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Part 1: Writer: Danny Chun, Director: Seth Gordon
Part 2: Writer: Charlie Grandy, Director: Harold Ramis
Summary (NBC): Pam’s contractions begin but she and Jim are determined to wait it out as long as possible so they can have more time at the hospital. Meanwhile the rest of the office tries to distract Pam from the pain with food and entertainment. Michael anxiously waits for Pam and Jim’s baby to be born. Back at the office, Erin makes Andy jealous when she has lunch with Kevin. Guest star: Linda Purl.
The Office The Delivery extras
- Writers Danny Chun and Charlie Grandy answer fan questions in The Delivery Q&A.
- How Baby Cece got her name.
- Jenna Fischer’s real-life fiance Lee Kirk played the lactation specialist! Got milk?
- Andy’s “Evolution of Dance” dance is based on this YouTube sensation.
- Promos
- Photos
The Office The Delivery rating
In a poll conducted March 4-8, Tallyheads rated this episode: 8.97/10
See all The Office Season 6 ratings.
The Office The Delivery quotes
Dwight: My cousin came down with a case of that nasty new goat fungus.
Dwight: I need a baby. I’ll never outsell Jim and Pam without one.
Dwight: I’ve been noticing a gaping hole in my life. Sometimes I wake up cradling a gourd.
Kevin: I cooked my way through Julia Child’s cookbook, and now I’m halfway through the Twilight cookbook.
Kevin: I thought that maybe we should do something special for early dinner. One last Ultra Feast.
Jim: I do not plan on helping unless it’s a boy.
Pam: I cannot wait for that joke to be over.
Michael: Contraptions! She’s contrapting.
Pam: You know the baby’s not going to live here, right?
Jim: It wasn’t conceived here. Burning Man. Port-a-potty.
Michael: Ew! Yuck! TMI. How was it? I don’t want to know. Tell me later.
Michael: Weird I.T. nerd. Don’t get revenge on me, nerd.
Dwight: Bear my child.
Dwight: If you agree, say nothing. If you disagree, say anything.
Dwight: Let’s meet at 4pm in our old meeting spot and bang it out.
Jim: She’s the quarterback. I’m just the left tackle who happened to get her pregnant.
Andy: Word of advice. Speaking as a former baby.
Kelly: Omigod, Pam. You are a woman warrior.
Phyllis: I can put on lipstick the way Molly Ringwald does in ‘The Breakfast Club.’
Andy: I can do ‘The Evolution of Dance’ dance.
Dwight: Child will be breastfed by the mother for exactly six months, then weaned on to a nutrient-rich winter vegetable mash provided by the father, Dwight Schrute, hereafter referred to as Morpheus.
Kevin: For the love of God, Pam, do it for Ultra Feast!
Michael: Nobody touch Pam’s nipples! Think of Pam’s nipples as Toby’s grundle.
Meredith: I have a shirt like that in my car!
Kevin: Stick spicy food up her butt!
Jim: Oh and by the way, I hate that you’re helping her with this right now. Totally.
Jim: I’m not crazy. She’s crazy. I’m not crazy. She’s crazy.
Angela: No Star Trek names.
Michael: Too bad you didn’t have sex like 7-1/2 hours later. But you had to have the afternoon delight.
Michael: What? You want to eat cat food with Kevin and not go to the hospital?
Michael: What is October Feast?
Jim: We’re going to have a baby today. A really awesome baby.
Pam: I don’t want to have my baby here!
Dwight: You call the ambulance, I call the cops.
Michael: Should I bring a dictionary to the hospital?
Oscar: The hospital will provide dictionaries. Bring a thesaurus!
Michael: Wish me luck!
Dwight: Michael! Michael! This is where I saw that deer last week.
Dwight: I love escorting people. In fact a few years back, I put an ad in the paper starting an escort service. Got a lot of responses. Mostly creeps. Made a few friends.
Pam: Jim, I don’t want the first thing the baby hears to be the ‘Eight Mile’ soundtrack.
Michael: Do you want your kid to come out a lawyer? Right?
Michael: Where’s my little niblet?
Michael: I gotta go wash my eyes.
Michael: That kid is going to have a lot of hair.
Pam: You want to count her fingers and toes again?
Jim: Her name is Cecelia Marie Halpert, she’s 7 pounds 2 ounces, 18 inches, mother and daughter are doing great.
Jim: I am a diapering master. I have done little else in the past two months. There is nothing I cannot diaper. Go ahead. Try to think of something. I dare you.
Michael: Love you … as a friend.
Michael: The odds of them getting together were insurmountainable.
Michael: Who wants to live in a world where Stanley has two lovers and you don’t have any?
Meredith: I am never getting married. Like Clooney.
Michael: I am going to fill that empty hole in your body with another person.
Nurse: Oh good. You know everything.
Pam: She’s really tentative about latching. I want to keep her self-esteem up.
Michael: You gotta let the cookies cool before you pop them in your mouth.
Michael: Kevin has an enormous heart. Literally. He has an elephant heart.
Erin: Did you grow up around here?
Kevin: No.
Erin: So, you must have grown up around somewhere else?
Kevin: Yes.
Clarke: Actually, I’m the consultant. Got milk?
Pam: Come here, sweetie… oh my god! Wrong baby!
Jim: Can we get a late checkout?
Dwight: I couldn’t find your iPod.
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
I actually started crying when Jim said her name. Literally.
Excellent beginning!
First off congrats to the new parents and what a beautiful little girl they have. Favorite moment of the first half was Jim freaking out. That is definitely one of my new favorite Jim moments.
Some pretty good lines, but what the hell was that Dwight-in-JAM’s-house story?
Was that Jenna Fischer’s real life fiance as the lactation coach?
Cecilia Marie Halpert – how lovely! These scenes are so true to life. Mad props to the writers and to Jenna and John!
