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Writer: Steve Hely, Director: B.J. Novak
Summary (NBC): With Andy’s sales at his lowest ever, he gets desperate and holds a small business seminar with the help of some special guests. Michael and Holly turn the event into an improv challenge. Meanwhile, Erin enlists some of her co-workers in her scrabble battle with Gabe. Guest cameo: Ricky Gervais.
The Office The Seminar trivia
- Promos | Photos | Deleted scenes
- More on Ricky Gervais’ cameo appearance.
- Jim’s elementary school photo.
- Andy’s PowerPoint sales presentation.
- The song that plays during Kevin’s presentation is Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train.
The Office The Seminar rating
In a poll conducted January 27-31, 2011, Tallyheads rated this episode: 7.05/10
See all The Office Season 7 ratings.
The Office The Seminar quotes
Michael: I’m working on an English character. It’s called Reginald Pooftah.
Michael: People don’t understand that it has nothing to do with making fun of a different nationality.
David Brent: Comedy is a place where the mind goes to tickle itself. That’s what she said!
Michael: The character, Mikanos, is just a little added flavor. Mikanos is loosely based on another character I do, Spiros. Who is more about the ladies.
Andy: Thank you so much, Tuna Turner.
Andy: I get super flexible when I’m nervous.
Andy: If the seminar was a meal, you’d be the amuse bouche.
Seminar guy: My company will act as an intermedium for like, .2 cents off every transaction.
Dwight: You promised us whales, these are worms!
Andy: They’re baby whales, which is even cuter!
Michael: Too much information? That’s what I thought. But you know what? Here I am using it.
Erin: Is “jlp” a word? Like “I jlp you!”
Erin: So far I’ve seen “The Shining,” “Rosemary’s Baby,” “The Ring”… not really my thing. Although I do like the early parts of the movies where they have a perfect family and everything.
Oscar: You could have hit “mood.” Would have played a triple word.
Erin: Like “the cow mood yesterday.”
Pam: You know It doesn’t just have to be cow stuff, right?
Kevin: I’m no Jim. The only way that I’m Jim is in the movie version, when Jim sees what his future would be like if he never met Pam.
Ryan: I don’t like committing to things just like that.
Andy: My name’s Andy Bernard, but you can call me the Nard Dog.
Kevin: There are some people who have charm, and some people who don’t. Guess which type I am. Charm type.
Kevin: What I want you to do is dream the biggest that you can, and then, double it!
Kelly: Who am I? I’m Kelly Kapoor. The Business Bitch.
Kelly: It is important to brand yourself. So I have a couple of things in the works. The Business Bitch, The Diet Bitch, The Shopping Bitch, The Etiquette Bitch.
Professor Scott Powell: Hey, Kelly Kapoor. What a delicious surprise.
Andy: That brilliant little bitch.
Oscar: Put the “Q” there, sweetie.
Pam: You could have just told us what you were thinking.
Oscar: There’s no theater in that.
Pam: There’s no yelling in that, either.
Holly: What do you do in your spare time?
Michael: Practice Olympics!
Michael: She will have a greekacino.
Michael: I can’t believe it! She can talk!
Holly: No more brain damage!
Creed: Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples, a butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I’ve just described to you the Loch Ness Monster. And the reward for its capture? All the riches in Scotland. So I have one question: why are you here?
Gabe: I picked out our movie. It’s called “Suspiria.”
Erin: When I win, we’re going to watch “Wall-E,” where all the boundaries of color are pushed.
Darryl: They’re a bunch of jackals. They left you in the lurch. And if they want to jump in, it means you’re almost there. You did this. Bring it home.
Oscar: I will have apoplexy if you lose.
Erin: I played “ape.”
Michael: I like you. I’m going to give you my secret gyro recipe.
Jim: My mom thinks you’re too dumb to hang out with.
Andy: The rest of you are dead to me. You made the stupidest decisions of your life.
Tom Witochkin: Where’s your jet pack, Zuckerberg?
Andy: I guess when you looked in me, you forgot about my balls. They’re on the outside. Don’t know how you missed them.
Michael: Come to me, Necropolis. Put your lips on my lips.
Erin: There’s a ‘Shrek 2’?!
Icon provided by pessimistreader.
I’m so excited for The Office return!! Sounds like a fun episode to see everyone in a Scrabble battle. And intense. Haha.
