SPOILER WARNING! Photos and comments posted here may contain spoilers.
Sparklie’s Gallery has new photos from the Season 4 finale episode.
Link: The Office’s Season 4 Finale
Tipster: Thirsty Schrute Baby
If you don't read OfficeTally, then the other team wins.
SPOILER WARNING! Photos and comments posted here may contain spoilers.
Sparklie’s Gallery has new photos from the Season 4 finale episode.
Link: The Office’s Season 4 Finale
Tipster: Thirsty Schrute Baby
We are on a roll here, with The Office writers generously agreeing to do another episode Q&A! Thank you thank you thank you. :)
Do you have a question for Mindy Kaling about last night’s episode, ‘Night Out’?
Submit your question here.
This post will close at 9pm Pacific Time tonight, so get your questions in today!
Remember, non-spoilerish questions about ‘Night Out’ only. Thanks!
B.J. Novak appears at the University of Illinois tonight at 7:30. The show is FREE!
B.J.’s live show is a treat. Besides being really funny, he always personalizes his show to the venue. Go if you can, then report back!
Link: Illini Union Board
Tipster: Luis
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Writer: Mindy Kaling, Director: Ken Whittingham
Summary (NBC): Michael and Dwight surprise Ryan in New York for a night of clubbing. The Scranton branch is upset when they find out they have to come in on a Saturday for Ryan’s website project.
Following are B.J. Novak’s answers to questions that Tallyheads posted last week about Chair Model. It really is a fascinating look at what goes on behind the scenes! Thank you, B.J., for offering such thoughtful answers!
Continue reading “B.J. Novak answers ‘Chair Model’ questions”
Here is the Tally I would have posted last weekend had I not spent so much time putting my set visit trip report together. :)
Items submitted April 14-20:
Tipsters: Katie, Robm, cervantes240, Tara, Theresa, SarSar
The next Weekend Tally will be posted this Sunday, April 27, and include items submitted April 21-27th.
Looks like we get some extra minutes of Office goodness for the next few weeks.
My contacts at NBC have confirmed that the next three episodes, Night Out, Did I Stutter? and Job Fair, will run a minute or two over its normal air time. (My TiVo programming guide states The Office will run from 9pm to 9:32pm).
Tallyheads, adjust your TV recording devices accordingly!
Apparently, last week’s episode, Chair Model, also ran long, and my TiVo got confused and didn’t record the tag (the final scene at the cemetery). Grrr.
Third one up …
Previous deleted scenes after the jump. Continue reading “‘Chair Model’ deleted scenes”