That had to be the best episode in about 3 seasons. I loved it and it was perfect! A little of everything!
loved it! john was so amazing in this episode… LOVED when he was freaking out… “5-7! 5-7! 5-7!”… great. super episode, and SO exciting! AND my contest predictions were both right! yay!
That was such a good episode. I was crying from laughing soo much.
Beautiful baby. Beautiful name.
We have the same middle name (:
I loved this episode, best ever!!!
Tanster, I found the funny. :)
And yes, it was so funny I laughed and laughed and laughed some more. The whole epi was amazing…and when Jim found out he was having a daughter, the tears in his eyes were so great. Sigh. This epi was well worth the wait!
amazing episode !
Epic is the only word I can think of to describe these 2 episodes. Just… epic. I’m speechless and completely amazed. I laughed, I cried, I fist-pumped at the grundle comment… Perfection in 2 episodes. Bravo, Office cast. Bra-VO.
Cutest Office ever! Jim’s reaction to the stress of becoming a new father was absolutely adorable and Pam was amazing! Definitely going to have to rewatch. Oh, and Michael is such a creep haha.
I loved Dwight in this. He’s back to normal … well as normal as Dwight can be. The tag was great.
I don’t have children so was it wrong of me to laugh when Jam found out they fed the other baby and not Cecilia?
Loved the episode. So funny and true to life. And it was so incredibly funny. Well done!
re Katherine:
Yes it was. I thought the guy looked like him and so I waited for the credits and his name popped up.
This was the most funniest, and best episode in a while!
Dwight was hilarious!
The baby mix up.
And it’s about time Andy!
I love the subtle (sexuality) setup for Dwight & Angela’s “reunion”. And even in that, they also set their downfall.
oh my god, i started completely freaking out when Lee Kirk came out as the lactation consultant! amazing! such a good episode.
Not only was I excited about this episode, but I started shouting when Michael brought the bouquet to the hospital – the baby shaped balloon in the bouquet is my design, I worked for the balloon company!!! It’s cool to see my designs in a store – on my favorite show ever… incredible.
Aww what a sweet and touching episode! I didn’t think anything could rival Niagara but this was right up there with it. Jim and Pam’s struggles were so relatable and sweet. John and Jenna delivered amazing, honest performances once again.
Yay for Andy and Erin!!! As usual, Michael had me in stitches. And I loved Meredith’s “Clooney” line.
My only beef was the whole Dwight in their house thing. How stupid.
Bwahahahaha…Classic! Dwight screwing around in Jim and Pam’s house was fantastic.
That. Was. EPIC! Favorite moment: Pam realizing the baby she nursed wasn’t hers, and then freaking out. Freaking hilarious! :D
So much crying from both laughing and heartwarmth. Oh man. Amazing. I LOVED everything about it. My roomates and I made a ‘Dunder Mifflin JAM Baby’ cake! I’ll send tanster a pic, though my cake decorating skills are not as mighty as my skills regarding the knowledge of beet farming.
Loved every second!! <3
That was an amazing episode. They truly did it the right way with a good amount of laughter and tension.
One question, why did Dwight act weird at the end with Angela, was that something about him loving her or was he thinking about Pam’s Sister?
Hilarious and sweet. Great episode.
One of my favorite episodes, by far! Loved everything about it, especially the Jim and Pam scenes, obviously! How has John Krasinski not won an Emmy!? His performance was amazing. When he found out he was having a daughter, one of the best Jim scenes ever! Definitely watching it again tomorrow : )
This was simply wonderful. I’ve never laughed so hard at an episode of “The Office.” Why am I not surprised Dwight broke into Jim and Pam’s house, totally ignoring where the key could be found? Well, Jim wasn’t shocked. And Andy? It’s about darn time, brotha man. Can’t wait for the first date.
A-MAZ-ING. And omg, Lee! Totally picked that up the second I saw him. That’s kind of hilarious.
John and Jenna were incredible, they seriously deserve awards for their performance. Cecelia…I think I can grow into that :) Just glad it’s a girl (and loved that scene when Jim finds out..John is a genius).
This is the first episode I’m giving a perfect 10/10
Oh also, this is how I celebrated, thought I’d share: http://tinypic.com/r/2i7tzk1/6
It turned out pretty good, but not as good as Manager and a Salesman.
Cecelia Marie? cutest name ever :) So so pleased with this hilarious episode.
@Aram, I think Dwight was just suddenly disgusted by the idea of “setting up” a pregnancy, especially after seeing Isabelle (Pam’s friend. Penny is Pam’ sister!)
And I love Michael’s “I love you…as a friend…” so so funny and verrrry Michael ;). All in all so adorable. And Clark looked a lot like Jenna Fischer’s real-life finacee Lee Kirk…am I wrong here? Anyway so so adorable! Yaaaaaaay for Jim and Pam and Cecelia! As far as fandoms go, I think “C” might be the “crust” to a delicious PB&J. Okay, okay, that was awful. Sorry.
My favorite episode of the season! I literally teared up during the “car scene” when Jim found out they were having a girl. Between the adorable JAM scenes and the random other funny moments throughout the episode (“bring a thesaurus to the hospital!”) I definitely think this is an episode I’ll be watching over and over again tomorrow. :)
It took me a few seconds, but then I screamed, “THAT’S JENNA’S FIANCE!” Perfect cameo for him ;)
“five to seven minutes, five to seven minutes, six minutes, different but not really…” haha just loved it!
This was such a great episode! For a second a thought the woman working ON Jim and Pam’s cabinets was Jen Celotta!
I also loved it when Lee showed up! I was like, HEY, that’s her real fiance! Hah! And I love, LOVE the name Cecelia! I wonder how that name has significance for Jenna?
Okay, I’m pretty speechless right now. Honestly, I expected it to be cute and sweet but the realism and heart that Jenna and John brought totally blew me away. One thing that has bugged me about JAM since they got together was I didn’t feel like we got to see a whole lot of intimate moments between them, and this episode totally brought the intimacy. Loved those frazzled moments when they were trying to get Cecelia to stop crying, loved their cuddly night time family moment (even though, uh, that wasn’t their baby!) The range of emotions, panic, joy…Pam and Jim have never felt so human or real. My heart is FULL!
