These are fantastic, don’t you think?
Full-color stickers and prints are available for sale.
Which one is your favorite?
The Office Ode prints
Absolutely, you should.
These are fantastic, don’t you think?
Full-color stickers and prints are available for sale.
Which one is your favorite?
The Office Ode prints
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I like them all but If I had to choose a fav it would be…..Michael.
Whoa! These are incredible! I think my favorite one is a tie between Andy and Stanley. These drawings portray their characters perfectly!
I think that’s the point, being inconsistent. I love em!
I like Michael the best, then Andy.
Very cool. I think Toby’s look of utter subjugation is captured perfectly. As far as asymmetry goes…this one guy did that a lot…what was his name? Oh yeah…Picasso. He was pretty good.
I like Andyand Kevin – that’s definitely a Kevin expression!
hahah. phyllis is pretty perfect.
Kevin, perfect.
These are so great! I think I like Stanley’s the most. But they’re all pretty fantastic.
Too inconsistent—-Michael and Ryan look good….Pam kinda looks a little asymmetrical
Those are great! I think Kevin’s looks the best.
Those should be made into stamps!
I like jan and kevins’s. jan’s looks just like her, and, well, kevin’s goes without saying.
I like Phyllis’s the best…Next would be Kelly.
These are great! Angela and Andy are my favorite, though.
Yeah, caricatures aren’t supposed to be spot on. I think they’re pretty cute. I like Dwight’s and Kevin’s best.
Pam reminds me of drawings from “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” I used to read as a kid.
Woot! I got the last sticker set. I’ve been looking for some stickers to put on my new planner for the next school year. :)
OMG those are awesome :D
Toby’s is as boring as he is!
The one of Karen is very exotic looking. I forget, was her dad a GI?
i think the Ode to Dawn looks the best
the one of gareth from the british Office is dead on. these are fantastic! they kind of remind me of the chapter illustrations in the harry potter series…
i’ll call myself out on it: i am a NERD
These are so cool! I think Andy looks the funniest, i like pams and Phyllis’s, they are all good!
kevin is amazing
I first saw these a couple months ago, I love them. I’m partial to the Pam one myself . . .
I love Toby and Andy’s!
I love how they included the British cast. Awww…Dawn and Tim. (sigh) Karen looks adorable, as does Kelly. They are all good; however, Pam looks a tad odd.
I have to say Angela is my favorite. It’s the most like a caricature, imo. I think it really captured her. It’s so dramatic and yet stoic. I know that seems like a contradiction, but to me that’s Angela.
Karen’s is very pretty, too.
They’re all great! Wow. The person that made these are talented. Great job!
Andy Bernard is SPOT ON.
*rats* no more sticker sets…perhaps he will add more.
I liked the Odes to Toby and Dawn best.
I think Phyllis’s looks exactly like her, and Andy’s has captured a certain something :)
I think Kevin’s is really good! Not so much of a caricature but just like him so much!!! Otherwise, I thought Andy was hilarious!!!
I like the ones of Ed Helms & Melora Hardin the best.
You know what I find sexy? This art!!
Really though, they are amazing….
It’s the best art of all the art.
I like the one of Pam – I think it is the most ‘developed’ or ‘finished,’ if you know what i mean.
they left out oscar!!! so racialist. heh.
Meredith is best – she looks a little looped and a little leering – her two typical expressions.
I’m going to have to say that the one of Jan is my favorite, just because it captures her “Michael’s here” look so well. They’re all really great, though.
these are awesome!! i bought a pam mirror!
these are pretty cool. but one look at ryan and i was reminded of jake gyllenhaal. it must be the eyebrows!
those are so cute and funny! i like pam and jim, and the angela one too.
I find them creepy to be quite honest……
I did caricatures of the show The Office…..check it out at my blog…
Hey guys. I just wanted to share my planner decked out with my new Ode to The Office sticker set.