Have we been waiting, like forEVAH, for the return of Mindy Kaling’s fashion and shopping blog, http://thingsiboughtthatilove.com?
Well after a nearly six-month break, she’s back and dishier than ever. Thank goodness.
(No longer available)
Have you ever tasted a rainbow? At OfficeTally, you will.
Have we been waiting, like forEVAH, for the return of Mindy Kaling’s fashion and shopping blog, http://thingsiboughtthatilove.com?
Well after a nearly six-month break, she’s back and dishier than ever. Thank goodness.
(No longer available)
From Jenna Fischer’s MySpace blog, dated October 14, 2008:
I just read your blog response.
I hope you enjoyed your lunch. I am going home to take a nap for no reason.
From Jenna Fischer’s MySpace blog, dated October 14, 2008:
Last night, much to Angela’s delight, I had a horrible night’s sleep.
I got into bed at 11pm but when I turned on the TV to help lull me to sleep, I discovered a Rachel Zoe Project marathon on Bravo. Rachel was “coming undone” and couldn’t meet Rodger for dinner and her outfits were totally cute and I couldn’t stop watching! (Brad, I love your glasses!) I only got about 5 hours of sleep…minus the times I got up to pee, adjust the tempurature and move my cat.
I came to work and told Angela my sob story. She smiled wildly.
I guess ever since she had her baby I’ve talked a lot about how much sleep I get each night. She pretty much wants to strangle me on a daily basis. And, I get it.
HOWEVER, after having a baby, Angela has lost all the weight, looks amazing, and regularly eats donuts and cheese quesadillas in front of me while I eat bland meals of chicken and broccoli and go to the gym 3 times a week. So, my tiny friend. If you continue to flash your after-baby, fit-with-no-effort figure in front of me, I’m going to tell tales of 9 hour sleep sessions.
In fact, little Angela, on Monday, when you had to work, and I had the day off, I slept until 10:30am!
From Angela Kinsey’s MySpace blog, dated October 14, 2008:
Dear Jenna Fischer,
My philosophy in college was, “nothing before 10am. nothing after 2pm.” My classes were scheduled around sleeping in and napping. Aaaah…sleep. Of course that all seems like a lifetime ago. So every time you leave me a message about your great Sunday nap or how you just fell asleep on your couch or how you slept 9 hours three nights last week…..I start making a plan in my head of how to hurt you. Maybe I’ll kick you in the shin the next time we are in the hair and makeup trailer. Maybe I’ll give you a wedgie as we walk to set. Maybe I’ll flick a paper clip at your head during a scene. This is where my sleep deprived mind goes. But for today, in response to your blog….
It’s 1pm and this is what I have eaten so far:
7am powdered sugar donut
8:30am breakfast taco (sausage, eggs, cheese, bean, sour cream and salsa on a flour tortilla)
9am CHEESE quesadilla
10am lemon bar
12:20pm watermelon and strawberries
and we haven’t even broke for lunch yet. So suck it Ms. Napsalot!
Third one up.
A tip for watching this video outside the U.S.
Previously posted deleted scenes after the jump. Continue reading “‘Business Ethics’ deleted scenes”
After a student said “can it be that big?” his comment was “that’s what she said.” These inappropriate comments are made too often.
Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, and staff for the week ending October 12.
Tipsters: Kenna, Nick, Mike, Brett
I have the crazy honor of moderating The Office writers panel at the Paley Center in L.A. next week.
I’ll be asking questions of the panel; if you have one, submit it in a comment below! Make sure to include your first name (or screename) and city, so I can introduce each question like “This next question comes from Carly in New York, and she asks …”
Scheduled to appear: Charlie Grandy, Ryan Koh, Anthony Farrell, Justin Spitzer, Brent Forrester, Lester Lewis, Aaron Shure, Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg, B.J. Novak, Mindy Kaling, Paul Lieberstein, Jennifer Celotta, Michael Schur, Greg Daniels
If you have a question for a specific writer, that’s cool, too!
DEADLINE: I’m closing this post to new questions tonight. I’m holing up at the library tomorrow to pick questions and prepare …
Am I nervous and excited? You have no idea. :)
P.S.: Yes, Paley will film the event; unfortunately, they usually put only a small clip of the event online, and you’ll have to physically go to the Paley Center in L.A. to view the event in its entirety. I won’t be able to “cover” this event the way I normally would if I were an audience member; I’m hoping some of you will be there to take notes and file reports for OfficeTally later! :)