This was the best baby episode ever. Seriously, this was a hilarious episode and flowed extremely well for originally being a two parter. (It would’ve been weird for that episode to be split up)
Dwight was great. Angela was seen! Erin and Andy are finally done (well at least their stupid not realizing that they like each other stuff) and each character got time to shine.
I loved everything about this episode. Jenna and John and everyone else did a fantastic job.
10. I give it a perfect 10.
It was so heartfelt and funny that I nearly laughed myself to tears twice. The writers, cast, and crew totally outdid themselves. Great Episode you guys!
THANKS FOR MAKING THE BABY A GIRL! Little baby Cecilia….. :’)
(I got 8 bucks off that bet. ha ha YES!)
Okay, before this episode, I could understand why John Krasinski hasn’t won an Emmy yet- his best moments are always dramatic, not comedic. However, frazzled Jim is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Trying to convince the camera that he’s not crazy, demonstrating how to “push” the milk out, hiding wide-eyed against Pam after they realize she breastfed the wrong baby…John Krasinski was probably the funniest part of this episode!
The only part of this episode I didn’t like was the Dwight/Angela storyline. I can’t picture Angela agreeing to such a ridiculous (not to mention un-Christian) idea.
This episode made me fall even more in love with John Krasinski than ever before. I loved this episode so much. It was perfect. Jenna & John gave brilliant performances. I love the baby’s name…I’m SO happy they had a girl! :) Omg when they realized they had the wrong baby I actually lol-ed!
It was so awesome to see Dwight and Angela interact again…and even MORE awesome when Isabelle ran into Dwight!
Oh and, GO ANDY! The Nard Dog finally took things into his own paws! hehe :)
Marie is Jenna Fischer’s middle name.
that was amazing. SUCH A CUTE NAME
and Michael was so funny, especially with the filling the hole with a person
anyway, Pam and Jim were so cute! Cecelia is such a beautiful, and that really was a beautiful baby. i am SO glad it’s a girl… they are going to be (and already are) such great parents :)
39.Bridgette — Yes, I have felt that way the whole time, too that Jam has been together. Something was just missing – and I felt kind of disconnected from their whole relationship – the moments tonight changed my mind.
This is my first post on this site but I feel compelled to get my thoughts out. Worst episode I’ve ever seen. This show has become a mockery of its former self. The lines, characters (except for Andy), and situations have become completely forced. I don’t know why the writers changed the dynamic of the show so much but it now pales in comparison to the first 4 seasons. I guess I’m in the minority here but can anyone honestly argue that this episode even holds a candle to previous episodes like Fun Run, Drug Testing, Product Recall, or Safety Training? Those episodes had me laughing so hard I was crying and I haven’t felt that way since season 4. Very sad day for me. My former favorite show on TV has been reduced to a cheesy sitcom. c’mon – a male lactation consultant? –how ridiculous. Goodbye Office, I’ll miss you.
Oh my gosh how could I forget to mention something about Michael?! His looks of sheer joy and excitement throughout the entire episode were priceless! Even his awkward interaction with Helene was super sweet. :)
I loved when he was “shooting” people as Cupid hahaha.
Wow, I’m so happy right now! I still find it hard to believe, but I get pretty worked up about this TV show. Earlier today, my friend said “What if Pam’s baby was still born?” and I seriously started freaking out. I was a nervous wreck all day! But the episode was AMAZING and I’m so happy the baby is a girl!
PS if John and Jenna don’t get Emmy nominations this year, their talent is not being recognized at all!
probably the best episode EVER! :D
sad though it’s starting to wind down…
Okay, so what was the funny hospital part? I mean, what specific funny part were you talking about? Just curious! Thanks! :)
[from tanster: jenna’s real-life fiance, lee kirk, played clark the lactation consultant!]
Greatest episode of this season, maybe of the best ever. I easily gave it a 10. Everything about it was funny. Even the little things like the awkward new IT guy in the beginning! So great, so funny, and also so touching. Awesome episode.
WOW! What an hour of awesome. I feel like a family member or friend just had a baby and I was there for it. I did ruin the baby’s gender by reading the tv guide article. I assume Jenna chose Marie seeing as it’s her middle name. I loved everything about this episode. It was sweet, funny and wrong. Dwight pantsless in Jim and Pam’s bed was so gross and funny. Kevin, oh how can we not love Kevin. Ultrafeast is now my favorite word ever. Lastly, that was Lee Kirk as the lactation consultant righ? Wow! A++
2nd Breakfast, Lunch, 2nd Lunch, and First Dinner
Ultra Feast
ButMud Brooks
“Stick spicy food up her Butt”
No Star Trek Names
“The hospital will provide Dictionaries, Bring a Thesaurus.”
Dwight throwing his weapons out of the Car
Michael throwing the keys across the road
Michael telling Phyllis to get the Ice Cream Cake
Dwight Breaking into Jim’s House, Sleeping Naked in his bed, and then breaking up the Kitchen
Kevin Hiding behind the Door
Andy explaining why he was behind the Plant and then Banging his head on the copier
Jim and Pam switching Babies
Such an AWESOME Episode
I loved it! I have already watched it twice. The episode was the perfect mixture of humor and cuteness. I couldn’t stop smiling. One of my all time favorites!
Pam breastfeeds someone else’s baby – so does Salma Hayek. Stating a fact here.
Loved it! I’m so glad they wrote in the realistic parts of being a new parent – the feeding issues, the crying and the frustrations of swaddling a newborn. That often is overlooked in tv shows. John and Jenna gave wonderful performances. Kevin’s line about sticking spicy food up her butt made my husband spit out his soda – literally. Too funny!
To The Office:
“Well, you always left me satisfied and smiling.”
Absolutely awesome episode. I thought it would either be an A or an A+, but I completely forgot that there is an A++.
