Jenna Fischer TV Guide blog: Supersize Office Finale, Supersize Blog!

From Jenna Fischer’s TV Guide blog, dated May 11, 2006:

Tonight is the supersize season finale of NBC’s The Office! Be sure to start watching early. The show starts at 9:20 pm ET, and you don’t want to miss a single minute.

In tonight’s episode, “Casino Night,” the employees of Dunder-Mifflin transform the warehouse into a casino and everyone gambles for charity. The episode was written by our very own Steve Carell and directed by Office favorite Ken Kwapis.

Yes, there will be plenty of romance tonight. But it might not be what you expect. Michael ends up with two dates to the party. One of his dates is played by his real-life wife, Nancy Walls (The 40 Year Old Virgin). You might remember her as the real-estate agent who recently ran into Michael at his ice-skating party. Well, she’s back. And so is Jan.

In other news, Pam gets a new look — sort of. You see her in a party dress, and she does a little something extra with her hair. Like in the Valentine’s Day episode, when Pam wore a headband, I had to test several different hairdos for the finale. It was girlie fun to stay after work and have the hair designer, Kim, put my hair in pretty curls and various updos. In the end we decided that we had to choose a hairstyle that Pam could’ve done at home with a curling iron and some bobby pins.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Lots will happen tonight. Kevin has a secret revealed, Creed tries to hide one, Phyllis surprises everyone, Angela slaps Dwight, and Jim makes a decision about Stamford.

And yes, there is a special Jim-Pam moment. The two characters square off during the poker tournament — but that’s all I can say.

It has been an emotional few days for me with the finale approaching. This is a huge milestone for us. No one really thought we would make it this far. I have a Polaroid photo from our very first day of work, on the pilot episode. It was funny because Steve Carell said, “One day this photo will be worth money. Especially after they fire me and replace me with a new actor for Episode 2. You’ll all look at this photo and say, ‘Awww, remember Steve What’s-His-Name? He was sweet. I wonder what he’s up to now.'” We all laughed. But we secretly wondered if any of us would make it to Episode 2. Here we are tonight — Episode 28. And we’re all coming back for more!

On the one hand, I’m relieved to have the finale airing. I’ve been carrying around the secret cliff-hangers for two months now! But in another way, I am sad. I’ve had insider scoop for a long time. Now I’m like everyone else — I don’t know what’s going to happen next!

Like Rachel from Darien, Wisc., you might be wondering if I will continue this blog after the season is over. I’m sad to say that this is my last blog for a while. It has been a tough assignment keeping up with the blog every week. (Just ask my editors, who keep getting my blogs at 3 am on Thursday mornings instead of noon on Wednesdays like we planned.) I would like to reserve the right to come back and post again from time to time. But for now, this is it. I’m taking the summer off.

Before I go, I thought it would only be fair to answer some more viewer questions. Here we go:

Joe from Wichita, Kan.: “In the latest episode, ‘Drug Testing,’ did Steve Carell hurt his ring finger? I thought I saw a bandage on it.”
Good eye. Steve hurt his finger (I can’t remember how) and it swelled up so badly that he couldn’t remove his wedding ring. Of course, we didn’t expect him to cut off his wedding ring for the show so they put a bandage around it. His finger is fine now.

Jane from Cranford, N.J.: “I’m a die-hard Office fan and don’t think I’ve ever missed an episode, so I’m puzzled about something and hope you can clear it up for me. Why does Michael hate Toby?”
There is no particular reason. By that I mean, there wasn’t a certain incident that started the feud. Basically, Michael is jealous of Toby. Toby is respected and well liked by the people in the office. He is even funny sometimes. People confide in him. These are all the things Michael wants, so he hates Toby. It all started in the second episode of the first season, “Diversity Day.” Michael calls everyone into the conference room for a meeting. On the way in, Toby makes a joke and everyone laughs. Michael throws him out. He pretends like it is because he is offended that Toby is making a joke during a serious office meeting, but the real reason is because it got a laugh. Plus, Toby reports directly to the corporate office. Michael doesn’t really have any power over him. And in some ways Toby has power over Michael because he can report Michael’s crazy antics to corporate. This makes Michael feel insecure and powerless around Toby. And Michael hates that. Or, in other words, he hates Toby.

