‘The Office’ gets an Emmy vote from Brian of FOX’s animated TV show, Family Guy:
Both ‘The Office’ and ‘Family Guy’ are nominated for the Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy this year.
Tipster: @mindykaling
A '9' on a scale of one to Giselle.
‘The Office’ gets an Emmy vote from Brian of FOX’s animated TV show, Family Guy:
Both ‘The Office’ and ‘Family Guy’ are nominated for the Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy this year.
Tipster: @mindykaling
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I’ve watched this 5 times now and I’m STILL dying! Awesome in every possible way. Off to share on Facebook…
“Indians and Hispanics don’t live in Scranton!”
Family guy and The Office are the funniest shows ever!!
ROFLMMFAO!!!!! This video is awesome.
Ps. Stewie, you jerk! LOL
haha a combination of 2 of my fav shows!!! so funny!
Would love to see an Office video response. Something with Dwight in it. Maybe a “Free Bryan” campaign.
I am not a fan of Family Guy but Stewie saying “Where’s my Emmy?” over and over again reminded me of Ricky Gervais prodding Steve Carell to give him his Emmy.
I love this clip! So glad others sent it in too. I was almost afraid you wouldn’t post it.
Both are great shows, but The Office is my true love.
That was tremendous.
hahaha omg the last line got me crying, i was laughing so hard.
While I’m SO glad for the recog from FG, this cartoon violence really turns me off. Just makes it more clear to me which show I love more.. and I DO like FG when it’s witty. I just don’t get why this is funny. No, I do.. I just prefer Office funny.
That’s what she said…get it!! Bahahahahah!!! I bet Michael got it…
I know it’s supposed to be funny, but considering Family Guy has been using the same “flashback” jokes since its first season, this comes off as a bit ironic.
But seriously, when is the documentary going to come out? That’s going to make for all sorts of amazing episodes.
I don’t watch Family Guy, but I did see this episode. I forget exactly what was going on, but this is redubbed. Stewie was originally saying, “Where’s my money, man?”
I completely agree with #3. Never liked Family Guy.
I want to laugh so badly…but Family Guy is just so poorly made.
I’ll admit that was slightly amusing, but once again I was reminded why I prefer The Office over those other “comedies”. Someone getting hit over and over again is not my idea of funny. But the dialogue was clever and I enjoyed that.
You always hurt the ones you love.
BOOM! Roasted.
I liked that. It was really tongue-in-cheek and keeping with the brand of humor that MacFarlane and Co. are famous for. Both shows are AWESOME and Emmy-worthy, in my book.
I love this so much. It’s funny how this Family Guy clip brings out differing tastes of humor from Office fans. I think they’re both great shows.
This was redubbed. I enjoyed reading the comments in which Office fans got extremely defensive about their show. To me, the absurdities Stewie “pointed out” only make the show funnier.
There are times when I feel as though Family Guy just tries too hard. I still watch it, so watching the re-dubbed version of this particular scene was pretty amusing.
hahaha! oh man that last line got me.
Wow…the dialogue WAS hilarious, the rest slightly overdone. I’ve got to say Stewie makes some fair points- I hope there’s a believable explanation for why documentarians would stay at the same place for five years and counting.
Awesome! Love Family Guy!
i watched this video literally yesterday when i was on here, and this episode of family guy is on right now! <3 both shows, but in the actual episode they weren’t talking about the office at all :\ disappointment.