59. Dean Thu. Mar. 4, 2010 | 8:22pm
Just remembered…Michael’s line about “filling in your empty hole with someone” and Erin bursting into tears were great. I’m amazed at the stuff these writers come up with.
Awe. What a sweet episode.
one of the best episodes ever! jim and pam were hilarious and adorable with the baby, andy and erin are finally getting together!!, and the dwight and angela storyline was ridiculous but still funny. i can’t wait to see what happens with them.
Does this mean we’ll get to see Emily Blunt?!?! I hope so I love her.
Thanks tanster! I didn’t realize that!
Michael’s complete excitement in the first 1/2 hour was great! When they were leaving for the hospital and he was all “wish me luck!” And him throwing the car keys across the lot, so great! I LOVED when he walked in on Pam giving birth and was like “I have to go wash my eyes.” I was actually surprised they didn’t have any trepidation with letting him hold the baby. The whole Dwight stuff was funny. My mom said that he is going to find something wrong with their house and try to fix it, she totally called that one. I kind of want Dwight and Isabel to get together, at least for now. But we shall see… Once again great episode!
Jenna picked the name because her younger sister had a baby while they were filming the episode and she named it Cecilia
I loved that episode! I’m going to watch it again to make sure, but I’m pretty sure it’s my second favorite Office episode ever! (After The Injury – which is one of my top 10 favorite episodes of television ever!)
Watched this at work. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. I quit watching Cosby when Rudy went to her dad for female problems. (I was in my teens, and no girl would EVER do that.) I quit watching Mad About You because of all the weird sexual suggestions given to Helen Hunt’s character to bring on her labor. It was extremely inappropriate; I don’t care if it’s true or not…this is a sitcom, not a childbirth show. And I’m not even a prude.
Just wanted to stop by and say that A) These episodes were awesome and B) Cecilia Marie Halpert is a trending topic on Twitter =)
I’m not kidding (you can ask my cousin, she watched it with me): I screamed at the TV, “That’s the wrong baby!” and I was right!
So much to love about this episode! There is no justice if John and/or Jenna don’t get an Emmy nod for this episode. Steve was great, too, capturing the essence of Michael while being incredibly likeable (except when he was insulting Kevin). And Cecelia is the perfect name for the Halpert baby.
Does anyone know the actress who played Pam’s nurse?
Oh my God I loved this episode! Good day for JAM, new baby and a new kitchen. Kevin was awesome too!
So much to love about this episode = on of the funniest bits for me was
Jim: You’re pushing the milk out right?
Pam: How exactly would I do that?
Jim makes the motion of how she should use her shoulders and arms press in on her chest to move the milk through her breasts.
No words just a simple visual that is so emblematic of the quiet comedy that makes The Office so great.
Amazing episode! Right now, this is my favorite episode, ever. I just love babies. :) Anyways, I read somewhere that they had a plot point that hinged on the fact that they had a girl. In all the excitement, I didn’t quite catch what that point was. Can anyone fill me in?
I LOVED this episode! It’s been so long without an office episode, I didn’t realize how much I missed it! And what a fantastic episode to come back to! John and Jenna both better win Emmys.
Beautiful episode. It’s been an amazing journey and I feel so grateful to have been a part of it. Can’t wait to see what’s to come for the Family Halpert. To think this all began with a pair of co-workers, and best friends, is so amazing. I love this show.
lee kirk was in it!
Wow. Just….wow. Such an amazing episode. Written, directed, acted so so well. I never thought a new episode would rival my favorite from season two (Drug Testing)….but this one is giving it some serious competition. I’m so happy right now – way to go Danny and Charlie. Awesome.
I don’t see anyone w/this comment, so I’ll ask: Was that James Urbaniak (aka Dwight’s friend Rolf) helping build the new cabinets?
Also, AHHHH!! Instant classic! So much funny mixed w/heart. Michael, Dwight, & Kevin LOL! And can I say Michael’s balloons were super adorable & I LOVED Andy’s gift (even though it’s the wrong date, but it’s the thought that counts)!
Having just had our first child — a baby girl — 16 months ago, my husband and I felt this episode totally captured how crazy, awkward, and overwhelming the whole experience of childbirth is, in such a hilarious and heartwarming way. We could completely relate to so much of what Jim and Pam were going through…except maybe breastfeeding the wrong baby. ;) Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski were amazing, and it was one of those episodes where it felt like everyone in the cast had their little moment to shine. Wonderful episode!
@DJ Jazzy Flax
Glad to see I wasn’t the only one who caught that! I’m pretty sure it was him. =)
Anyways, AWESOME episode. Absolutely loved it. 10/10.
I’m five months pregnant with my first baby and I’m glad my husband and I will be a little more prepared than Jim and Pam but we’ll still have the same fears as them. It’s just weird to see characters you’ve known for so long in such a life changing crazy situation! Great episode!
Question: what the heck was erin talking about when they were trying to distract pam from her body?
So, so good.
But, and I mean no offense to Lee Kirk, I wasn’t a big fan of seeing him as the lactation consultant. Just because it threw me off and took me out of the scene, knowing he’s Jenna’s husband. Too meta. I hope we don’t see Emily Blunt pop up as the nanny.
Sigh, I remember when The Office used to be cutting edge humour. Season 1, Season 2, parts of Season 3 and 4. This is an all time low. In appealing to the masses, we have watered down “lowest-common-denominator” plotlines. Michael making fart noises was one of the highlights. That’s how bad it’s gotten. Oh well. The show is cute and boring. I’ve decided based on this last episode that The Office’s reign on my TV watch list is no longer warranted. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia it is.
My boyfriend and I are at the bar right now and we just toasted to Cecelia Marie Halpert :) could this episode or that baby be any more adorable!? 10/10.
