Here are two deleted scenes from this week’s episode of The Office, ‘The Lover’:
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Where the thermostat is always set at 69.
Here are two deleted scenes from this week’s episode of The Office, ‘The Lover’:
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“The Halperts” ::sigh:: Sorry… just had to be said :o)
I feel like they’re trying to bring some of that awkwardness back into the office and Erin’s character is perfect for some of that, but they keep cutting it. :-( She’s been there for what, at least six months, and her character still has somewhat of that “brand new” feel. I wish that they would develop her a little bit more.
Poor Erin. They keep deleting her scenes, and she is so cute in them. I want more of her.
Did pregnancy and marriage change Pam completely? Two seasons ago, maybe even last season, I wouldn’t have imagined Pam responding like that. Do I miss the old Pam, or should I applaud the new one?
Has anyone here ever tried coco leche? What does it taste like?
When they first introduced Erin I was completely “meh” and figured we already had too many characters to give screen time to, why add another?
But she is so endearing and sweet, I’m totally warming up to her. Her innocence is really refreshing, considering so many other characters on the show are so crazy and/or jaded.
Now for deleted scene number two, can we find out where Ryan got his hat? Pretty please?
Pam is pregnant and Michael Scott is dating her vulnerable, recently divorced mom. So yeah, I would expect Pam to be pretty ticked off and emotional.
Erin is great! I hope they stop deleting her scenes because they are perfect.
Erin is so cute. I wish they would stop cutting all her scenes, but in this episode I honest can’t think of a scene that should have been cut to keep this in. I don’t think Pam was being rude.
Aww poor sweet Erin! Just tryin’ to fit in
It’s nice to have deleted scenes, but she deserves more air time. They’re cutting her from every episode. I wish The Office episodes lasted an hour. Oh well.
Amen, #2! We need more Erin!
Ditto to all the above comments. Why do they keep cutting Erin’s scenes? I’m starting to really like her character. I realize that time is always an issue but I think that would have fit very well into the episode. But then again who knows what we would have ‘lost’. Hmmm
I love Erin. I wanna be her bff. haha :)
I love it! Why must they keep cutting Erin’s scenes? :(
2nd deleted scene is up! it’s not on the front page, but if you go to watch the episode, there’s another clip in the “chapter selection”. it’s more of pam’s freak-out!
I really didn’t like this episode at all! Pam’s over-reaction was way out of character. I only laughed at the mallard story line… I also wish they would stop cutting Erin’s scenes, I think they’re good!
Poor Erin! Why are the rest of the office folks so rude to her! :(
God, the Halperts. That makes me twitch. But Erin is so sweet and naive, I’m actually pretty glad they brought her in (although I do miss Pam as the receptionist… and Jim in sales). I wonder though, do you think the picture is still ruined? Since they cut the scenes where she wrecked it.
Lol, I have those same socks.
That scream was amazing! but I’m glad that sock scene was cut I found it too disturbing to be funny.
Michael…Stupid Scott! LOL
#18: The picture was gone in this episode.
I just noticed that Jim and Pam coordinated their outfits – they are one of ‘those’ couples that dresses the same ROFL!!!
Hah! You know, the second deleted scene made me think about how easily and naturally Pam and Michael’s relationship can flow from one thing to the next. Sometimes she’s like his mother, sometimes babysitter, sometimes they’re friends, sometimes it’s awkward as in “I’m rejecting your kiss,” and now she’s the bratty teenager and he’s the evil stepfather. Yet nothing feels forced or weird. It all works. Ah, Jenna and Steve are just magic together!
I hope they start including more Erin scenes, she’s so likable.
Also likable is a smoldering Beasley. Just being honest.
ahhhh!!! Jenna is so good!
I’m really adoring Erin—I’m really hoping that her scenes stay in and that we get to see more of her. Her fresh, bubbly sweetness adds a great balance to the other characters. Having been the Erin in many a office, it is good to see her!
I have those socks. I got them at Target. For a dollar.
Does anyone else notice a resemblance between Erin the Receptionist and Kenneth the Page?
Erin’s cute, and a little over-enthusiastic–makes me miss Pam at reception and Jim across form her at sales, but I can live (that’s why I have the DVDs…) and it does add an interesting new dynamic to it all.
I LOVED Pam in this episode–I’d have the same reaction. I hate that some people think she’s overreacting–would you honestly be okay with Michael (Stupid) Scott dating YOUR mother? I think not.
I too was like “meh” when Erin arrived, but she is cute – if not a little too enthusiastic!
Pam has just gotten a little too mean/rude for me. I don’t know if it’s because of her and Jim getting married, or if it’s because she’s become part of sales, and no longer the mopey receptionist – but it’s just too much for me.