I think the Scrabble battle will be a lot like the debate
about whether or not Hilary Swank is hot. Hilarious!
Dwight will probably make up words having to do w/ beets
This is the episode Ricky Gervais said to watch and it will start to reveal who is going to replace Steve Carell. He said this last night, also said he would like to see Will Arnett take the spot.
@Matt thank god for Ricky to have said something!! i didn’t watch the Golden Globes which sucked b/c I wanted Steve to win. and I KNEW Ricky was going to diss the american version of his show. i, too, cannot wait for my show to return!! the words “Steve Carell’s replacement” makes me upset b/c he’s the best actor ever and i wanna see who will *try* to “replace” Steve
Will Arnett would be awesome. After Ricky’s comment i’m so intrigued.
@AlyCarell Whoever it is they won’t be “replacing” Steve. He’s absolutely irreplaceable. It’ll be a new character playing an entirely different role. The new boss, if a new character, will most likely no longer even be the star of the show.
I can’t wait for this ep! Finally seeing David Brent and Michael Scott share screen time will make my year :D
Does anyone know if Ricky will be playing David Brent? Maybe @ Andy’s business seminar? Having Gervais sparring with Scott is the very definition of event television, and I really hope they don’t screw this up.
Will Arnett is the best candidate that I’ve heard so far. He’s hilarious.
Yes NC, Ricky confirmed that be’ll be playing David Brent.
hold up….Ricky Gervais is going to be in an episode? wow…I’m kinda shocked they would do that
Let’s hope Michael and Holly don’t make a scene on Andy’s seminar. I’m also interested how the scrabble goes.
Will Arnett? Oh my gosh, that would actually be acceptable. I can’t bear the thought of no Michael Scott any other way, but I could maybe deal with that.
Great episode — very funny!!! So glad Jim is back.
I’m wondering what qualifies Andy to hold a small business seminar.
Worst episode of the season. Erin and Oscar’s lines are the only highlights. Too much Andy and not enough Michael, Dwight, and Jim.
Who was the cute guy in the seminar with the 2% idea
Maybe it’s just me but after the awesome cold opening, I felt the episode just went downhill after that. I think I had one laugh out loud moment but now I can’t remember when it was.
Best cold open ever.
Weak. I would’ve enjoyed Andy’s thing more if it wasn’t the focus of an episode. I was actually really curious about what Jim’s deal was, but that ended up being a big disappointment.
Very good episode. I love when everyone is involved in some way and the entire episode takes place in the office. Creed is an amazing public speaker! I especially loved the cold open because it was just brilliant. We watched Office history!
One of the greatest cold opens of all time, then one of the most mediocre episodes of all time (but they kind of all are these days…)
Jim’s storyline was unbelievably disappointing. What was that?? First of all Jim has become a total pushover the last couple seasons, but more importantly, that was just such an awful payoff for all that build up throughout the entire episode.
I don’t understand…it wasn’t THAT bad. There’s been way worse. There were even some awesome parts:
You know it doesn’t have to be cow stuff.
I was thinking we could buy up a bunch of abandoned mine shafts.
Put the Q there!
My mom thinks you’re too dumb to hang out with.
Come on guys! Cut them some slack!
BEST cold open ever! I am so glad I hadn’t heard ahead of time that Ricky Gervais would be on. That just blew me away. I loved the whole show. I’m not always a fan of the Erin/Andy dynamic, but thought tonight, with the DVD, was great.
I thought it was OK, I have a feeling people will hate this one almost as much as Christening but not quite as bad. I liked Kevin’s problems and Creed stole the show.
eh. there were definitely some moments that made me laugh out loud, but over all, pretty weak episode. 3rd-grade john krasinski made my day though. CUUUUTE!
I enjoyed the episode. I love when we get a lot of Andy! And we got to see more of characters that we don’t normally get a lot of, i.e., Kevin, Kelly, and Creed.
One thing that confused me, though, wasn’t Andy a great sales person when he first came to the Office? Now he’s supposedly the worst. Am I not remembering correctly or did they change that?
Great episode!!!!! So full of Andy. Nice cold open with Steve Carell as Michael Scott and Ricky Gervais as David Brent (from the original Office).
Pretty good episode. A little too much Andy for me but to have Kelly and Creed be able to show off like that it was worth it.
