Phyllis Smith and Leslie David Baker chat about The Office Season 8 during the Bad Teacher premiere:
[Video no longer available]
A place that gets like eight emails a day.
Phyllis Smith and Leslie David Baker chat about The Office Season 8 during the Bad Teacher premiere:
[Video no longer available]
Best Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor ever!
The flavor description reads “Beet flavored ice cream with beet chunks and a rich beet swirl.”
I actually like beets, so I would be game to try it! Who’s with me?
See the full-sized version at Panic Basket.
St. Louis station KSDK interviews The Office’s Phyllis Smith about Steve Carell’s departure from the show, the movie ‘Bad Teacher,’ and her time as a Cardinals cheerleader!
[Video no longer available]
Summary: A foul-mouthed, junior high teacher, after being dumped by her sugar daddy, begins to woo a colleague — a move that pits her against a well-loved teacher.
Starring: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Justin Timberlake, Phyllis Smith
Written by: The Office writers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky
Website: Bad Teacher
Release Date: June 24, 2011
Go Phyllis!
The Hollywood Reporter photographer David Strick has posted a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos from The Office season 7 finale, which include various shots of the crew and set.
Link: ‘The Office’: Behind the Scenes
Tipster: Justin
Variety provides some insight on The Office table read for the season 7 finale, Search Committee.
[Paul] Lieberstein wrote the season finale, and once everyone gathers, two rows deep, around the rectangular conference table, the reading begins. Since “The Office” isn’t filmed in front of a studio audience, this is the best and only opportunity the writers have to hear the episode read from start to finish and gauge how it plays.
Link: ‘Office’ table read
In The Office Season 3 episode Gay Witch Hunt, Meredith licks some hand sanitizer in hopes of getting a little alcohol buzz.
Sound unrealistic? From the ‘life imitating art’ files:
Doctors said in a letter published Sunday in the Medical Journal of Australia that they were stunned to discover the man had downed six 375-milliliter (12.7-ounce) bottles of hand sanitizer, giving him a blood-alcohol concentration more than five times higher than the legal limit for driving in Australia.
In The Office Season 4 episode Dunder Mifflin Infinity, Michael drives his car into a lake while blindly following GPS directions.
Sound unrealistic? Read on:
Three young women escaped a sinking SUV after a direction from a rental car GPS unit sent them down a boat launch and into the Mercer Slough early Wednesday.
The driver apparently thought she was on a road while following her GPS unit just after midnight, but she was actually heading down the Sweyolocken boat launch.