What to do: fill in what Kevin is saying and what Stanley is thinking!
To submit an entry: add a comment to this post with your text.
Rules: 15 word limit per bubble. U.S. only, ONE ENTRY PER PERSON, correct spelling/punctuation/grammar, valid email address required.
Prize: I’ll pick one winner to receive a Target Office goodie.
Deadline: 9am PT tomorrow, July 5th. You only have 24 hours!
Related link: results of Say What #1
Kevin: I never thought I would like cartoon p*rn… but whoever made this watermark rocks!
Stanley: Mmm hummm, freak.
Kevin: Why is that guy in my chair?
Stanley: I hope this means Kevin is getting fired.
Kevin: They spelled Scrantonicity wrong.
Stanley: Who cares? Nobody is going to show up anyway.
Kevin: That guy stole my M&Ms!
Stanley: Unless the M&Ms are on a pretzel, I don’t care.
Kevin: Nice
Stanley: He better not be looking at my daughter…
Kevin: Hey Stanley, is that my Cool Whip I smell on you?
Stanley: Mmhmm, dumbass. But I’m still not investing in Malone’s Cones, so shut your yap.
Kevin: Who do you thinks hotter? Pam or Karen?
Stanley: Only 264 more days until the next pretzel day.
Kevin: I can’t afford that medicine. Maybe I’ll make one harmless wager on a basketball game.
Stanley: This is awful. Maybe I’ll give up pretzels. Nah. Sometimes I think crazy things.
Kevin: I’ve got to delete a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff
Stanley: Hes got to delete a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff
Kevin: Who IS that guy sitting behind me?
Stanley: I don’t know and I don’t care.
Stanley: What is that God-awful smell?
Kevin: Uh-oh. I think I burnt my cheese quesadillas again.
Kevin: Stanley, I thought we fired that guy two years ago. Why is he back?
Stanley: Hmmmm, maybe if I pretend to read this memo he’ll leave me be.
Kevin: Oh crap.
Stanley: Why do they keep CC-ing me on things that have nothing to do with me?
Kevin: What does this memo from Michael mean?
Stanley: Unless it’s about him leaving or pretzels, I do not care!
Stanley: 254 more days until pretzel day…
Kevin: four down: where you live, four letters…hmmmm earth??? no that’s not it.
Kevin: I like pie!
Stanley: How long until Pretzel Day?
Kevin: I should have never mentioned those anal fissures….
Stanley: Are we really putting out memos for everyone’s medical issues?
Stanley: I wake up every morning in a bed that is too small, Drive my daughter to a school that is too expensive, then I go to work to a job which I got paid too little for kevin staring at me all day.
Kevin: I so rather be in Prison.
Kevin: Maybe I shouldn’t have taken my shoes off. Oh, shoot.
Stanley: So that’s what smells worse than Michael’s B.O…
Kevin: I thought Dwight was banned to send out memos.
Stanley: I didn’t know he could form sentences. Hmm…
Stanley: Michael’s an idiot.
Kevin: Michael’s a…genius!
Kevin – Hey?? Why did Dwight send us these memos on proper nutrition?
Stanley – Yeah, like a beet diet will do me any good!
Kevin: “Oh no, I knew I should have listened to Martin more closely when he was talking about insider trading”
Stanley: Ugh, I don’t care about this, where are my crosswords?
Kevin: Corporate is going to ban crossword puzzles?
Stanley: What’s next? No more pretzel day?!
Kevin: “One, two…ah crap, a fifteen line memo. I guess Stanley won that one, too.”
Stanley: “Heh heh, easiest $50 I’ve ever made.”
Kevin: Holly thinks I’m WHAT?!?!?
Stanley: I wonder why…..
Kevin: What? They cancelled pretzel day?!
Stanley: They cancelled pretzel day.
Kevin : I think all of these jokes Michael made are funny. . . . .
Stanley : I do not think this is funny.
Kevin: What does yours say?
Stanley: Maybe Kelly will switch desks with me.
Kevin: A memo on food regulations?
Stanley: They can’t force me to drink diet water!
Stanley: What is this no trans fat foods allowed nonsense?
Kevin: I hope they don’t get rid of the Twinkies.
Kevin: Stanley, I don’t want you to panic, but I just realized it, and I think that guy sitting behind me has been stalking me.
Stanley: Probably just someone from the mob here to get back their money.
Kevin: So, The Hulk actually KNOWS Iron Man?
Stanley: A seven letter world for “idiot”? M-I-C-H-A-E-L?
Stanley: I’d like some PDA with a pretzel right about now…
Kevin: I wonder what kind of M&M I should eat next?