Please bring back quick witted Jim.
That dude from Jim’s childhood knocking him down a few rungs was hilarious.
Overall, I enjoyed the episode. Several really funny moments.
What was the song Kevin played while running around the conference room? That was a great scene, especially when Kevin was exhausted afterwards.
Loved this episode start to finish. Ed Helms was brilliant. Creed and Kevin were amazing. And having an episode where Michael was a smaller role reminded me that the show will go on when Steve leaves – it won’t be the same but it will still be my favourite half-hour of the week.
P.S. Loved the cold open – just right.
Creed seriously made tears come to my eyes tonight. I haven’t laughed that hard at The Office in a while.
I thought everyone did great. Loved Kevin, loved Kelly, loved Erin and her cow Scrabble thing. It wasn’t epic (except for maybe the cold open), but more like a sleeper hit I’d say.
I liked the episode but I was not crazy about Andy being the main character. However, I liked the cold open even though I couldn’t understand a word Ricky was saying. They are dropping hints I believe….
This episode was terrific! I can’t quite put my finger on it – this episode just seemed to touch on so many character’s vulnerable sides – It was sweet, simple, fun, and hilarious – plus….david brent? icing on the cake! Thank you “the office” for yet again helping me get giddy after a hard day!
Ok, I’ll say that this episode wasn’t my favorite upon first viewing, definitely not on the same level as Costume Contest or Classy Christmas…but I think that it deserves a second viewing, which is more than I can say of last weeks episode. I’d watch it again for the EPIC cold open alone. I beg the Office powers that be, if Michael has to leave, at least consider putting David Brent in his place…we’d be back to season 1-2 uncomfortableness in no time!
PS- Tanster, is there any way you can get a hold of Jim’s 3rd grade picture? That was too cute!
Cheers everyone!
Another average episode in an increasingly average season. And who holds on to a grudge from something that someone once said to you in 3rd grade.
hahaha Jim’s twist storyline was awesome! I couldn’t stop giggling! And the David Brent appearance was perfect – just enough to enjoy, but not enough to be forced. Good episode!
Where are the deleted scenes for the last few episodes? There weren’t any posted for the Christmas episode or Ultimatum…maybe we’ll get some for this one?
I loved everything that was going on in this episode. Not my favorite but I liked it a lot!
@28 (Shannon)
My guess is that Andy’s trip to anger management ruined his salesmanship. Maybe his aggressive spirit was what got him to close effectively before?
In general, I think this was a pretty great, if uneven, episode. We got to see just the right amount of Creed, a good amount of Kelly, and we got to see Kevin throwing up in a trashcan, either from stage fright or from exhaustion. I liked that Michael’s behaviour, though eccentric, helped Andy and wasn’t disruptive. I was a bit worried that he would take it way too far and ruin things for Andy, but he came through and gave a good pep talk to him. It’s character moments like that that remind me why I love this ensemble cast, and it’s just making me think even more about how much I’m gonna miss Steve when he leaves this season.
One thing I noticed: there was a lot more cringe humour in his episode than I’ve noticed in the past season or so. There’s been more of a sitcommy feel of late, and while I still love watching the show, it’s kind of been bumped by Parks and Rec for an even tone and consistent laughs / awkwardness. I’m glad to see more of the horrifyingly awkward moments coming back in this season, with Classy Christmas’ “Woody”, Jim’s horrible interaction with his old friend and such. And the best part was, it wasn’t oppressive like Scott’s Tots (while I loved that episode, I couldn’t handle that too often).
Enjoyed this more than last weeks. Lots more laughs too, from almost everybody. Not much plot movement but good nonetheless. The cold open was of course, perfect and unforgettable.
The 3rd grade John K. photo was nice touch. But i was expecting more than that to Jim’s story. I’m not liking the lack of Jim lately, yet much more so the lack of any story progression for him. Really missing Jim’s interactions with both Pam, Dwight and Michael.
I always like Pam taking Oscar down a notch. Jim’s childhood friend knows how to hold onto an old insult. Pretty good episode if kind of slight given how close we are to the big game change.
A little too much Andy for me. Had a lot of laughs though. Creed was great, i nearly had tears. Enjoyed Creed more here than his cartwheel last week. Kelly and Kevin also had hilarious moments. So glad to have Jim back. I love awkward Jim but not as much as clever, sarcastic, witty Jim. Where is he?
