes! always working on officetally, wherever i go. :) ]
Love the photos … Thanks for sharing!!
@michael totally agree with you!!!! I was just thinking that. I never had the opportunity to go there and i would pay to now that it’s over. It would just be nice knowing that the small little office that gave me so many memories is still there. You would have my full support.
Thank you for the amazing look into the editing process! Truly fascinating. I thought Pam’s “It’s okay. I’ll come visit you.” was incredibly suggestive in the episode. Anybody else? Maybe it was more of Jim’s reaction that made it seem suggestive.
This show really gave Scranton some recognition. Great to see. Great pictures too!
In an odd coincidence, it looks like the Tam O’Shanter Inn is right across the street from the Best Buy parking lot where they filmed Jim’s proposal.
Great photos!! I absolutely love the editing photo. I’m in video production and edit a ton of videos and have always wanted to see how The Office is edited. I would love to talk to Claire about it all!
Again, wonderful photos! I’m glad you got to see so many things on your last set visit! Thank you for sharing. :)
@Michael, that’s a great idea!
I love the idea of preserving The Office set as a Hollywood behind-the-scenes tour place for fans! The owners of the studio would probably make more money that way vs. renting it out to other productions for filming. I’d go!
For long-running shows with iconic sets, they usually pack away and save all the set pieces and recognizable props in case they ever do a reunion show (vs. just returning everything to the general prop department for reuse.)
The Central Perk coffee house set of FRIENDS was reconstructed in a building on the Warner Bros lot – during the studio tour, fans can pose for pictures on the couch, or by the coffee bar where Gunther always stood. Would love that for The Office!
Tanster…I am sure we are ALL curious as to how much you “knew” prior to the finale. While visiting the set, did you see Steve Carell/see them filming the wedding scenes?
[ from tanster: they filmed the finale over the course of two weeks. The first week was the wedding. I was there the second week. no, I didn’t know that steve carell would be in the finale. the office staff is excellent at keeping secrets. ;) ]
I’ve always loved your details and photos of set visits — truly fascinating. Thank you!
PS — I, too, would pay for a tour of the set!
@#1. The set has already been torn down.
Tanster, could you give us any closure/ info./insight about the set and the possibility of seeing it in the future? I really hope it’s not all taken down :(
@Tahir Patel In the press call with Greg Daniels and John Kransinski that Tanster posted last week, Greg said that the set is gone.
The British version of the show had a Christmas special after the series ended. We need to petition to get one for the US series. The Office always did have the best Christmas episodes.
@17 I kinda feel like that’s what the “Finale” was supposed to be. Much like the British X-Mas Special; it took place after the airing of the doc.