Kevin: Wait, so Holly actually thinks I am mentally retarded?!
Stanley: Man, I wish it were pretzel day…
Stanley: Gaynatomy is not a word. Why do I work for this lumax?
Kevin: Gaynatomy? Oh, I am so using that one on Oscar.
Kevin: I don’t like memos…
Stanley: I don’t like you.
Stanley: Not another one of these inane “five families” meetings.
Kevin: Uh oh. I think W.B. Jones has it in for me.
Kevin: Gotta cut back on the Miracle Whip…
Stanley: Yep. *heavy mental sigh*
Kevin: Oh no, not another watermark.
Stanley: Idiot. That’s just pretzel grease from my hands.
KEVIN: Oh no, not inventory! I HATE doing it with Michael.
STANLEY: That’s what sh….oh man, I need a new job.
Kevin: I think that Stanley hates me
Stanley: I just want to do my crossword
Kevin- Oh, I bet Stanley is pissed about this “no word game puzzles at work” memo.
Stanley- Why do they keep giving me memos that have nothing to do with me?
Kevin: This sucks! They’re making me get rid of my M&Ms.
Stanley: Mmmhmm……Who cares?
Kevin: this letter looks like a man wearing a hat
Stanley: that’s a T, kevin.
Kevin: How can Michael have put M&Ms on the banned food list?
Stanley: I can’t believe Michael wrote ‘colored greens’ on this encouraged list of foods.
Kevin: Does food taste different when you’re black?
Stanley: If I didn’t need this job, I’d strangle you with my tie…
Kevin: I hope Stanley remembers it’s Scrantonicity 2!, not Scrantonicity.
Stanley: Wine,tub,murder mysteries… Sounds like a good weekend.
Kevin: He said I was dull…
Stanley: I do not get paid enough for this.
Hey, I just realized that I made a mistake in the wording of my entry. Rather than Cool Whip, I should have written Miracle Whip. Here is my revised entry (original entry #7):
Kevin: Hey Stanley, is that my Miracle Whip I smell on you?
Stanley: Mmhmm, dumbass. But I’m still not investing in Malone’s Cones, so shut your yap.
Kevin: “The men’s room is being shut down because of clogged pipes!”
Stanley: “Oh gee, I wonder why.”
Kevin: Ohh. Was that your Miracle Whip?
Stanley: Mmmm-hmmmm.
Kevin: So wait, we weren’t supposed to gamble with company money?
Stanley: He better have enough money to pay me.
Kev: “Awesome. Michael just sent out a memo. Next Tuesday is pretzel day.”
Stanley: “Finally.”
Kevin: Stanley, was that you?
Stanley: Kevin’s feet smell like ass.
Kevin: This is so not good. Why can’t we get a new microwave with petty cash?
Stanley: Only half an hour to go…
Kevin: Are you going to eat that?
Stanley:… No…
Kevin: We need a Middle-aged black man with sass, big butt, and even bigger heart?
Stanley: Are you serious? I just wanted a raise. How did Michael Scott call my bluff?
Kevin: Stanley, I think there is a strange man sitting at the desk directly behind me.
Stanley: Just eat your m&m’s and let me do my work.
Kevin: Umm… who is that weird guy sitting behind me?
Stanley: I do not know and I do not care.
Kevin: Stanley, have you seen the key to the petty cash drawer?
Stanley: Yo money yo problem.
Stanley: Hmmm…another memo and still no news on who will be in the spinoff.
Kevin: Spinoff? If Holly leaves, I WILL QUIT. True love only comes around once, sometimes twice.
Stanley: Man, why does HR have to make these memos so complicated and pointless?
Kevin: What does yours say? Because Holly made it simple for me.
Kevin: “We can’t have food at our desks because it’s a health hazard? What about M&Ms?!”
Stanley: “As long as it doesn’t affect Pretzel Day, I could care less. “
Kevin says: I bet you $75 dollars that you can’t finish that crossword puzzle in 2 minutes!
Stanley thinks: …I bet you $75 dollars that you can’t finish this crossword puzzle in 2 days…
Kevin: It’s official. Angela got Michael to prohibit hateball forever. Now what will we do???
Stanley: Why do people keep CC’ing me on things that don’t concern me?
Kevin: Uhh, that’s not what that’s used for Stanley.
Stanley: That’s what she said.
Kevin: “I knew I shouldn’t have eaten Pizza by Alfredo’s just because Michael bought it.”
Stanley: “Me either. Your breath smells worse than Phyillis’ stinky perfume.”
Kevin: Why is there a picture of a race car on here?
