A man after my own heart. :)
As a geek girl, and a technical writer who writes about Mac software, I have to say that this is my favorite picture of John Krasinski ever.
Cute boy + cute toy = geek girl heaven.
Where Dunderheads unite!
A man after my own heart. :)
As a geek girl, and a technical writer who writes about Mac software, I have to say that this is my favorite picture of John Krasinski ever.
Cute boy + cute toy = geek girl heaven.
From Jenna Fischer’s MySpace blog, dated December 22, 2005:
Hello MySpacers!
We just finished an AMAZING episode that airs January 5th called Booze Cruise. Michael makes us all go on a “motivational” harbor cruise that is really a booze cruise. We spent 3 nights filming on a boat in Long Beach. On one day we worked from 3:30pm – 7am. It was like a big slumber party on the boat. We played Gin Rummy, told stories, and David Denman (Roy) got everyone to pose for silly digital pictures. (God, I hope those don’t end up anywhere.) You get loopy at 4am.
Now we are all on a 2 week break. Angela, Brian and I kicked off the break by getting drinks at The Grove. Our waiter was very excited to find out that we are all really friends in real life. John was on Carson Daly earlier this week. He’s ADORABLE! They are re-running it sometime on January 3rd.
I am doing The Tony Danza Show on January 5th (but I think it actually airs on January 6th.) This will be my first TV talk show appearance and I’m VERY nervous. So, be kind when watching please.
I will be sure to post again before our move to Thursdays. Side note: It is very surreal to see your face on the side of a bus.
Happy Holidays!
P.S. Angela got us the coolest presents for Christmas. She got us shirts that say “A real man makes his own luck” – Billy Zane, Titanic
I’ve worn mine 3 days in a row!
Entertainment Weekly thinks Steve Carell is one of the best entertainers of 2005. Good call. :)
Read more here, and check out the cute picture of Steve feeding a nest of birds …
The Office was nominated for three Writers Guild Awards:
For the complete list of nominees, click here.
In the Season 2 episode Christmas Party, Jim picks Pam as his Secret Santa recipient, and chooses a teapot for her gift.
In The Office Season 2 episode, Christmas Party, the office originally plays Secret Santa, but when Michael is unhappy with the gift Phyllis gives him (a homemade oven mitt), he changes the game to Yankee Swap.
Jim: What is Yankee Swap.
Michael: One person chooses a gift. The next person can either choose a gift or steal that person’s gift. If your gift gets stolen, then you can steal someone else’s gift or choose a new gift.
Jim: I thought that was called Nasty Christmas.
Pam: Yeah, we call it White Elephant.
Here’s the sequence of events.