New Rules, New Names?

Sarah Kuhn of adds more Office buzz in her article about possible Emmy contenders.

She explains the new nominating process this year, which may result in a more diverse selection of nominees, including possibly, Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, and Jenna Fischer (all mentioned in the article).

Keep your fingers crossed!

Read the complete story here.

The Emmy nominations will be announced on July 6th.

Various Sunday tidbits

A webisode sneak peek from EW

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly includes a humorous article about the upcoming Office webisodes, which are scheduled to start on July 13.

An excerpt:

If this Law & Order: Ledger Victim’s Unit story line sounds like a suspenseful whodunit, keep in mind that this is The Office, where no one has the energy to go out to lunch, let alone track down a thief. (The biggest action scene? The trio sneaks into Michael’s empty office to try out all his toys.)

View the full article and photo here, courtesy of Lauren and Matthew at the LiveJournal Office community! spotlights Jenna Fischer spotlights a number of Emmy-deserving actors, including Ethan Suplee (My Name is Earl), Jennifer Morrison (House), Forest Whitaker (The Shield), and last but not least, Jenna Fischer.

An excerpt:

Whenever Pam does something sort of unlikeable, I get excited. I want her to be human. I find there’s more of a pressure in real life, because it’s really easy to be likeable and wonderful when a room of 12 very smart writers create you.

I like the insight Jenna gives on the writing behind the episode, Boys and Girls.

Read the full article here.

What Office stuff would YOU buy?

My contact over at the NBC Universal Store just sent me this email: will be coming out with a pretty nice assortment of Dunder Mifflin items in the Fall. Really great looking and quality stuff, some even made by Roots. T-Shirts, Zip Hoodie Sweatshirt, Baseball caps, etc. … Some great Office logo stuff too. Be on the lookout. I’d love to hear some more merchandise ideas from true Office fans …

So, true Office fans, what items would you like to see in the NBC Universal store?

Number one on my list is a poster print of Michael Scott’s Photoshopped team photo (from Conflict Resolution).

I would snap that up in a heartbeat!

Add your ideas in the comment section …


Review of The Office, Season 2

PopMatters’ Jesse Hicks has written a beautifully poignant review of The Office’s second season.

An excerpt:

With Season Two’s 22 episodes … the focus expanded to include the entire staff, whose tragicomic rhythms came to the fore. Michael morphed from clown to sad clown as viewers came to realize his insensitive hi-jinks were driven by his eternal loneliness.

Read the full review here.