Source: @JohnKrasinski
Meredith’s world of wigs
Kate Flannery stars in the best running gag this season, and it’s time to honor it.
Ever since The Office episode, Lice, where Meredith shaved her head, she’s worn a different wig every subsequent episode. I look forward to it every week!
Here’s what we’ve seen so far. Continue reading “Meredith’s world of wigs”
The Office: Moving On clips
Here’s a promo of The Office episode, Moving On, airing February 14.
Remember this is a ONE-HOUR episode!
I hooked up with her on February 13th
A classic line from The Office Season 2 episode, Valentine’s Day.
Mindy Kaling on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’
Here is Mindy Kaling’s visit to ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ last night.
[Videos no longer available]
Pam’s sketch
In this past week’s episode of The Office, Couples Discount, Jim gives Pam her sketch in a frame for Valentine’s Day.
Where have we seen that sketch before? Continue reading “Pam’s sketch”
Feb. 14 episode ‘Moving On’ supersized to one hour
The Office episode airing on February 14, Moving On, has been supersized to one hour, according to NBC.
It will air 9-10/8-9c.
Even better, I’ve confirmed with The Office producers that the second half hour doesn’t count as an episode, so we’ll still have eight episodes left to air after next week.
Here’s a promo.
Awesome Blossom, extra awesome!
The Office: Couples Discount, 9.15
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Writer: Allison Silverman, Director: Troy Miller
Summary (NBC): Erin is nervous for Andy’s return — the office pairs off into pretend couples to take advantage of a Valentine’s Day discount at a local mini-mall. Erin assures Pete she will break up with Andy when he returns, but he has good reason to doubt her. Jim and Pam share a meal with Brian, the documentary’s sound man.