The Weekend Tally

Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, staff, and fans for the week ending February 8.

Tipsters: Hirangi, sorano916, Christina, sacruzm

Rainn Wilson, Jen Celotta, and Charlie Grandy win WGA awards

Rainn Wilson, Aaron Lee, Jennifer Celotta, Billy Kimball

The Writers Guild Awards were held tonight, and sadly, The Office writing team didn’t win in their nominated category — Comedy Series.

However, Rainn Wilson and Jennifer Celotta picked up trophies in the Comedy/Variety Specials category for their work on the Independent Spirit Awards, and Charlie Grandy picked one up for his writing on Saturday Night Live in the Comedy/Variety Series category.

Congratulations, Rainn, Jen, and Charlie!

Tipster: sorano916

The Office: Lecture Circuit, Pt. 1, 5.16

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Writer: Mindy Kaling, Director: Ken Kwapis

Summary (NBC): Michael goes on a speaking tour of the other branches to explain Scranton’s success, accompanied by Pam. Dwight and Jim — now the heads of the party planning committee — forget a birthday, with severe consequences. Andy falls for someone he should not. First of two parts.

Continue reading “The Office: Lecture Circuit, Pt. 1, 5.16”

Season 5 finale is The Office’s 100th episode!

From Jenna Fischer’s latest MySpace blog:

I just found out that Ken [Kwapis] has signed on to direct our Season Finale — which also happens to be our 100th episode!

You can find a few preliminary details about this on OfficeTally’s Season 5 news and spoilers page. (No spoilerish discussion on this post, please.)

An incredible achievement for the show we love! I wonder how we will celebrate …

Here’s the current episode count. Continue reading “Season 5 finale is The Office’s 100th episode!”