LOVED IT! It was pure genius, perfection, hilarious, emotional, just everything wrapped into one. Definitely up there as one of my favorites of all time! John and Jenna were amazing. If they do not get Emmy nods after this, I will go to the Academy myself and yell at them! My family and I had our own little Baby Halpert party, complete with cupcakes, blue/pink candies, mini tuna sandwiches and mini PB+J sandwiches! And all the work was so worth it! I sent some pictures to Tanster and also posted some here: http://bit.ly/9M2hjH
I agree with everyone that this was definitely John Krasinksi’s best performance. He was hysterical the whole episode.
Yay! At Kitten Rescue Jenna let it slip that the writers were leaning towards a boy, (she didn’t know at the time what they were having) but I INSISTED it had to be a girl because Jim was made to be with little girls! She laughed and told me she’d pass along my comments. I’m so glad they had a little GIRL!!!!
But still mad at People magazine for ruining the surprise without warning.
And I LOVED seeing Lee Kirk in this episode! I wasn’t distracted by it at all. Jim’s reactions to the lactation consultant were WAY too funny to be distracted!
I hope they do drop in more significant others in the future! They already had Steve Carell’s wife on as his love interest, Carol. More please! :)
I was a little disappointed by the episode. First, I wanted them to have a boy, but I had this feeling the whole time it was going to be a girl. Revealing the gender the way they did was disappointing.
Second, I was expecting something bigger, and it just disappointed. I was expecting more from the actual delivery, and not as much from the storyline in the 2nd half at the office.
Was it a bad episode? No, it had its moments. Starting up a new love triangle is interesting, and this seemed more like vintage Dwight in this episode, which has been missing for a while. A lot of coupling up with Dwight-Angela, Andy-Erin, and a partial credit to Ryan-Kelly. (Why does Kelly want to be treated like garbage again, and is Ryan out of the closet yet?)
#85 – I think they were winners of the “United States Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing”. Definitely winners of the Kentucky Derby, but all also do appear on the triple crown list.
awww man!! LOOOVEEDDD IT!!!!…a lot of hilarious moments… but the one that cracked me up was when Andy has to change the newspaper article to Scranton Strangler or something…hehe
Cecelia Marie Halpert!! <3 aww!!
Those were the Triple Crown winners, and for the record, Erin, the last one is Sir Barton! Yes, I’m a Kentuckian.
I agree this show wasn’t what it once was, but this episode had some fantastic moments. Obviously a lot of the people who comment on this site were going to like it because of the baby regardless of how it was, but there was ample proof over these 42 minutes that this show can still bring it. My personal favorite example of this was the scene as they were getting Pam to leave The Office. Everyone is simultaneously in top form during that scene, it is utter chaos, yet it is perfect. Would love to know how many takes that took them.
And to anyone who says that the scripts have drastically fallen off: the bit on Kevin’s elephant heart would hold up–and stand out– in any season in the show’s history.
I was blown away, what a perfect episode.
I really wanted a boy, but I knew that it was going to be a girl. Regardless of the sex of the baby, that was an amazing episode!
I have watched it twice (so far) and I’m tearing up just reading the comments. Lovely story about friendship and love and LIFE…
What will baby’s nickname be?
Super awesome episodes–the hour flew by! Loved seeing actual newborns playing newborns. Wonder who the babies are and if they’re related. Didn’t recognize Jenna’s fiance and loved that the lactation consultant was a dude. Great realism with the struggle to swaddle the fussing baby, the difficulty waking up to feed when you’re exhausted, the moments spent quietly admiring your precious bundle of joy :) Some great JAM moments except feeding the wrong baby–yuck. Why did Pam’s drawing disappear for awhile and then reappear?
Absolutely Perfect! First, it was one of the funniest episodes EVER. Second, it was the most realistic “having a baby” episode of TV I’ve ever seen. They really captured everything perfectly, right down to the noises the baby made when it was nursing (even though it was the wrong baby). Great work writers! And great work John & Jenna! This will go down as one of my favorites.
So Emmy worthy for everyone involved. Dwight really made me laugh when he got pulled over and started to throw weapons out his window.Congratulations to cast and crew for a fantasic episode!!
Excellent episode all around… I thought they struck a nice balance of baby-related stuff with the other storylines, without being too frenetic. And I agree, if The Office cast & crew lose out on an Emmy this year- especially if it’s to 30 Rock- I just might throw a Dundie at my TV. And congrats to Designer on seeing your balloon design on national TV! Awesome!
Also, I wanted to ask (since I’m usually WAY behind on pop-culture references), what was Jim referring to when he said “Burning Man, port-a-potty”? (I know it was the conception, of course, but what was the event?)
Did anyone happen to see in the kitchen when Dwight was tearing it apart the ‘teapot’ that Jim gave Pam in the first Christmas episode?
Another reason to watch again…
I loved this episode and all the chaos that came about from this.
seeing crazy jim at the office was soo funny.
the best was jim’s face after him and pam realized that pam breastfed the wrong baby..hilarious
Even a frazzled Jim was brilliant. Thumbing through the baby books double-checking the contraction times of every 5-7 minutes. Great episode!
I could relate to this episode on so many levels, I just loved it. Creating humor out of something like breastfeeding the wrong baby takes a talented team. I also liked the reality of being sent out into the world on your own with a new baby. It really hit home.
Did I just not notice or was toby completely absent from the episode, except for when trying to get on the elevator where they never showed his face.
I know I’m not going to add anything that hasn’t been said, but I just have to say how much I LOVED these two episodes!! I don’t think there could’ve been a more perfect way for them to have their little girl. John and Jenna were amazing. I have always loved how realistic their relationship has been and the emotions shown surrounding the birth of their daughter was no exception.
SO many great moments. “I have a shirt like that in my car”. HA!
Jim, Jim, Jim, perfect ! Pushing out the milk !! OMG
So funny. Pam, oh how you have grown, love it. Really cute baby. Good casting, she looked just like Pam and Jim. I loved when Dwight was getting pulled over by the police and started throwing out his weapons. The episode for me was a 10.