Stanley The Manley: Where is my trash can?
Kevin: “I’ll bet you $200 that you get downsized before me.”
Stanley: “I’ll GIVE you $200 if I can get downsized before you.”
Kevin: Don’t look now, but there’s a guy right behind me…I’ve never seen him before…
Stanley: He’s an extra. Keep an eye on the marketable memorabilia. And the craft service table.
Kevin: Do you really think that Holly isn’t into me?
Stanley: Did I stutter?
Kevin: And then I told Holly, “I like pie.” And she said …
Stanley: I wish acting I was from the streets would make him leave me alone too.
Kevin: Uh oh, Michael sent someone in to check the content on our computers.
Stanley: Goodbye, Kevin.
Kevin: According to this memo, we’re still going to have to fight for our parking spaces.
Stanley: Yeah? I’m still fighting for my sanity.
Kevin: I could use a bacon, egg and cheese McGriddle.
Stanley: More like a bacon, egg and cheese McGIRDLE.
Kevin says: Hey Stanley, can you believe how ridiculous this memo is?
Stanley thinks: Wow, I’m surprised he can actually read it.
Kevin: “Awesome! Our new Health Plan includes a Gym Pass.”
Stanley: “Pass.”
Kevin: Does your’s say your getting fake “fired” again, Stanley?
Stanley: I do not think that is funny anymore or ever, Kevin.
Kevin: I’m not gonna win this bet with Jim, am I?
Stanley: Words can not express how much I don’t care
Kevin: So you really think Michael’s getting fired for that whole “burning a scarecrow with Toby’s face on it in the parking lot to commemorate the month he has been gone” thing?
Stanley: Did I Stutter?
Kevin: Stanley, there’s a strange guy behind me.
Stanley: And I’m still the only black man in the office.
Kevin: Holly sends memos way more than Toby did. And she’s HOT.
Stanley: This new woman’s going to find out there is no way to improve this place.
Kevin: Stanley did you get the same love letter/memo from Holly?!?!?!?!?!
Stanley: Leave me alone, damnit.
Kevin: What did you put down for number A?
Stanley: What is he doing in accounting?
Kevin: So…what do you think I should do about Stacy?
Stanley: What’s a six-letter word for “grouchy, like a dwarf”
(by the way, tanster, I want to play along but I’ve already won recently so I don’t want to be considered for the prize–thanks for making this site so fun!)
Kevin: Stanley, what are these $1.99 charges on your expense reports?
Stanley: You just realized I put my crosswords as an office expense?
Stanley: A LOLCAT presentation tomorrow? Who would be interested in this?
Kevin: Hey Stanley, this memo says we are going to have a LOLCAT presentation tomorrow! NICE!
Kevin: I hope Angela doesn’t notice I took the Petty cash? Go Pistons!!
Stanley: I wonder if I give Kevin 200 Stanley Nickels he will go away?
Kevin: There is a STRANGER in our office.
Stanley: That idiot doesn’t know he was fired in season 2 . . . damn this place.
Kevin: Cinnamon and sugar, white chocolate…No, white chocolate WITH sprinkles…
Stanley: This idiot actually thinks he’s gonna be ahead of me in line on Pretzel Day.
Kevin: Why does this new health care plan not cover anal fissures?
Stanley: Why have you chosen to sit by me when you know I have absolutely no interest in what you have to say or what your intentions are?
Kevin: “But I thought Devin was fired. Why is he sitting behind me?”
Stanley: “Why does this fool think I care?”
Kevin: I wonder what I can get from the top row of the vending machine with this button…
Stanley: I wonder what a 5 letter word for moron is… K-E-V-I-N?
Stanley: Did I stutter?!?
Kevin: I just wanted to know if you were gonna eat that.
Kevin: Did you see the memo Michael sent out? What do you think –
Stanley: Who cares. Now let me get back to my crosswords.
Stanley: Mmmhhmmmm. Typical.
Kevin: Dwight banned bananas? Darn it – I like bananas!
Kevin: Whoa Stanley, look they are cancelling pretzel day due to the crappy economy.
Stanley: I knew I should have taken that job in Utica
Kevin: “Why does everyone else’s memos have bigger words than mine?”
Stanley: “Holly’s definitely using a thesaurus. These memos are really helping with my crosswords.”
Kevin: Another office costume party… Should I be the Kool-Aid man, an M&M, or Sting?
Stanley: I’ll be going as an office worker doing a crossword puzzle. If I go.
Kevin: I am starting to pay everyone in M&Ms instead of dollars!
Stanley: I do NOT think that is funny.
Just wanted to say I love #102….so funny….great job!