Jim from St. Louis, Mo.: “As your totally unbiased father, I have to say [the ‘Drug Testing’ blog] was your best yet. I can’t wait for the finale. My guess is that you dump Jim, hook up with Dwight and Angela kills you.”
OK, so that’s not really a question. But, my dad wrote in and I thought it was really sweet, so I added it.

I have to say, I find it very interesting that my husband (horror director James Gunn) said that in his version of the finale, Jim cuts off Pam’s head. On, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, John Krasinski said Pam bursts into flames. And now my dad says that Angela kills Pam. Why is everyone trying to kill Pam!?

Joshua from Huntington, W. Va.: “In your last blog entry you said that your Dundie was your favorite Office keepsake. What other props have you gotten to keep?”
I got to keep a pad of paper with the Dunder-Mifflin letterhead and a Michael Scott business card. The card is in my scrapbook.

Will from Decatur, Ga.: “I have two questions: First, was Ryan’s reaction to the negotiation of the Dwight-Angela cookie question (in ‘Michael’s Birthday’) your ‘fall-off-your-couch’ moment? It was mine. Hilarious! I also wondered if the skating kids in that same episode were Steve Carell and Nancy Wall’s kids in real life.”
OK, first question: not originally. The Ryan moment was not in the early version of the episode that I saw. The moment that originally made me fall off my couch (and subsequently get scratched by my cat) was when Kelly described her sister’s funeral as the second saddest funeral she’d ever seen, after the funeral of Lady Di. But the Ryan moment made me fall off my couch, too. Luckily, my cat was not on my lap that time. As for the skating kids, they were actors.

Bill from Bothell, Wash.: “How long does it take you to memorize your lines for any given episode?”
I know the character of Pam so well and she is so well written that the memorization comes very naturally. It isn’t so much a matter of memorizing the words, it’s more about discovering the truth and emotion of the moments.

Every night before bed, I read the entire script for that week. (It takes us one week to shoot an episode.) I read the script to remind myself of the overall story and of Pam’s journey in particular. Then I focus on the scenes we are shooting the next day. I read them several times over again — sometimes I read aloud. If there is an important scene, either emotionally or comedically, I will ask my husband to read it with me and give me pointers. I make notes in the script. At work, I keep the script at my desk and I glace at the scenes once or twice before we start rolling.

I spend more time rehearsing the interview segments because those are harder. Angela and I often run our interview segments for one another. We check to be sure we have the lines correct.

Ann from Thousand Oaks, Calif.: “I was wondering if it is hard to do the scenes where it’s just you talking to the camera. It seems like it would be harder to do that than to do a scene where you are talking to a real person.”
Yes, I find them harder for that exact reason. Usually the director will prompt us with a question so that it seems more like a real back-and-forth type of interview situation. That helps. And sometimes he or she will ask us a few fake questions and we will improvise to warm up. We just keep chatting until they prompt us into the scripted part. And sometimes they end up using our improvisations.

Katie from Springville, Utah: “So I was wondering… what’s your favorite Pam line of all time? I can’t pick!”
“Please don’t throw garbage at me” from “Basketball,” Season 1.

Jackson from Des Moines, Iowa: “What is the craziest thing that you’ve done in a background scene of The Office, and did it make on the air?”
This is an awesome question. Unfortunately I don’t have an awesome answer. During the Christmas episode I ordered online a lot of Christmas presents, right from my desk, but you can’t tell. One time I was cold and put on my sweatpants instead of my skirt and sat behind the desk. No one noticed. During a scene where they filmed me working on my wedding-invitation list, I wrote the names of my real family members. Oh, and sometimes I eat crackers. See, not very exciting.

Merideth from Sterling, Va.: “Why is Pam always sitting with Michael in his office? It doesn’t look like she is taking any notes. Is it because corporate has required Michael not to be alone with any of the employees?”
I think it is because he likes to feel important, like he has an assistant. But he doesn’t really have anything for her to do. If you notice, he does it to Ryan, too.

