Like James and I have said already, it was really difficult picking the winners. And even though some of the entries below didn’t result in a tangible prize, they nevertheless deserve the spotlight for being some of the most creative we’ve read. Enjoy!
Angela live Wednesday morning
Angela Kinsey’s just updated her MySpace blog with a list of her live radio appearances on Wednesday morning:
6:00 am – WKLS, Atlanta, GA
6:20 am – THE LEX & TERRY SHOW – Nationally Syndicated
6:30 am – WERS, Boston, MA
6:40 am – WPHT, Philadelphia, PA/Manhattan, NY
6:50 am – WOR RADIO, New York, NY
7:00 am – WKQX, Chicago, Ill – Nationally Syndicated
7:20 am – KVIL, Dallas, TX
7:30 am – KFNS, St. Louis, MO
7:40 am – THE RON SEGGI SHOW – Nationally Syndicated
7:50 am – KDLD/KDLE Indie 103.1, Los Angeles, CA
8:00 am – ESPN, Kansas, Denver, Mo, Ark, Oak/syndicated
There’s other good stuff in her blog, so be sure to go check it out!
And the winner is …
Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Well, maybe not the moment — that doesn’t come until September 21 — but a moment nonetheless. James and I are proud to present the winners of The iPod Giveaway:
Grand Prize iPod Winner:
- Joseph (coupjoe)
- garbagethrower
- Joseph (jj_mcdonough)
- Kristen
- lindsay, and
- smart little cookie
Congratulations! You all prevailed over some very stiff competition. Each of you will be receiving an e-mail from us shortly with instructions on how to proceed. Please let one of us know if you don’t receive anything by the end of Wednesday, September 6.
An extra note to the five runners-up: you all may recall us promising an Office episode from the iTunes Music Store to each of you. We’re afraid that we won’t be able to deliver on that promise; instead, we’ll be awarding each of you a copy of The Office Season Two on DVD. That’s right, come September 12 (or September 13 depending on how shipping works out), the five of you will be receiving a copy of the boxed set delivered directly to your doorstep. We were so impressed with your work that we couldn’t let you all off with a just a single episode; you guys are getting all 22 plus more supplemental features than you can shake a stick at. Course, you’ll want to cancel your existing pre-order if you already have one.
On a final note, we’d like to thank Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, David Denman, Brian Baumgartner and Kathie from Give Me My Remote for providing us with five brilliant questions. Thanks to you all, we only had to worry about coming up with three clever questions rather than eight.
And that, folks, concludes The First Annual OfficeTally/Northern Attack Summer Giveaway. We don’t know if there will be a Second Annual Giveaway, but given how much we enjoyed running this one, we’d sure like for there to be a follow-up next year. Plus, so many of you deserved recognition for your entries this time around that we’d like for everyone to have a second shot at winning next summer. No guarantees that we’ll be able to secure another iPod, but we’ll see what we can come up with.
Again, congratulations to the winners, and thank you, all of you, for participating.
Rainn Wilson on The Bower Show
The Bower Show on Sirius’ Maxim channel talked to Rainn Wilson last month about ‘My Super Ex-Girlfriend’, and more importantly, why Rainn was unable to maintain his MySpace page.
Listen to the short clip at The Bower Show’s MySpace page.
Thanks, Laura, for the tip!
Warning: Rainn’s clip is pretty safe, but other items on The Bower Show page, including other audio clips that may play automatically when you first load the page, are NSFW.
New Office promo photos
peopleareshapes at the LiveJournal Office community has posted new Office promo photos!

See all the photos here.
Wallpaper by dolly
Just click the image to jump to the wallpaper.
Dwangela — Dwight Schrute and Angela Martin
“Women are like wolves”
P.S. Want more? — see the complete listing of LJ Office wallpapers here.
Dunder Mifflin helps fight breast cancer
Dunder Mifflin is participating in LEE National Denim Day and its fight against breast cancer on October 6th.
Watch the Dunder Mifflin PSA here. (At least Michael didn’t make any Hooters jokes.)
Season 3 premiere info confirmed!
SPOILER WARNING: I have posted the Season 3 premiere episode title and synopsis in the Season 3 post, AND I have confirmed with NBC that it is accurate! (Thanks to GMMR for the original tip.)
If you’d like to post a comment about this, please add it to the Season 3 news post. Thanks!