Kevin: I don’t have a date for Friday.
Stanley: What else is new?
Kevin: My engagement is totally over.
Stanley: I’m going to be buried with that toaster.
Kevin: Stanley would you like to play bass in Scratonicity II?
Stanley: Not for all the pretzels in the world
Kevin: Sweet. Scrantonicity’s been asked to play at this year’s Christmas party!
Stanley: I’m gonna need an extra glass of wine that night.
Kevin: Corporate has banned cooking in the office?
Stanley: 2,920 days until retirement.
Kevin: Can you believe Michael is making us have another racial awareness meeting?
Stanley: hmm…
Stanley: So pretzels are now $2 each. Well I don’t care, I’m still getting that pretzel.
Kevin: Hmmm…so I can buy a pretzel…or a large bag of M&M’s. I can’t decide…
Kevin: Hey Stanley, did you hear the news?…
Stanley: (Sarcastically) You mean the same news, Kevin, that is printed on this memo, which I am holding in my hand? Mmmhmm…
Kevin: Is it Alfredo’s Pizza or Pizza by Alfredo’s that is the hot circle of garbage?
Stanley: How many more days left until Pretzel Day?
Kevin: Hey… Did you use my Miracle Whip without asking?
Stanley: Always do. I enjoy the tangy zip of Miracle Whip.
Kevin: “Honestly, who would steal a stapler from the office?”
Stanley: (“Let me guess: Michael’s going to blame the minority.”)
Kevin: “Stanley, why does Dwight think we should all talk like Yoda now?”
Stanley: “Now I really wish Michael had actually fired me.”
Kevin: How many M&ms can you fit in your mouth?
Stanley: This memo says urban people shouldn’t eat M&Ms
Kevin: Dwight’s lighting fireworks after work. This is awesome.
Stanley: Why didn’t I go to Utica again?
Stanley: Michael could learn a thing or two from reading my emails.
Kevin: …A LOT of stuff.
Kevin: “Have you seen this memo banning candy from the office? I swear I will quit.”
Stanley: “I don’t care as long as I curl up with some red wine and OfficeTally.”
Kevin: Is that what I think it is?
Stanley: Yes. You touch it. You die.
Kevin: Oh man. Stanley, I could get in so. much. trouble.
Stanley: (I do not care.)
Stanley: It’s about time they banned that OfficeTally chat room here.
Kevin: But… but…. I’m oh so addicted. How will I make it through my day now!?
Kevin: Do you think this new insurance plan will cover, uh, anal fissures?
Stanley: I’ll give you 1000 Stanley Nickels if you never say those words to me again.
Kevin: Holly is coming back for season five… This. Is. Awesome.
Stanley: Must. Have. Pretzel.
Kevin: It looks like some of our holidays will not be off. This is not a good thing.
Stanley: Pretzel Day stays. I’m good.
Stanley:(Annoyed) Jim and Pam were kissing in front of my car… Again.
Kevin: I can’t believe I missed it.
Kevin: You like the dirty joke about the blonde and the webbed toe?
Stanley: I don’t care for it, but I found 12 down for my crossword puzzle.
Kevin: I have to tell you something Stanley. I think I’m in love with you.
Stanley: Sorry, I already have a love in this Office, it’s this crossword puzzle.
Kevin: So… we CAN’T file the Foot Massager under “Luxury Sales”?
Stanley: ..Lord bring me Pretzel Day.
heh, i know, US only but.. i just wanted to participate :-)
Stanley: Why does everyone bother me.
Kevin: Whats he got there, it looks interesting.
Kevin: Stanley, this memo from corporate says that cross-word puzzles are NOT valid business expenses.
Stanley: (Neither is your salary….)
Stanley: Free sunglasses day is not as good as free pretzel day!
Kevin: I just got the news. I’m sorry, man.
Kevin: So…62+81=….147?
Stanley: 147 days until the next Pretzel Day.
Kevin: Holly sent you a “Getting to know me” memo too… did everyone get these?? Man…
Stanley: Just a noisy, upturned broom with a bucket for a head, just ignore it…
Kevin: Psst! Hey Stanley, who is that guy sitting behind us? I’m hiding my M&M’s.
Stanley: Hopefully my immediate replacement.
Kevin: Stanley, I have never seen such a big sales receipt.
Stanley (thinking): That’s what she said.
109 for the win!
Kevin: This is a BIG deal, Stanley. Do you really not know how big this is?
Stanley: Why is Michael always sending memos in which I care nothing about?
Kevin: Does this mean no more m and ms?
Stanley: As long as the pretzels stay…
Contest is now closed!