Dunder Mifflin mission statement

“Dunder Mifflin Incorporated provides its customers quality office and information technology products, furniture, printing values and the expertise required for making informed buying decisions. We provide our products and services with a dedication to the highest degree of integrity and quality of customer satisfaction, developing long-term professional relationships with employees that develop pride, creating a stable working environment and company spirit.”

Office theme song now available as a .wav file

Thanks to Brian’s kind permission over at Life in the Office, I’ve converted his .mp3 version of the Office theme song to .wav and it is now available for download here at OfficeTally!

Why is the .wav version such a big deal?

If you are a Treo 650 owner and would like to use the Office theme song as your ringtone, without having to buy an additional ringtone manager, then the .wav version is what you need.

Moreover, now that the .wav file is available here, you can download it directly onto your Treo without needing Bluetooth, VersaMail, an SD card, or any other bothersome transfer steps!

What are you waiting for? Go there now!

Uncut version of Office pilot at YouTube

You can view the video here. 23 minutes and 45 seconds.

Aside from totally different theme music (which sounded really strange to me, since the real theme song is so completely burned into my brain), there’s some nice extra Dwight/Jim interaction.

Thanks to LiveJournal for the tip.

Update: Sadly, this video is no longer available.

Jenna Fischer TV Guide blog: Diversity Day

From Jenna Fischer’s TV Guide blog, dated March 9, 2006:

The Office Relives a Classic “Day”

It’s an oldie but goodie on The Office tonight [9:30 pm/ET on NBC]. We are rerunning an episode from Season 1 called “Diversity Day.” Michael is subjected to a day of diversity training after complaints are made to corporate about his behavior. He hijacks the meeting and teaches his own brand of sensitivity.

If you are new to The Office, this will be a treat. “Diversity Day” is an often-quoted fan favorite. It is also a favorite of Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the creators of the original British version of The Office. One of Michael’s lines from this episode inspired The Office fan site NorthernAttack.com. And, if that weren’t enough to convince you that you should be excited about a rerun… this episode, written by B.J. Novak, was nominated for a Writers Guild Award.

More fun facts about “Diversity Day”:

  • This was the second episode we ever shot. It was our first completely original episode. (Our pilot episode was adapted from the script of the British pilot.)
  • You will see Steve Carell before he lost a ton of weight for The 40 Year Old Virgin.
  • John Krasinski’s hair is longer.
  • My hair is darker.
  • You can see the very beginnings of the Jim-Pam romance.
  • This is the episode that contains the infamous “Chris Rock Routine.”