Don’t forget: the iPod Giveaway starts today!
You can find the complete details here. (You can also click the iPod in the sidebar.)
Perhaps there will be some surprises along the way, who knows? :)
Where funk is the problem AND the solution.
Don’t forget: the iPod Giveaway starts today!
You can find the complete details here. (You can also click the iPod in the sidebar.)
Perhaps there will be some surprises along the way, who knows? :)
Lots of good stuff here: David’s audition for Roy, recording commentary for the Season 2 DVD, behind the scenes action from the episode Basketball, an intense scene with Jim that never aired, and the joys of MySpace.
To read part 2, click here.
Maybe this is old news to all of you, but this was the first time I had heard about it …
Remember in the episode The Injury, when Dwight sees Pam playing with her new MP3 player, the Prism DuroSport? He remarks, ” … they’re like an iPod, only they’re better. ‘Cause they’re chunkier and more solid.”
Well, now you can order your very own!
Er … just ignore the scathing review from Medialoper (no longer available), the potential bleeding from the nose and eyes, and the fact it doesn’t actually play music in MP3 format. (Because “nothing kills an artist’s career faster than large amounts of people having access to their music.”)
And yeah, don’t be alarmed that it has its own hate site, (no longer available).
Thanks to flotsette for the tip!
(And flotsette says, “Apparently it was done by the show writers. Be sure to click ALL the links, it goes on forever, and it is HILARIOUS.”)
NBC has just announced that the Season 2 finale, Casino Night, will re-air on Thursday, July 6th, from 9:30-10pm.
Since this episode runs 40 minutes long, I’m wondering how NBC will squeeze it into a 30-minute slot; no commercials maybe? (Heaven forbid that they cut scenes out to make it fit 30 minutes!)
I’ll add this to the Calendar when I get home from work …
Well here you go — I rearranged the conversation so that each question would immediately precede the answer. If I omitted anything, please let me know …
Thanks to flotsette for supplying me with all of the parts I missed when I was briefly booted out of the room!
FYI: Tom O’Neil is the organizer of the chat. JK, of course, refers to John Krasinski, although it was his publicist, Rebecca, who was actually typing the answers since John was unable to actually attend the chat. (He was talking to Rebecca via phone.)
Thanks to Tom and Boomer at the GoldDerby Forums for managing this event!
A reminder that the John Krasinski live chat at the GoldDerby will be in about an hour.
The chat room is already open and filling up.
Tom O’Neil, the chat’s moderator, is reporting that John will be arriving at the chat a little early. He is also reporting that he has disabled the ability for new users to sign up.
Click here for more information.
Don’t worry if you can’t get in; GMMR and I are already in the chat room, and we will try to capture the highlights. :)
Give Me My Remote scores another exclusive interview, this time with The Office’s David Denman (“Roy”).
An excerpt:
“One of the things that I have spoken to the writers and Greg Daniels about was that we really only show one side of Roy, and it’s not a pretty one. So it would be nice to actually see some other sides … Roy doesn’t think about a lot of things that he should to be Pam’s partner, so maybe he’ll start thinking about things more next season.”
Read Part 1 of the interview here. Watch for Part 2 tomorrow. Nice job, GMMR!
Angela’s just posted a new entry in her MySpace blog about the Season 2 DVD:
I’ve been told the Season 2 DVD will have hours of deleted scenes that have never been shown anywhere … basically hours and hours of extras on a four disc set … It should hit the stores in September a few weeks before our Season 3 starts!
Read her full post here. Thanks, Angela, for the scoop! The DVD set sounds AWESOME.
I’ve added some “best guess” entries in the Calendar — these dates are not confirmed:
Of course, as soon as I can confirm the dates, I will post them here!