A++ episode. Most people here seemed to love it, but it’s more mixed on other blogs/reviews. I think this episode divides the parents from the non-parents. If you’ve ever had a child in a hospital, you have had the EXACT conversations and experiences that Jim and Pam did (ok, maybe I didn’t feed the wrong baby, but still :-) I swear one of MY snotty maternity ward nurses was a mole for the writers! Kudos to John and Jenna…SO good! I laughed the whole way through. Loved it, loved it, loved it!
“Cecelia, you’re breakin’ my heart
You’re shakin’ my confidence daily.
Oh, Cecelia, I’m down on my knees.
I’m beggin’ you please to come home.”
Couldn’t get that song out of my head for the 2nd half of the episode. :-)
Loved the first half of the episode but, like so many episodes this season, it just lost momentum at the end. Honestly, after the baby was born, I lost interest. I don’t really care to watch anyone learn how to breastfeed in a comedy show. This episode would have been much stronger had it not been a double episode. I used to love Jim and Pam but their relationship is too perfect, if that makes sense. There’s no conflict, no drama, and even the strongest relationships have those things! And Michael Scott is still a comedy genius.
I’m thrilled! They used my name, and spelled it the same way I do. Very cool!
This was not that funny for me. Dwight was too over the top for my taste. I like the baby nursing switch up though and Andy & Erin interactions. What was that xray looking apron thing Pam used for nursing? I have never seen one of those.
Loved it!! Crazy Jim, Pam nursing the wrong baby… Great episode all around. And a bonus: my mom’s name is Cecilia. She was thrilled with the name they chose (:
Very well layered and executed episode! I love when Jim goes crazy over Pam stalling. Kevin was hilarious all throughout (second breakfast/lunch made me think of Pam’s second drink in Dundies!) and that last tender moment between Andy and Erin was adorable. I couldn’t stop laughing at Dwight getting pulled over and throwing all his weapons out the window. Hands down my favorite of this season!
#115…that was a Nursing Coverup. They sell those at Babies R Us, etc. Again, not something you might know or recognize if you’re not a new(ish) parent.
What a wonderful, wonderful episode. Thank you, cast and crew – that was just PERFECT!
“Where are you going?” “The hospital” “and what are you going to have?” “A baby.” Jenna was so spot on – didn’t know whether to laugh or cry with her.
And I agree about the maternity nurse. I’ve heard too many similar experiences. I wanted to smack her when she said “oh good, so you know everything”.
John was marvelous…I only wish they had made more of the “we’re having a girl” scene.
Love that Jenna got to name her…what a beautiful name…and as for her niece, the real Cecelia now officially has the COOLEST show-and-tell story ever.
Collective “awwwww” for the Halperts. Thank you Office!!!!
I loved this episode. We laughed. We cried. It definitely lived up to my expectations. Jim and Pam were so sweet with each other. The scene where Pam gets scared and doesn’t want to go to the hospital was so touching. I loved that they breast fed the wrong baby. Great episode. I’m buying this off iTunes ASAP.
Wow! What a great episode! I’m not even a parent yet, but based on what I’ve heard from and seen with family and friends, a lot was spot-on with this. It was funny and sweet and cringe-worthy and awkward — hey, it was “The Office”!
115…116…can you tell I have an 8 week old? Sheesh. John/Jim’s subtle looks were awesome! Did anyone notice his “Yeah right” look to the camera when Pam said “I haven’t had caffeine in 9 months”. I’m guessing she may have had a soda or coffee here and there ;-)
Very good episode. I thought part 1 was definitely better than part 2; the breast feeding storyline was a little dragged out. John Krasinski absolutely should get an Emmy nod for this one. Best moment: Dwight getting pulled over and the officer knowing his name.
Guess I’m one of the few people who was disappointed. If you’ve had a baby you know most of this plot was not plausible, so that bugged me. Especially Michael walking into the delivery room (with their names on the door) and the breastfeeding baby mishap. I get that it’s a sitcom and all, but come on. Seems like lazy writing. Too bad, because I loved all the other seasons. Two lines made me laugh out loud though-Meredith comparing herself to George Clooney and when Michael asked “Who wants to live in a world where Stanley has 2 lovers and you don’t have any?” and Stanley raised his hand.
#102 – Burning Man is an annual festival that happens in Nevada around Labor Day. Apparently, Jim and Pam went there and had sex in a port-a-potty. This doesn’t make sense as far as continuity, since it would have been September 2008 when they conceived and they first found out Pam was pregnant in May 2009.
Loved the episode! The hospital scenes were so spot on, esp. the snarky maternity nurse who has probably worked too many night shifts for the week and needs to get some sleep.
As soon as the “lactation consultant” walked in, I said “That’s Lee Kirk!” However, I’ve never heard of a male lactation consultant but still….
My daughter loved the part where Jim diapers a cat.
The only thing I didn’t like was Dwight tearing up Jim & Pam’s kitchen. That was too over the top for me. Excellent, fantastic episode overall!
John was so amazing in this episode, too bad the show overall was HORRIBLE. It just wasn’t funny, except for the Meredith talking head and Michael talking about filling empty holes.
To 125. Pinefresh
Jim was pulling Michael’s leg. He was kidding about “Burning Man.” It’s about the unlikeliest place Jim and Pam would ever go to. Or have sex at. Or tell about it to the entire office.
Loved frazzled Jim.
Loved Andy dancing.
10/10 :)
LikeClooney, I have to disagree just a bit. Michael walking in could happen. We did NOT want my mother in the delivery room, but she kept walking in anyway…just strolling in. Finally, we had to have one of the nurses stationed at the door to keep her out. And every other part I felt was completely believable, having gone through it all myself. I’m not sure there are male lactation consultants…but why not :-D
#122 – It meant that Pam without coffee wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around. If you could remember from the episode Casual Friday, Jim told Michael that Pam was a grouch sometimes in the morning.
Overall a feel-good episode. But I wouldn’t call it an “Office classic.”
Wow! I don’t know what’s left to say about this episode, except for: “Pam and Jim, BURN your sheets!” Dwight sleeping bottom-less in their bed – hilarious!
