Dwight: We don’t have a North Pole branch. Idiot.
Oh, but we do, Dwight. We do.
Here’s an excellent fan parody of The Office, North Pole style, from 2008:
The Workshop, Part 1
The Workshop, Part 2
Tipster: Jen
Part of the WUPHF social network.
Dwight: We don’t have a North Pole branch. Idiot.
Oh, but we do, Dwight. We do.
Here’s an excellent fan parody of The Office, North Pole style, from 2008:
The Workshop, Part 1
The Workshop, Part 2
Tipster: Jen
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Oh my gosh this is amazing!
Think this is the best Office parody I’ve seen yet. “I’m looking in a mirror. A Christmas time machine mirror. And then I go back inside because I wasn’t wearing any socks… And then Vin Diesel comes out…” haha!
Lol, funny….
Absolutely epic. It’ll get repeat watchings from me.
Very cool!
“That’s more than there are people in the world, Merkle!” This is wonderous. Think of all the hours of work these people put into the parody! Great job.
This is simply brilliant!!
The set they created is awesome. Great script! What an amazing parody!
[from tanster: isn’t their set absolutely amazing?]
haha cute! i like the little part with elf jim and pam where they kind of shove each other. did anybody else hear that really high pitched note that played throughout some of the scenes, though? i had to skip two full minutes because i couldn’t listen to that noise…
The rambling go-nowhere talking heads were great, had a lot of the feel of the first season. (Plus Merkel being a jerk to Toby for no apparent reason. Always good for a laugh.)
I can’t believe how good that was! Will definitely be watching again…
I smell a spin-off . . .
the dwight guy sounded like kermit the frog :)
Who are these people?! They’re so creative and funny! Lots of fun!
This was fantastic. They recreated everything, but they didn’t try too hard to exactly replicate characters. It was the perfect balance of impersonation and originality.
Brilliant holiday parody! Kudos to all those involved for doing a super job. They really got the rhythm and flow of Michael’s and Dwight’s talking heads down perfectly. The body language and facial expressions of each character (Toby, Angela, Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight) were all spot-on, too. Super, super job at taking care of all the little details! Loved it!
“We have done this 938 christmases in a row, one summer by accident. Where is your faith in santa?” That was funny!
haha Merkle!
“That smells like Chris Kattan”
This was too amazing for words!
and also…I love how Canadian they are.
This was amazing! Love it! I’m going now to post it on my facebook. :)
These people deserve some kind of award! SO awesome!
Whhaaaat. That was crazy amazing. I can’t believe the talented people out there. There’s no way they came up with that, put it all together and shot it in the time since Secret Santa aired…so it’s funny how that resembles a north pole branch so perfectly. Awesome.
That was mind-blowing! The acting, writing, set, props…everything was just incredible and funny and so true to the feel of the show. Assuming that this DID stem from the “we don’t have a North Pole branch” line, they pulled this off ridiculously quickly! I would think it would take at least a month or two to get such an amazing parody together.
[from tanster: actually, they posted the video last Christmas. future dwight must have told them. ;) ]
That was AWESOME! So impressive… they deserve some kind of award for that, that must have been so much work to put together. And what an amazing set.
Oh, and the guy who played Toby was my favorite….but everyone on that cast was incredible.
Hey everybody. My name’s Jeremy (aka Mirkle from the video) and it’s great to hear all this wonderful feedback!
Any other questions or comments are welcome, and thanks for checking out our video. We are really glad so many of you enjoyed it and have enough of a passion for the Office like I do to have appreciated the details we tried to get in the writing and filming :) We hope to get back at it soon, so stay tuned.
Merry Moroccan Christmas.
I am certain to be fired based on the amount of snorting and suppressed guffawing currently emanating from my cubicle.
“I feel like a mother polar bear who’s just baked a lasagna for her cubs.”
Never has the phrase “Epic Win” been more appropriate.
Oh, wow! That was AMAZING!
They really got the essence of every character down pat. I think my favorite part was between Mirkle and Toby. And the “when life hands you lemonade….” reminded me of “how the turntables…” I got a good laugh out of that. That was brilliant, just brilliant.
And the Workshop theme was amazing! Awesome twist on The Office theme! The set was fantastic, too!
I hope more videos are made in the future!
Very well done. Great job guys.
Who are these people? Students at Humber College in Toronto Canada. All but a couple dozen of the words were written by the fellow playing Mirkle character – Jeremy Woodcock. An amazing talent.
Awesome!… Very good job, guys!
I’ve frequented this site since discovering it 2 years ago. I don’t know how I missed this! This parody was incredible ~ they captured the characters so perfectly. Just wonderful!
WOW, I really don’t know what else to say that hasn’t already been said. I hope the folks at TO have seen this.
I am just discovering this site, and hence these videos, so this next comment is a bit more timely but maybe Jeremy Woodcock should be writing for the show. Could be just what the show needs.