After Kate Flannery (“Meredith”) personally requested a fan vid of her own, Irene (aka “proudgirl”) obliged with her newest creation, “Got Booze?”
It’s the latest addition to the OfficeTally video playlist. Go check it out!
Internet sensation of 2004.
After Kate Flannery (“Meredith”) personally requested a fan vid of her own, Irene (aka “proudgirl”) obliged with her newest creation, “Got Booze?”
It’s the latest addition to the OfficeTally video playlist. Go check it out!
Joseph and Joseph follow the success of their first celebrity interview (Angela Kinsey) with a nice long chat with Jenna Fischer!
If you watched Drug Testing last week and also hang out over at James’ Watercooler, you know how much I have been gushing over the “hi/hey” scene, where Pam brings Jim a soda to finally break him of the Jinx.
Jenna provides some juicy tidbits regarding the shooting of that scene, and I am proud to say, I was the one who furnished the question! Not only that, but I think the question was partly responsible for the podcast being tagged for “explicit” language. Hee hee.
That’s all I’m gonna say. Now go listen already! (The hi/hey stuff happens around minute 28.) Link no longer available.
Icon courtesy of iconicosity.
As reported earlier, the Dwight Bobblehead is now available for pre-order.
But I just checked the NBC Universal Store, and it is now reporting that the Dwight Bobblehead will start shipping June 20, a full month after the originally announced shipping date!
I will change the Calendar accordingly. But I won’t be happy about it.
(Unless those of us who have already ordered it will still receive it on or around May 20th? Eh, wishful thinking … )