Greg from Long Beach, Calif.: “Can you tell us any info about The Office Season 2 DVD release? Have you recorded any commentary? Please put lots of extra scenes and bloopers in there…. I’ll need it to carry me through the summer until Season 3 starts!”
I don’t have any information on our Season 2 DVD release. We haven’t recorded any commentary but I know we are all willing to do it again this year. It was a lot of fun last time.

To help you over the summer hiatus, will be posting several Office webisodes. The mini-episodes are all new and revolve around the accounting department and their search for missing money. I’m not sure when they will become available, but I know it is sometime over the summer. I hope that helps!

Rochelle from Radcliffe, Iowa: “Hey Jenna, I saw you on Ellen last week. Do you really have a MySpace page? If so what’s your address?”
Yes, I really do. It is I also write blogs on MySpace, and I post behind-the-scenes photos from the show. I’m not the only office member with a MySpace page: other Office characters have pages, too. They are Angela, Meredith, Kevin, Toby, Ryan, Roy and Darryl.

Jim, Dwight and Michael do not have MySpace pages. There are fans who started pages for them, but they are not associated with the actors from the show. The only actors with real MySpace pages are the people in my “Top 8,” plus Roy and Darryl.

We created our MySpace pages as a way to keep occupied during our many long hours doing background work on the show. Our computers really work so we thought it would be fun to blog about the show from our desks. Also, we credit our fans for keeping us on the air. We have heard so many cool stories about people planning dinner parties with friends as a way to force them to watch The Office and increase our fan base. We love our show as much as the fans do, and we wanted to geek out together!

If you write to me on MySpace you should know a few things:

1. I keep the page myself. It is not run by NBC or a producer or anyone. It’s just little old me so it takes a long time to go through things. Sometimes I’ll ask my assistant to help with Friend Requests. But so far, I read all the mail myself.
2. I cannot write you or your friends a personal e-mail, so don’t send me your personal e-mail addresses. If I sent out e-mails, then my e-mail address would get around and I have to keep that private.
3. Sometimes (very rarely) I write people back through MySpace, but most of the time I can’t, so please don’t take it personally.
4. I cannot send you money.
5. I cannot accept interview requests for television and radio stations via MySpace. They have to be coordinated by the NBC publicity department. Please contact them directly.
6. We aren’t filming right now. We are on a summer break and we go back to work at the end of July. It is easy to keep up our pages when we spend 10 hours a day at our “desks” but hard to keep up with them over the summer. We may miss a lot of your messages until then.

Finally, if you have a question, check my blogs. I answer a lot of questions in my blogs, and chances are the information you are looking for is in there. For example, I wrote a blog about where to send autograph requests.

My most frequently asked MySpace questions: No, John Krasinski does not have a MySpace page. Yes, he is cute, sweet and funny in real life. No, I cannot set him up with you or your friend.

Finally, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your nice letters and for your support of our show. I really, really, mean it. I have enjoyed this as much as you have. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity not only to be a working actor but to work on something that makes me so excited I don’t care that my day starts at 5 am. (And my family knows that me waking up before 10 am is a miracle.) I hope we can keep making this show for a long, long time. See you in the fall!

Jenna Fischer’s TV Guide blog

TV Guide: John Krasinski Hails Office Romance

From a TV Guide article dated May 11, 2006:

