OT reader Chappa reports the following:
Today I was at my local Best Buy and they had Season 3 out!!! I purchased the gift set for $49.99 that includes a mini-Dwight Schrute bobblehead, Dundie Award, Welcome Aboard Letter and of course Season 3 of The Office.
1. The Dundie looks pretty much like the one in the show. It is about the same size as the DVD itself and looks really authentic.
2. The letter is printed on Dundle Mifflin stationery and is the letter employees received after The Merger. It also contains 16 general rules of the office.
3. The mini bobblehead is pretty much the same as the one sold on NBC.com.
4. The box is the usual Dunder Mifflin paper box with a few fake stickers on them. One reads “Hello my name is Future Dwight (Level Orange).” Another is “Beets, Bears, Battlestar Galactica.” “Scranton or Bust” is another one.
5. Now to the DVD set. The inside front packaging is the same picture of the NBC.com website. It all looks like a cork board with various pictures and messages on it. All the DVDs look like graphing paper with a paper clip bent to form the numbers.