Cold open was simply pure comedic gold.
LOVED the cold open to this episode! Steve and Ricky are great together, would love to see it happen again somehow. I miss the Jim/Pam/Dwight interactions :( Michael and Holly’s Greek/Italian voices were really funny!
Not bad. Although Andy’s “I’m a nice guy, I can’t be mean” deal I thought would get some contradiction. He was quite mean to Dwight before anger management. Maybe just a little “I’m a nice guy, I’m only tough when I’m in competition to somebody.” (Because even pre-anger Andy tended to be One: A mediocre or outright bad salesman trading on his family wealth Two: Goofy and excessively eager to please unless he considered the person his rival)
Great episode. The cold open was awesome, I hope we see more of Ricky. Creed was great, as was Kevin. It was good seeing Michael helping Andy out, maybe he will be stepping up when Steve leaves? (If anyone would be promoted, I would choose him)
Also, is John Krasinski doing a movie or something? Haven’t seen him much these past couple of episodes.
The cold open was great but the rest of the episode was bleh. It was kind of boring and very average and hardly any laughs. And I can’t stand it when Stanley is out of character.
What are they doing to Jim’s character? He used to be a very together guy, young but the voice of reason, sensible but cool. Now, he’s pathetic. Not funny, just pathetic. He couldn’t bear to face that guy from elementary school? Hopefully all of these sad sack moments he’s been having lately ( like allowing Dwight to torture him with snowballs) are leading him to a personal epiphany. Maybe he’ll actually try to accomplish more with his life which would be fun to watch. Unless that’s the motivation, I don’t understand the drastic change in his personality. There seem to be too many different writers and not enough style continuity.
David Brent and Michael Scott bumping into each other was amazing! Unfortunately, this was the highlight of the episode, and it was just downhill from there.
Wait, so David Brent wasn’t surprised that there was another guy being followed around with cameras just like he used to be? Suspension of disbelief is one thing but this was absurd. Terrible episode.
LOVED IT! Kevin was awesome. David Brent cameo was great.
question: how come kevin throwing up in a trash can didn’t make andy throw up? i thought watching other people get sick always makes him sick.
I can’t believe people did not like that episode! The cold open was Office history. There were hilarious Kevin moments. Hilarious Creed moments. Hilarious Kelly moments. Hilarious Oscar moments. Hilarious Erin moments. Hilarious Jim moments. Hilarious Michael and Holly moments. Hilarious Darryl moments.
The entire cast got to shine and I loved it! And as far as the lack of Michael development, I really liked how they handled his relationship with Holly in this episode. There was very subtle but very substantial development there…they were reforming their friendship! That is exactly how it should go down. It would be so unrealistic to rush them back into a relationship.
Great episode!!!
Jim’s plot seemed a bit off and somewhat out of place. Throughout the series the writers have touched on the career goals and future aspirations for both Jim and Pam. Mortgage and family responsibilities aside; what are Jim and Pam still doing working there?
I wonder if this bit with Jim’s childhood friend is another piece of Jim making a dramatic career choice. Otherwise what was really the point? It was a bit of downer.
Yeah, great episode all around. Loved when Creed was in his pre-speech trance thing outside the office. Great scene.
Andy and Kevin have been the co-MVPs the last 2 episodes. I do wonder if we have a new Pam/Jim with Erin and Andy (Gabe=Roy). The scene where she ignored Gabe while staring at Shrek 2 was well done.
What was that? It seemed like they scraped together a bunch of storylines that never made cut, stuck them together, and called it an episode. Ugh!
Reginald Pooftah? That’s hilarious.
That has got to be a Ricky Gervais joke- as not sure most of the audience would realise the connotations of that particular surname.
Hands down, the funniest moment was when Jim was in his car calling into the radio station talking about football….
the rest of the episode was mehhh at best….but I always have to rewatch….I slept on last week’s episode, until i watched it again. Wow, it was great.
Jim really needs to grow a pair….
While I agree with #50 (jjsally) – I’ve also been noting some absence of Jim’s usual self – I thought this was a great episode, much more my style of comedy than some of this season.
Gabe has EXACTLY my taste in movies. That combined with his TH about how Erin’s winning… I think I love him.