Good episode. spot on was the inefficacy of Jim and his Umm hmmmm, ok, trying to be deferential but at the same time trying to do what was right. Was obviously written from a male p.o.v., breaking from the traditional bumbling father pacing in the waiting room. Actually could see this as sexist…Pam scared and ineffective
This was a wonderful episode–both parts! I loved Ryan’s poetry reading; Kevin naming an Ultra Feast dish after Born into Brothels (of all Indian films to pick–jeez Kevin!); Dwight in a filthy shirt and bragging about a lack of dental care while flirting with Isabel; and Angela’s cute little smile coming out–aw, she’s really missed Dwight! My favorite scene is where Pam gets booted from the wheelchair, and is on her own without the help of doctors, nurses and lactation coaches. She’s got a screaming baby, looks scared and exhausted, has nowhere to sit but a bench next to an ashtray full of cigs, yet manages to finally get the baby to eat! John Krasinski’s acting was just amazing and shone throughout!
I really liked how the episode did not just end with the birth of the baby. It was awesome to see how they dealt with the first day as new parents. So funny and we got to see a bit more of how the big moment played out. i was so happy they did not show the birth scene as it is always fake and so typical. I thought focusing on the day after was more original. I also did not think Dwight was over the top..look at all the crazy things he has done over the years! An amazing episode that was a perfect balance of JAM love and the entire office.
Tommy Lee – I have to agree with 122, it definitely seemed that Pam had snuck a few caffeinated beverages here and there, hence Jim’s “Yeah, sure” face, lol.
So true to life! What an awesome episode! I laughed through the entire thing. Andy had me rolling the whole time!
I loved how accurate the whole birth/post birth was – especially breast feeding – they showed how difficult it can be! I had such a hard time with my son latching on, so I ended pumping until he was 4.5 months old. But having the lactation consultant (props to Jenna’s fiance!) and Pam being so open with him was great! Things just aren’t private after you have a baby. You’ve just been the most vulnerable you’ve ever been (nurses, doctors… about 20 people seeing your girly parts) and you just stop caring!
Didn’t like this episode – just not very funny. The whole lactation thing just got on my nerves, and I don’t have a whole lot of patience left for Michael’s “it’s all about me” mentality. Over the last two seasons, I’ve felt like the Jim-Pam-Michael story lines have gotten horrible, and those of the side characters have gotten a lot better.
boy, that was a disappointing episode in a season full of pretty awesome ones (“Murder,” “The Lover,” “Niagara”). the first half of the episode felt completely off with Pam’s insanity of not wanting to go to the hospital, and what was the deal with all the attention on the family and baby after she was born? that didn’t feel like The Office to me.
it felt like the writers were throwing everything at the wall and seeing what stuck. overall, I felt it was a below-average, unfocused episode with strange, outlandish plot devices not reminiscent of the other excellent episodes from this season.
Part 1: 10/10
Part 2: 8.5/10
Loved it, to me it was better than “Niagara”. Loved all the Kevin stuff and Erin saying “spooky” when Pam said they were waiting until midnight. Lots of great moments.
I loved it! My friend Abby came over and we were like, “AWWWW, they’re so cute!” the whole time. I was kind of hoping before for a boy, but now I’m so happy it’s a girl. What’s her name again?
[200-word limit]
I LOVE 1 HOUR EPISODES! Michael saying to Pam’s mom, and not exact quote here, but something to the effect of, “funny place to run into each other” as they stand next to her daughter’s hospital bed. PRICELESS WRITING!
Great episode! I love it! I thought there was lots of funny moments. I usually don’t crack up at the awkward moments, but Pam breastfeeding the wrong baby had me LOL.
Great episode!
This was the most realistic birth episode I’ve ever seen on TV. Clearly some of the writers have had babies, as the whole breastfeeding, first night, taking the baby home storyline was so real. My husband and I were both cracking up at the failed attempts at nursing, along with Jim’s suggestion to push the milk out–it totally brought back the first 24-48 hours with our first baby. Also, I think that nurse must have been my postpartum nurse–I wanted to kick her on behalf of Jim and Pam!
In a word – INCREDIBLE :) I have secretly hoped this entire time that it would be a girl, so YES! :) :) I wanted to cry when Pam let the gender slip, and Jim’s eyes just filled with tears. Amazing, award-worthy performances by EVERYONE involved. I absolutely loved the originality of the episode by focusing on Jim and Pam in the hospital after the baby was born, rather than just ending with the birth. The Office always handles things uniquely, though! :) Every moment of Jim and Pam’s new parenthood was so REAL! And Cecelia Marie?! Beautiful!! I LOVE the name Cecelia. And Michael, Andy, Erin, and the other Officemates were wonderful of course. 200 word limits are so difficult when an episode is this incredible. Michael & Dwight had me rolling, and Andy asking Erin out was perfect! Amazing! I feel like my family members just had a baby and I should be congratulating them! :) Once again, “Here’s to waiting” :) it pays off!
I think we should be voting on these two parts separately since they were separate episodes (and part 1 was better.)
I got a tip from my cousin, who is the cousin of Jenna Fischer, that Jenna’s fiance would play clark… and he did! What a great scene!
This is another of the most beautiful episodes of all times!!!!! I love the birth of Jim & Pam’s baby, and how Michael is extremely excited about it. Dwight was pretty funny in the episode but very violent destroying Halperts’ house. Looks like he’s going back with Angela. Andy, Erin and Kevin were also funny, specially with this fake triangle of theirs. All because Erin is really into Andy. Andy’s dance to Pam was awesome and excellent. Welcome to the world, Cecelia Halpert!!!!!
Seriously loved this. Every bit of it. I want to say Dwight stole this episode, but really, little Cecelia stole it. I was actually really disappointed in the name (even though it’s a great connection from Jenna) but I was hoping for something like Emma. I was actually a bit bummed. But overall, definitely a 9.5/10!
