Thanks to a post by theofficetemp at the LiveJournal Office community, I trekked to the newsstand tonight to get a copy of the latest People magazine.
My scanning skills aren’t the best, but hey, it’s John getting down on one knee.
You had me at jello.
Thanks to a post by theofficetemp at the LiveJournal Office community, I trekked to the newsstand tonight to get a copy of the latest People magazine.
My scanning skills aren’t the best, but hey, it’s John getting down on one knee.
The Martha, Leno, and Ferguson appearances are all repeats.
Remember there is no Office episode next Thursday (football).
For a complete list of events, see the OT Calendar.
Conan O’Brien literally drops in on The Office (as well as Lost, 24, House, and other shows) during his Emmys intro in 2006.
Continue reading “Conan O’Brien’s Emmys intro at The Office”
Emmys, Schmemmys. What about the iPod?
No, we don’t have an iPod Giveaway winner yet.
I don’t even have my list of favorites done. I read entries all last night, and I feel like I’m only a fraction of the way through.
I think James is almost finished compiling his list, though. Normally I wouldn’t get so behind on a task like this, but James recently introduced me to 24, and I’ve been spending every possible moment catching up on old episodes. Starting from Season 1. As in, five seasons ago. Curse James and that irresistible Jack Bauer!
Nevertheless, I just wanted to pop in here and say, we have some damn funny people who hang out at OfficeTally and at Northern Attack. I’ve laughed out loud many times while reading the entries, and one thing has become clear: you guys are witty, inventive, and often times, twisted. It’s an honor to read you.
We will hopefully have a winner (or in Emmy speak, “award the iPod to …”) by the end of the long weekend. Take a chill pill ’til then …
In celebration of The Office’s Emmy win on Sunday, Total Axxess is re-airing the interview it did with Angela Kinsey tonight at 7pm Central.
The interview originally aired on August 10th, and since then, audio clips have become available (Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3 | Clip 4), but the clips DO NOT include some of the choicest Office tidbits.
Some of the Office highlights missing from the audio clips:
Listen to the Angela Kinsey interview here at 7pm Central tonight.
Thanks, Brad, for the tip!
DVD Talk has published a review of The Office Season 2 DVD set, and it’s quite positive! (As if you weren’t already antsy enough about getting your hands on a copy.)
One thing in particular got me excited:
One extra that pretty much all fans will love is the blooper reel, which runs a fantastic 17 minutes, and features the majority of the cast breaking character or flubbing lines. This was a very entertaining featurette and shows how hard it is to be funny in a deadpan way. This kind of extra can be hit or miss, but here it hits hard.
Yay for hard-hitting bloopers!
Read the full Office Season 2 DVD review here.
Thanks to everybody who sent in this tip!
Although I have been dutifully adding all sorts of items to the Office Emmys coverage post today, I felt this photo deserved its own space, don’t you?
Quite stunning.
Update 8/30: Here is the super-large version of the photo.
Lest this event slips through the cracks today, a reminder that B.J. Novak and Friends will perform at Largo, Los Angeles tonight.
You know who B.J. is — he’s a cast member of that Emmy award-winning show, The Office. (Man, that felt good to say.)
Please report back if you attend the show! (Wonder if any Office-mates will make surprise appearances?)
P.S. Note from B.J.: Sold out. Some standing room (at the bar) available if you get there early.