Creed’s speech about the Loch Ness Monster almost killed me, as did Erin being stuck on cow-related things, Michael’s fake name “Mikanos” and Kevin running around the conference room. I laughed aloud more than I have in a long time.
Jim’s third-grade picture was almost too adorable, as was him kicking that bit of debris around. It almost compensated for my disappointment that Jim wasn’t around to give camera faces.
Also, is it just me or is Holly incomprehensible? It seems like she and Michael have a different dynamic than they used to. I’m starting to side with Erin on this one.
I have to agree with #55, I loved this episode. Had plenty of bizarro moments, loved Michael & Holly, Kelly rocked it…
But I am a huge Ed Helms fan – I think his amount of screentime and dialogue might be the dealbreaker for some.
Other than the cold open with David Brent meeting Michael Scott, this episode was a dud. It seemed like the show was just trying to find “something” for each character to do. I really didn’t like the Mikanos character that Michael was playing. It wasn’t up to par with previous Michael impressions. I did love Gabe’s film choices (is the movie “Hardware” a real movie?) And seriously, what is up with Jim this season?
note to producers: please fire gabe immediately.
Not the best episode, certainly not as awesome as CLASSY CHRISTMAS. There wasn’t enough of Mindy Kaling: I loved Kelly’s branding of herself as well as the reveal that she acted inappropriately at Yale.
I did enjoy the continuing Darryl/Andy friendship but am puzzled as I thought that Dwight and Andy were friends too ever since they buried that Angela hatchet a while ago.
Gabe is still not a rootable character for me. While I ordinarily love Erin, the show went too far in portraying her as dumb. They crossed the line from sweet/naive into stupid. And we already have one great stupid character: Kevin. Erin doesn’t need to fill that role.
Having said that, I hope the tag means that an Erin/Andy reunion is in the offing. Gabe/Erin just doesn’t work for me.
Am I the only one who thought Michael’s Greek voice sounded a lot like Gru from Despicable Me?
I liked it! David Brent was EPIC! I have one question though; Where were Angela and Meredith in this episode?
I too was a little confused by the Jim storyline. Who holds 3rd grade grudges for 20 years?
I did however like, “Where’s your jetpack, Zuckerberg?”
Also, when Andy and the guys put all their hands in the middle and Creed just yelled “CREED!” That was awesome.
I agree with just about everyone
Cold Opening = Awesome
Rest of the episode = worse than last week’s
This was ok. The cold open was too short, but great. Amy Ryan as Holly is just amazing. The story line with Jim was a little silly, but it was fine. I’ve noticed the lack of Jim and I’m not a fan of that. Pam was sweet. It’s always cute when she hop/skips and sways her arms. I guess I’m just surprised that Michael wasn’t in the forefront of this storyline.
Not that I don’t like Erin and Gabe as characters, I just don’t like the fact that more characters means less lines and screen time for everyone else.
Okay, how come no one’s mentioned the return of Ping, a callback to The Dundies?
That moment just warmed my little Asian heart.
I noticed Ping but I was trying my best to understand who/what David Brent’s own Asian character was but I couldn’t make out what DB said before he was bleeped out.
@ 16. Alex I knew I had seen that guy somewhere. His name is Christopher N. Smith. He played Tim, the father of the baby Liz Lemon wanted to adopt in an episode of 30 Rock.
Great Michael moment as a manager getting Andy to close.
@#60 – I also found Jim’s football commentary hilarious, i don’t even know why. It caught me off guard and had me laughing. Gotta agree with others about Jim though. What’s going on there writers? Jim used to be able to get on Dwight’s last nerve, push him right to the end while knowing just what to say to turn any situation around in his favor. And was always there to make Pam smile. Lack of camera expressions aside, now he hides from Dwight and old 3rd grade enemies?
Tanster, when Michael said “I am Ping” I smiled, too. :)
The whole scene of Michael running into David Brent was just enough to be an awesome cold open, but not over do it.
Dear writers: please bring back old Jim! Who is this pathetic guy that vaguely appears in every episode? Not the Jim I fell in love with.
I think Jim’s a little stressed out. He’s not the Jim of five years ago. He’s married, owns a house and has a child. It must be tiring on him, and his natural defenses must be breaking down a bit. I know mine would.
Thought the cold open was especially hilarious!! Love to see Creed getting some more air time as well!
