Is that David Wallace talking to Horatio Caine?
Actually, Andy Buckley appeared on CSI: Miami last night in an episode called “In Plane Sight.”
And doesn’t act very CFO-like at all.
Watch it online: CSI: Miami (expired)
Meemaw approved.
Is that David Wallace talking to Horatio Caine?
Actually, Andy Buckley appeared on CSI: Miami last night in an episode called “In Plane Sight.”
And doesn’t act very CFO-like at all.
Watch it online: CSI: Miami (expired)
Content and comments may contain spoilers.
A promo of the October 15 episode of The Office, ‘Mafia’:
[Video no longer available]
Tipster: Erin at LiveJournal Office
Is this totally cool or what?
You can visit a Dwight and Jim corn maze at Miller’s Orchards Farm Market in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania!
From their site: “Come take the challenge of finding your way through the twists and turns of one or both of our ‘Office Rivals’ corn mazes that we have carved into 7 acres of corn.”
Have any of you gone? Looks like fun!
Tipster: Carla and Frank
For all wedding-related posts, see The Office Wedding.
Graphic by Matt Collins
UPDATE: with over 1,600 votes cast, here are the winners of OfficeTally’s Toast to JAM Contest!
Congratulations, winners! Watch your inbox for an email from me.
Thanks again to EVERYONE who entered! It was amazing to see all the heart and soul poured into your entries.
Previously posted information on the next page.
Tallyhead “Thedutchkelly” filed this report from Craig Robinson’s Central Michigan University show.
I just got back from Craig Robinson’s show at Central Michigan University. His performance capped off our 56-8 win on Homecoming so the audience was a little rowdy, but I had a great time. I got there early and had a front row seat for the show.
Except the Q&A, the entire show was him singing and playing his keyboard. He sang us a lot of fun songs and made us sing with him.
The guys sang a song to the girls about how much they respect and admire them, while the girls sang about how we are princesses and divas! We sang “Summer Loving” from Grease and then he gave the girls a solo on “I Will Survive.”
Craig yelled at us for not participating, then started “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics, saying “I know how to get everyone singing, especially white people!”
I asked him what his favorite episode to shoot so far was. He started laughing and talked about the Christmas episode that they shot last week. He didn’t say much except that when Michael came down the stairs singing it was impossible to hold it together.
He sang us the jingle from Local Ad, then someone asked him about Creed in real life. Craig said he is real cool, but he always has some Creed stuff up his sleeve.
Someone asked him to play the Office theme and someone else asked for a hug. He even sang Happy Birthday to someone in the audience.
He talked about his movies and upcoming projects. He said that he was coming out with a CD soon with his band the Nasty Delicious.
The show was about an hour long with a ton of audience participation! It was R-rated, but still a great time.
This was such a great experience, I highly recommend it.
For all wedding-related posts, see The Office Wedding.
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Writers: Greg Daniels and Mindy Kaling
Director: Paul Feig
Summary (NBC): The office travels to Niagara Falls to celebrate Jim and Pam’s wedding under strict orders not to mention Pam’s pregnancy. Michael, Dwight, and Andy all want to hook up with guests at the wedding. One-hour long.