Fan report: Rich meets Kate Flannery

On Memorial Day, I was flying from Baltimore to the city I currently call home (Portland, OR), and I was excited that my flight was through Philly because it had been a very long time since I had eaten an authentic cheese steak. After killing half of my four hour layover reading, I was finally hungry enough for the cheese steak that I figured would be the highlight of my day of traveling.
While I was waiting for my order number to be called at the cheese steak place, I noticed a familiar looking red head standing next to me in line. I did double and triple takes, and then when I was 99% sure who the person I was standing next to was, I called my dad and whispered, “Dad, I’m standing next to Kate Flannery — the actress that plays Meredith on THE OFFICE” into the phone.
Since my dad isn’t as big of an office nerd as I am, he had to ask which character Meredith was, and once I said “she’s the office drunk,” he immediately knew the person I was talking about. He encouraged me to go up to her and say something, so about a minute after hanging up the phone, I approached the person next to me in line and said, “Are you Kate Flannery from THE OFFICE?” Her reply was, of course, “Yes.” I told her I was a fan and that I read her blog on to which she responded, “Okay, now I’m impressed.”
She asked my name and we chatted for a bit about airports, pointless 30 minute flights from Baltimore to Philly, and her hometown of Philly. I also asked her if most fans she runs into address her as Meredith or as Kate (the answer is the former which made me feel special for actually knowing her real name) and then she told me about some award show that she just finished doing (the Genesis Awards maybe?). I’m a little fuzzy on the details of that last one because at the time when she told me about it, I was still not over the fact that I was talking to a television star. I’m not sure if I ever was ‘over it’ the entire time that we talked.
Eventually, she said that I could take a picture with her if that was what I wanted. I didn’t want to be the one to ask, but that was obviously what I wanted to do. The guy she was traveling with — who I’m assuming was her boyfriend, the NBC staff photographer Chris Haston — took the photo of us.
They both told me to Photoshop a beer into Kate’s hand for a more realistic representation of Meredith. While I’m at it, I may as well give her cast on her pelvis and a football sized bruise on her face!
After the photo, both of our orders numbers were called — I decided not to be an annoying fan, so I didn’t ask if I could eat with her and her boyfriend. Instead, I said goodbye (she remembered my name when she said goodbye!) and told her to tell the rest of the cast that I said hi even though they have no idea who I am. I then proceeded to eat my cheese steak alone while I text messaged and/or called every fan of THE OFFICE that I know!
The whole encounter probably took less time that it will take someone to read this blurb, but even in that short amount of time I was able to tell that Kate was very down-to-earth, very cool, and extremely nice. I felt comfortable talking to her the whole time. This encounter made my five-and-a-half hour flight from Philly to Portland seem to go by much quicker.
It turned out that the cheese steak that I had planned on being the highlight of my day was a catalyst for something much more exciting! So, Kate, if you read this, thanks for making my day, and thanks for being part of the great work of art that is THE OFFICE.
What a great little story about meeting Kate! I don’t have any idea what I’d do if I noticed an office cast member in public… Probably nothing but get red-faced and stare… lol How totally nice of her!
Steve’s kid is a cutie!
And “Weighty Decisions” is pretty darn funny. lol.
40 minutes of bloopers!! YES YES YES!
I am SOO happy to hear there is an almost 40 minute blooper reel! Thank you Office crew for hearing our pleas!
Forty. minute. blooper. reel.
I would say I loved Jenna’s blog but I pretty much blacked out after that part.
Loved reading Jenna’s blog… That woman is so classy and kind.
Thanks for posting a massive Weekend Tally, Tanster!
40 minute blooper reel? Wow! That sounds like heaven.
I’m going to see BJ at Caroline’s Friday night! I am beyond excited!
yay for 40-min blooper reel! Those intern fan vids are really well done…they all act in-character
40 MINUTE LONG BLOOPER REEL! Best news I’ve heard all week.
I have a feeling she may be taping Letterman tomorrow (Monday) and it will air on Friday since he always pretapes his Friday shows.
I actually screamed at the 40 minute blooper reel part. And I’m at work! That’s so awesome.
#10 – I’m thinking Ashleigh is right. I had a few friends that interned at the Late Show and they do indeed tape two shows on Monday… Monday’s show and Friday’s show. Plus, this website lists her as a guest on Friday:
Like everybody else: 40 MINUTE BLOOPER REEL!!!!! WOO HOOO!
Great weekend tally, a special thanks to Jenna for answering her blog questions. I’m also very excited about the brownie recipe.
That fan video was funny!!! I wish i was good at making movies like that!
OMG!! Jenna’s blog just made my whole week!! She is soo sweet by answering fan questions and a 40 MINUTE BLOOPER REEL is AMAZING!!
Me and my friends met Kate at In-N-Out Burger in Los Angeles last November during the writer’s strike and she was every bit as nice as he says. She talked to us for a good five minutes and took pictures as well. Great to hear she’s still as nice to her fans as ever! Great story!
Steve Carell is such a hot dad.
I am pretty sure the 40 minute blooper reel is actually 4 minutes long. I really doubt they would put 40 minutes of bloopers. But we can hope right?
That video with Jenna and the interviews about The Promotion was great! I laughed out loud.
Aww, BJ’s so cute! I really wish I could have seen him in Seattle. Maybe next time…
AHH! 40 MINUTE BLOOPERS!!!! That totally makes up for the lack of finale commentary. WOO!
is anyone going to see BJ Novak at Caroline’s on Friday night? i’m going to the early show
I just checked Letterman’s site and it says that Jenna is on Friday.
I don’t think anyone’s mentioned it, but 40 minutes of bloopers? That should be a good day. :)
That MTV interview was funny.
The Prince’s Gates Production is really well written. I watched the entire thing. Very Office-like. Good job.
How funny is it that JKras is filming in Stamford!
yesss!!! 40 minute blooper reel!!! jenna is so nice for answering those. the thing about angela was hilarious, too.
Yea I think it’s just that Jenna Fischer is taping her part tonight, and the actual guest tonight is Adam Sandler.
Speaking of those two, I’d like to see them in a movie together.
wow, that jim vs dwight vid was AWESOME! great job to whoever made it, it was edited really well and to me it was hilarious even though it had that spooky narration :P thanks for sharing!
I particularly enjoyed Jenna’s answer to the dude who asked her if she wanted one of his pet bunnies…hysterical.
“Thank you for offering me your first born bunny…”
i love bj in that interview, haha poor thing being turned down by denise richards. i hate her now