Taken just moments ago, straight from The Office set …
Phyllis Smith, Lighting Guy, and Leslie David Baker.
Hope you guys don’t have too late a Friday!
Internet sensation of 2004.
Taken just moments ago, straight from The Office set …
Phyllis Smith, Lighting Guy, and Leslie David Baker.
Hope you guys don’t have too late a Friday!
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How did we obtain this photograph? Who took this picture? Why does just seeing this make me laugh?
And that lighting guy is pretty cute.
I love the cast’s down-to-earth randomness!
Sweet! How can we find out if he’s single? And Jen, I agree… I love that they’re so real.
FALSE: Lighting guy is really cute! Watch out Jim!
Lighting Guy always smells real nice.
Lighting Guy isn’t half bad looking. (:
I love this photo! Such a fun “welcome back” feel to it!
I love this cast so very much. I hope they’re having a good night!
I love the true-to-life overbearing florescent light overhead.
Yowza! Lighting Guy is dreamy.
HAHA! Lighting Dude! Thanks for posting, Jennie, it’s great! Also thanks to jrz for sending it along. (I’m assuming he did anyhow)
I heart lighting guy.
I smell a fansite.
Lighting guy is hot.
Oooh. Cute guy. What’s his name? Is he single? Good picture of Phyllis and Stanley.
Okay, ladies, calm yourselves down. We don’t want to scare Lighting Guy off! :)
Hello Lighting Dude :)
Forget Lighting Guy! Phyllis Lapin-Vance is who I’m checking out! Lookin’ good, PV!
Nice pic of everyone! And lol tanster, I think the ladies have apparently taken over the comment thread. ;)
Thanks for the pic, ‘lighting guy!’
Hahaha. Is that jrze? Them are some crazy folks that work there ;)
Nice job, lighting guy. Seriously, best job ever!
Never knew “lighting dude” was so cute! Seems he may have a lot of fans around here. Uh oh – hope he doesn’t let it go to his head! ;)
HAHA, best picture ever. :)
What a great cast! Not everyone would do this for a fan site. :)
Very cute!
The guy in the middle is quite nicely put together. :)
EEEE! Lighting Dude! I love Leslie’s face! That’s the same face I’d have being next to LD. Haha.
HAHA. My first thought was, “Gee, that Lighting Guy is pretty cute!” Then I scrolled down to the comments. I see I’m not the only one who thought this.
Now here’s an Office spinoff I can deal with.
Hello Mr. Lighting guy….YUM!!
Oh Lighting Guy…oh Lighting Guy. Where for art thou, Lighting Guy?!
“Parabeams”…”Tungsten lights” – is it working for you?
Nice shot!
I think Lighting Dude should get a walk on part some time soon.
I think Lighting Guy smells like what I think Pierce Brosnan probably smells like.
Who cares about the lighting guy?
I’d take phyllis any day of the week.
[from tanster: phyllis is a sweetheart.]
Lighting Guy is smokin’! Watch out Krasinski…you’ve got competition!
Good lord. This post has completely run amok.
Oh hey Jrze..
There will be no living with jrze in the OTCR now! ;)
Jrze, Phyllis, and Stanley!!! Today is a good day :)
hahahha i love leslie’s face!!! what were you all doing?!?! lol
They’re working late, eh? And all spiffed up! I can’t wait until Thursday!! (And I’ll love looking back on this 6 weeks from now and thinking “oh – that’s what they were filming when they posted the pic on OT!)
And THIS is why I love OfficeTally. Love this pic!
I really, really hope Lighting Guy is reading these comments. They’ll either make his day or scare him silly – or maybe both!
With the nature of comments this post is getting, you need to add the link for Matt’s Jrze Brings SexyBack song!
Always a classic!
There will be no living with jrze after this….. hehehehehe
I love all the people saying that jrze is hotter than jkras… ironic. ;)
i love that i’m getting the feeling of a hit-and-run-funny-face-in-a-picture from leslie with that swinging tie. and tanster, i love a good use of “run amok.” (:
#35: agreed, lol
Lighting Guy needs to start working in FRONT of the camera, not behind it.
Can’t he have a small role as the new office temp? I’m sure the Scranton branch needs one.
Happy people working on a happy set. It’s nice to see.
This post is cracking me up! I think we all officially need our show back! Lol. I’ll admit, he is pretty cute.
Ladies, we have now turned him into a Something-Guy. I hope the Lighting Guy doesn’t get upset!
Hey, is this the same guy who wore a Boston Redsox hat in the “10 things you don’t know about women” video by CipherP, because I remember there being a fuss about him too with all the ladies.
That IS quite random.
Lighting guy is sure cute!
Totally random and welcome!
I love Phyllis (total sweetheart!) and Jrze from the OTCR is pretty cool too except he gets along way too well with Mosby. he he
PS: Let not forget the black man with SASS – I Heart Leslie! :)
PPS: HI TANSTER!!!! I must hail to the queen of pranks after your april fools stunt! Fantastic :)
I love when “Stanley” smiles…. it fills me with glee.
#47: the new “Hottest in the office!”
Ah, #35: Took the words right out of my mouth. A lighting guy who looks like a mix of Aaron Eckhart and Christian Bale on a cold winter’s day? And tanster, was this sent to you or were you there? If you were there, do you have more pics? :)
[from tanster: no, i wasn’t there. :) ]
How do I get to be a lighting gal!!
Lighting Guy, give me a call! :fans herself:
Leslie’s face…fills me with joy :D
Hahaha, priceless. =)
I’m having trouble expressing how this picture makes me feel. Yeah, lighting guy is sort of, how do I put it, “hubba hubba”, but really what I think when I see this picture is–I want lighting guy’s job! I don’t even know what he does, I don’t really care, it just looks like a ton of fun to be on that set. How cool would it be to hang out with Phyllis and Leslie, and everyone else, too?
I think I need a life…
That lighting guy is really something! Would be great if he was ON camera instead of behind the scenes. A girl can wish, can’t she?
Their smiles say it all!! They are as happy as we are to see them back at it!! Only a few more days to go and it will be Thursday, yeah yeah yeah
I work with “Lighting Guy” every day and let me tell you ladies…he is as yummy in person as he is in the photo. For the right price I may be willing to sell his phone number…I have two sons that are college bound, every little bit helps! By the way…great website!
[from tanster: what a great idea! let’s hold an auction! ;) ]
We need to at least know his name, office hairstylist, so we know what to doodle on our Trapper Keepers. :)
Waiting to see what office hairstylist says. Hopefully he won’t be put on a serving platter for the wolves. He’s WAY too nice a guy for that!
I like serving him up slice by slice. His name starts with the first letter of the alphabet….
Tell him his cousin missed him at Thanksgiving :)
Count me in on this auction. I was first, after all. Can you give us an age?
They must not want us to know his name or it wouldn’t say lighting guy. Wasn’t he in the Jenna Fischer video too?
Update on Lighting Guy (LG)…he is between 27 & 32… Does that help ladies? By the way, I have shown Leslie and Phyllis the comments about “LG”and they enjoyed seeing him get the attention.
I hope Leslie and Phyllis don’t feel neglected. It’s just that it’s old news that we love them. :)
what is it about lighting guys and grips? Always cute. 10 bucks says he wears a North Face fleece and cargo shorts to work most days.