John Krasinski deserves an Emmy for his performance. He nailed the look of a frantic husband who was desperately trying to get his wife to go to the hospital. I’ve seen that look on my husband’s face a couple of times and J.K. captured it perfectly. It literally made me cry.
I am seriously hoping we get LOTS of deleted scenes! ;D
I know I’ve already commented, but now after “second viewing” – which I suppose is like second lunch – this episode was even better than fabulous. Personally, as a Jim/Pam fan, I could have watched a whole hour just about them and little Cecelia, but I know they are part of an ensemble. The other story lines were great. I loved Andy…from being “unnamed” Walter Jr. to the Scranton Strangler article that will hang in Cecelia Halpert’s nursery.
My favorite scene was the last Jim, Pam, and Cecelia one, as they were leaving the hospital, and the baby finally nursed. To see that magic and the sweet intimacy between the three of them…it was just wonderful. Thank you cast and crew!
And may I officially request oodles of insight, commentary, bloopers, and extra footage for the DVD!?
Whose voice was Michael doing when he kept saying “I want to hold the baby?” Kinda sounded like Sean Connery, or maybe it was Michael just being Michael. Any thoughts?
good episode for what it was.. funniest of the season. that being said michael , who used to be the BEST character, has become the worst this season. every time he’s on screen it annoys me, and he forces the same jokes that he’s already done countless times in other seasons.
Was it Fat Bastard from Austin Powers that Michael was imitating?
Also, I loved it when Michael asked who was single, and Ryan raised his hand, while Kelly was holding on to his arm, saying “Not me, I’ve got my man!”
Did anyone notice that in Pam’s TH she was wearing her first outfit, as opposed to the one she had just changed into? Hehe.
I loved so many things about this episode.
“5-7 minutes, 5-7 minutes, 6 minutes. DIfferent, but not really.” Hahaha.
Everyone did a fantastic job, and Dwight and Angela….I have to say I did not see that coming. Hahah.
Sorry to comment again, but a friend of mine just told me that the identical twins used in this episode are his friend’s new babies! Awwww :)
Oh, and did anyone else hear Pam call the baby CeCe? I thought that was so adorable.
I hope this hasn’t been asked already and I just missed it.
What was Erin talking about when she was trying to distract Pam?
Sorry if anyone asked this already, but who was the “Knox Grad” who was supposed to be appearing as someone’s “girlfriend”? The link was posted a few days ago…
Loved the episode! I know there are haters all over the web, but I seriously think the show is absolutely brilliant. John Krasinski did an AMAZING job in this episode. Well worth the wait!
I haven’t read all 160+ comments, so I don’t know if anybody mentioned the fact that Rolf was helping Dwight remodel the kitchen?
159. Little Tuna — Erin was naming triple crown winners.
160. floppyhair — I think she played “Isabel” the bridesmaid that Dwight hooked up with in ‘Niagara’ and kicked in the face during the wedding dance.
@ 163, I checked and the Knox grad was not Isabel, she is played by an actress named Kelen Coleman. I am not sure who she ended up playing…
Most of the episode was not funny. They need to stick to 1/2 hour episodes. I quit watching 45 minutes in. This is “The Office”, not “She’s having a Baby”.
The nurse was so spot on. I’m still laughing thinking about her lines. And John’s freak-out with the books (“6 minutes – different, but not really”).
The Knox grad is Amy Rieckelman. Her scenes as Annie, Rolf’s girlfriend, were mostly cut, along wit the Rolf character hinself. Just a couple of shots of the 2 of them working in the kitchen. She also ran the saw as they ripped up the cabinets.
Having had three babies myself, I just felt that this episode had been written by people with direct experience of the first few days in a new baby’s life. The whole breastfeeding confusion, trial and error plot was spot on.
You rarely see birth and new parenthood so true to life in a comedy…
I agree with 168, overall the crazy experience of having your first baby was well portrayed. However the “breastfed the wrong baby” and “male lactation consultant” jokes hit the wrong note for me. They just wrecked the previously subtle and perceptive tone.
I’m British and I have found American women are incredibly dedicated to breastfeeding, especially when it has to be combined with work outside the home. Kudos to all of you!!
good episode. Just that. I was expecting more…
I knew that was Jenna’s fiance when he walked in! I was like “He looks really familiar”. How awesome for them to include him in it. Great episode.
maybe jenna’s fiance played the lactation consultant because he’s the only person who’s actually allowed to touch jenna’s breasts.
and who thinks that jim and pam will get pregnant in season 8? why do i think this? jenna’s getting married… she may very well have a baby herself. (which would thrill angela, because she wants their kids to be bff.)
Good episode. I’m glad we’re seeing Dwangela again. I wish the writers would kick up Michael’s love life a notch too. Oh, and I hate the name Cecilia, but it’s better than Astrid.
my favorite part was when they were wrapping the baby in the blanket and jim goes she’s really strong! careful, you’ll break her!….. great episode :)
Whoever wrote that third deleted scene should be awarded some sort of TV “Pulitzer.” I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that Jim and Pam are real people, and now I’m sure of it. *standing ovation*
What was the car Jim and Pam were driving in the hospital episode?
@ 139 – I hated “Murder,” “Niagara,” and “The Lover.” I guess it’s a matter of opinion or at least a matter of character interpretation and sense of humor.
Personally, I LOVED seeing Jim get upset and “frazzled.” It was great. He never loses his cool and it makes the relationship seem realistic. It shows they’re real people.
Michael’s lines were spot on – “You had to have the afternoon delight, I understand!” BRILLIANT!!!!! It’s exactly what he would say in a situation like that.
Andy talking about “Butt Mudd Brooks” was hilarious and perfect. ALL of Kevin’s lines were absolute brilliance. I felt like this episode was a perfect depiction of who all these characters are, and how they react under pressure. LOVED IT 10/10
Yes, I am the one that actually wrote the Twilight Cookbook.
It does exist, and The Office is such a funny show!