SPOILER WARNING! Videos and subsequent comments will contain spoilers.
Here are promos of this week’s episode, ‘Dunder Mifflin Infinity.’
Links: Promo 1 | Promo 2 | Promo 3 NEW!
Tipsters: Jodi, Sara, Carly
I feel like all my kids grew up. And then they married each other.
Part of my Saturday with Angela included doing an interview with Susan Young of the Contra Costa Times.
Did I ever think in my wildest dreams that I would be interviewed alongside Ms. Angela Kinsey? Uh, NO.
And any time I can combine two of my favorite activities — talking about The Office and eating — it’s a good day.
Links: Writer’s reply turns into ‘Office’ obsession | Video (no longer available)
Related links: Dinner with Angela | Angela stops by OTCR
SPOILER WARNING! Photos and subsequent comments will contain spoilers.
JustJared’s got photos from the upcoming episodes Launch Party and Money.
Link: JustJared
Tipster: beckless1888
Welcome to the Monday edition of ALL ACCESS ANGELA.
Today we find our intrepid heroine in New York City, signing autographs at the NBC Experience Store.
Tallyhead muuuusic was gracious enough to share photos from the event. (And what is that I see in the rightmost photo? Could it be? An Angela mini bobblehead?!)
Link: Photos of Angela at the NBC Experience Store, NYC
Tipster: muuuusic