What do Steve Carell, Jenna Fischer, Rainn Wilson and B.J. Novak all have in common, besides being primary players on NBC’s The Office (Thursdays at 9:30 pm/ET)? Each of them has either been Q&A’d by or penned blogs for during this, the series’ second season. Who is conspicuously MIA from that list? That’s right — on the occasion of the season finale, we finally got on the phone with… … the elusive John Krasinski.
John Krasinski: Hello! How are you doing? I’m good! I’ve had Jenna and B.J. talking about you ad nauseam in their blogs, but I have yet to actually talk to you.
Krasinski: Oh, man. Well, I’m very excited to talk to you then! You should know that Jenna’s been talking all kinds of smack about how Brian [Baumgartner, Kevin] has been beating up on you in PlayStation 2 football.
Krasinski: That is just garbage. It was a really back-and-forth season there. We had some ups and downs, but it was fun. I think Brian and I called it even. I believe Jenna once reported that your defense was “weak.”
Krasinski: Wow! I… don’t even think she knows what she’s talking about. She’s still asking what color our teams are, so I’m not sure she’s necessarily the best person to talk to about that. Now, you and B.J. went to high school together?
Krasinski: Yeah, we did, and he actually wrote the first acting thing I was ever in, which was basically a parody of the high school. Even back then I thought it was so funny and in a way that I like to see. It wasn’t slapsticky, it was smart and well put together. It’s so funny that he even approached me to do it because I was nowhere near being an actor. I don’t know what he saw in me but thank god he did, because here we are! Let’s face it, he needed “someone tall.”
Krasinski: Exactly! I’m sure that’s the truth, too. Did you guys keep in touch, or was The Office the first you’d seen each other in a while, like: “Hey, I know you.”
Krasinski: The truth is, I went to the call-back audition in L.A. and was reviewing the sides they had given me when I looked up and saw he was doing the same thing. It was one of those surreal moments your brain can’t comprehend. It was fantastic. Now, after working with him for so long, I have to say that he is everything people say he is. He’s one of the best new voices in Hollywood. You always hear stories about how Office cast members pass the time on the set, blogging or playing games on their characters’ computers. What do you tend to do?
Krasinski: I check e-mail here and there, and maybe read some articles online, but I’m in an awkward position because when they shoot outside of Michael’s office or from any angle, because of where my desk is located, you can always see my screen. [Laughs] Right before every shot, it’s like, “John, [put up] something we can use, buddy!” In a recent episode, when Jim was e-mailing Pam, you could see her “Dunder-Mifflin” e-mail address. What happens if I send an e-mail to it?
Krasinski: I have no idea. Check it out, man! Where do you stand on the Pam-Jim hookup timetable?
Krasinski: I don’t know. It’s funny, people always want to know when the “big moment” is going to happen, and the coolest part about being a part of this relationship as an actor is that we have a number of big moments. Sometimes the big moments are really good, sometimes they are really tense…. I can’t say enough about the writers and how real they’ve stayed with our relationship. “Booze Cruise,” that was one of the biggest moments yet. That I wasn’t able to speak or say anything, to me that’s the best drama you can have. That’s so real. When did your counterparts get together in the original British version?
Krasinski: I think at the very end, in the last episode of the whole thing, she walks in and just kisses him. Jenna said you didn’t tell her what Jim wrote on the card he put in her Christmas-present teapot. What’d you write?
Krasinski: I can’t tell you! No…. Have you ever ad-libbed something that didn’t make it in?
Krasinski: Everything! No, I’m kidding. Once you’ve done what the writers have written, there is a lot of opportunity to go off. One of the things we have improve[ise]d, and this is hilarious, was when Rainn and I started arm-wrestling, and it turned into a full-on, tackle-to-the-ground and fighting-like-8-year-olds-on-a-playground thing. Part of me wishes that made it in, even though it would have been completely ludicrous. What’s been your favorite episode to date?
Krasinski: I really loved “The Secret.” I thought it was really done. It was so funny when Steve [Carell, as Michael] took me to Hooters, it provided a lot to do for the other cast members, who are so funny, and it did a really good job of pushing the love story forward, too. What can you tease about the “Casino Night” season finale?
Krasinski: It starts out like a simple run-of-the-mill event that the office is hosting — we’re all playing these casino games for our favorite charity — and it turns out to answer a lot of the questions that people have been wondering — about Pam and Jim, Michael and Jan…. All these things are addressed in a really cool way. The characters find themselves in situations they never would have imagined. And that’s the best way to finish a season. Of course there’s a cliff-hanger where someone tries to cheat at cards, a gun goes off, and the screen goes to black.
Krasinski: Wait, did you see it already?! [Laughs] Let’s finish up with the movies you have in the pipeline. In License to Wed, you and “fiancée” Mandy Moore get premarital advice from the counselor-from-hell, Robin Williams.
Krasinski: He’s the priest at the church that she grew up at. We shoot that next week and I’m super-excited. I am one of Robin Williams’ biggest fans. Man, talk about ad-libbing!
Krasinski: I know. It’s going to be a clinic for sure. And Mandy Moore, I just think that she’s so talented and a fantastic new face. She’s doing a great job. Smiley Face: Are you a stoner in that?
Krasinski: I’m not, actually. Anna Faris is the stoner, and when she eats a plate of pot brownies and goes to another planet virtually, I’m her roommate’s friend who ends up having to basically baby-sit her all day. I’m a really nerdy kid who’s secretly in love with her. The Dreamgirls movie: I take it you’re playing James “Thunder” Early?
Krasinski: How did you know? No, [writer-director] Bill Condon called one day and he had this idea for one scene where Beyoncé gets to the point where she wants to give movies a try, and I’m a director who’s interested in casting her. It’s me basically saying nothing because John Lithgow is the very loudmouthed producer. It’s a very fun scene, and I’m honored to be a part of it. What else do you have in the works?
Krasinski: I finally finished the script that I was writing, and I’m going to be directing it in November — Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. That’s a great title.
Krasinski: Yeah! I think it definitely leaves people wondering what it’s about, so it will be interesting to see what people think. It’s based on the book by David Foster Wallace, and my goal is to bring his work to a different medium and expose more people to what I thought was an incredible book. At the end of the day, do you envision yourself as 50 percent actor, 50 percent writer-director?
Krasinski: No, not right now. I love acting so much. This is more of a one-time thing and if it happens that I write something again, that would be great. But for right now, this is it. Well, John, I’m glad we finally had the chance to talk!
Krasinski: I know, right? Thanks very much!