A decent episode in my opinion. But I must say I disagree with all the pathetic Jim comments. I think that Jim is still Jim but he was simply bested by the particular awkwardness of this situation.
Whatever direction they’re taking Jim in these latest episodes needs to be reversed stat. Unless it’s all building up to something, i don’t like it. I keep waiting for a great Jim wisecrack, joke, one-liner, prank, smirk, anything but it never comes.
On second viewing, I liked this episode much more than first viewing. Loved the MS/DB interaction, thought the Sales seminar was terrific (although enough with the vomiting). I thought Jim’s plot was sitcommy (just apologize after 20 years!) and seemed like a ploy so he could be out of the office and film a movie.
The episode wasn’t the greatest. It was high, but not the best.
The cold open, ONE OF THE BEST OF THE SEASON! I kept smiling and laughing at it throughout! It was so AMAZING!
Creed’s Loch Ness line was THE BEST! So funny and best of the episode! His and Erin’s “There’s a Shrek 2?!” were the greatest!
I thought the Pam/Oscar/Erin/Gabe Scrabble game was ok. Andy’s seminar was…not the best. But Kevin was SOO FUNNY in this episode! I think he was the highlight of the whole episode! I was surprised Angela didn’t have any facetime. She is a delight to have. Maybe she did about her Boyfriend, but I don’t remember. Jim seemed rushed. He must be filming a movie or something else. But his line about “My mommy says you’re too stupid to hang with” was so great!
All in all 7.5/10
This episode was ‘meh’. This is the LAST season with the all-mighty- God Steve Carell for crying out loud!!! There is no time for ‘meh’. Bring it writers. Bring it on. And bring it fast. The clock is ticking. . .
Jim has dissipated as a character. He and Pam act like strangers. They used to play off each other in such subtle, funny ways! Michael’s antics could get old, but the relationships in this show didn’t have to. I’m assuming John K. is busy with bigger, better things.
The episode had its funny moments, but I agree that Jim Halpert as a character has continually been made to look weaker and more emasculated. Jim used to be the cool, confident guy and now being confronted by a kid he called “dumb” years earlier basically pushed him into the fetal position. It also seemed odd that Jim and the guy even remembered each other. I doubt I would recognize a friend I had when I was 10 twenty years later. Although I suppose present day Jim and the picture do look a lot alike.
[from tanster: thanks!]
The connection between Jim and Pam seems to have disappeared lately. Where’s their banter and what used to be an always visible understanding and adoration. Perhaps it’s simply cause they have barely any interaction at all anymore. It makes me sad.
Just OK. The writing for Jim has gotten awful. It was a subplot that did not make any sense, let alone be funny. A grudge for 30 years? Why has Jim become such a wimp who is bullied, like with Dwight and the snowball and for this episode? Ugghh. Again, Michael and Holly were a snooze, with their lame improv. The JAM dynamic has vanished. The only bright spot was Kevin. And the cold open with David Brent, of course. I would love to see him take over the branch with his British humor—I know it’s just a pipe dream.
Pam and Jim are married now….that’s why their relationship is boring.
While the cold open was really good, better than I expected, the rest of the episode was ‘meh.’ Not horrible, just not so good.
Looking forward to next week!
The episode felt scattered, the cold open felt like more of a publicity stunt than an offering of any substance, and another guest writer (that trend really I feel hurts the show with a complete disregard for characterization or season-long plot flow that blessed the first through third seasons, and to the better degree season 4 and PARTS of 5)…. if this show is to ever get back on track, it”ll be because other project don’t sap the energy from its core ensemble. I remember the good days when these guys seemed to treat this show with utter love and care- it got them noticed! Now, it seems like the clock’s just ticking and guest writers are keeping episodes airing. Season 7 is a marked improvement on 6, but we’re way not in Emmy-ville anymore. Hopefully the remainder of the season proves the best is yet to come and Steve exits in style.
This episode was decent, but Creed’s speech about the Loch Ness monster was easily one of his best moments! I was hysterical laughing at that point, I might as well have been rolling around on the floor!
I LOVE this episode.. I thought that Andy was great in it.. he was so terrified then his reactions to how horrible the replacements for his seminar was funny..
The Michael Scott/David Brent cold open was epic.. Easily the best cold open if you knew who David Brent was..
I’m shocked how low this rated..