Dove and Us Weekly asks Mindy Kaling 20 questions.
Article | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4
Mindy is also in the current issue of Marie Claire (the one with Maggie Gyllenhaal on the cover) — she writes a funny article about living alone.
Tipsters: Jenna, Megan
nice vid! although it’s weird to see her so subdued after seeing her as Kelly for so long, lol.
During her interview I couldn’t help but think that Kelly Kapoor AND Mindy Kaling were sitting in that chair!
Mindy – you are AWESOME! It’s nice to see people who work in Hollywood so normal and down-to-earth. I want to be an actor/writer/filmmaker, so you really are an inspiration. :)
I’m glad they released those videos. I loved the honest answers she was giving. She seems like such a great/cool person.
Mindy is sweetness and light! Those were great videos and she looked so lovely. Not only is she a talented comedy writer, actor and producer, she is also really thoughtful and honest in an inspiring way.
Yay for Mindy! I don’t think she gets as much recognition as she deserves. I loved the part where she had to keep turning her head and smiling over and over again. I’d feel so silly!
Mindy continues to rock the house…I love how candid The Office ladies are.
I loved all of her answers. It’s so nice to see someone from Hollywood so down-to-earth. I agree with JAMforever–I want to be a TV writer and she is an inspiration!
Mindy is awesome! I actually bought the soap they were promoting (that citrus stuff, I think?) and it smells good. Yes, I am a dork.
“6. Proudest career achievement?
That I’m part of a show that portrays normal people as interesting”
And THAT is why I love the show!
I also like her comment about the 20-something aches and pains, and wanting to be a better driver in the next ten years. I totally feel her! Hah!
Every single article or interview I see with Mindy just makes me like her more and more. My two favorite answers were: “Who inspires you the most?
Women who are funny, who I have grown up watching on television.” and “Favorite personal lesson?
Everyday is fresh and unmarked.” Mindy, thank you for being a woman who inspires me with your brains and sheer awesomeness! And thank you so much for posting this, Tanster!
Mindy is so fabulous and it’s nice to see her getting more attention. The latest issue of Marie Claire came in the mail today, so I’m off to read her article (by the way, there’s a short feature on Rainn in this issue as well).