Season finale, here we come!

It is now exactly two hours until you lucky East Coasters get to start feasting on the season finale, Casino Night.

Remember to come right back here at 7pm PT to add your rating and comments. I expect to see massive fan frenzy!

P.S. This simply stupendous illustration is courtesy of LiveJournal’s psmonkey, who created it “to celebrate the season finale.” Click the picture for the large version, and show the monkey some love by leaving a comment. psmonkey also maintains an impressive portfolio over at

Maureen Ryan chats with John Krasinski

Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune, an Office fan and friend of OfficeTally, got to have an in-depth conversation this week with John Krasinski (“Jim”).

For the full interview, click here. A few details about Casino Night are included, but nothing earth-shattering. (As expected.)

This is the last article I am posting before the season finale airs tonight.

I shall now enter a self-imposed cone of silence. (Hey, if James over at Northern Attack can take a vow of abstinence for a week, I can certainly do it for a few hours. Right?)

Jenna’s blog updated!

That’s all I need to say. Go forth and read.

Update: Wow, now that I’ve actually read it, I can say it’s a big whomping awesome doozy of a final post! Yes, I said final. Sadly, this is Jenna’s last post for TV Guide, at least until Season 3 starts up. (Shooting starts in late July.)

I’m going through withdrawal already …

OSU chats with Greg Daniels and B. J. Novak

Ohio State University’s The Lantern scores an interview with Greg Daniels, executive producer of The Office, and B. J. Novak.

Casino Night is discussed; proceed with caution.

Read the official article here, and the rough transcript here (recorded by the reporter’s sister, Becca, who also happens to be an Office fan vid creator — check out her videos in the video playlist under “Becca Productions”).

The transcript includes Greg Daniels’ first public mention of the petition!

Alicia: Well I guess I should ask about the finale, you’re probably not allowed to give away too much, but I heard it’s supersized, which is exciting.

Greg: And that by the way came about because a Chicago newspaper had printed something that I said in an interview about, I was just kind of being a little facetious and saying Jeff Zucker oughta supersize it because I don’t want to have to edit it, and these fans started a website called…

Alicia: Yeah, I signed that petition.

Greg: Oh, did you? Good for you! Yeah, anyway, well they really listened to that. And that’s why we have a supersized office.
