I’ve never had tears come to my eyes while watching a clip. Until now.
Link: See Why That Guy Steve Carell Is a Freakin’ Rock/Movie/TV Star
When you're bored at work and your boss outlaws Flonkerton.
I’ve never had tears come to my eyes while watching a clip. Until now.
Link: See Why That Guy Steve Carell Is a Freakin’ Rock/Movie/TV Star
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Hahah! I love it!
And Steve describing the cake… so funny…
That was a great clip. Phyllis is adorable. I would have guessed she would have said Angela as the least like her character though.
I really was laughing at the ‘cheesy-butter-cake-what?’ part. It sounded so dirty for a second.
Steve’s laughter is incredibly contagious. EVERYTIME he laughs, I crack up. I would SO marry him… if he wasn’t married… and twice my age… with kids. lol.
I watched it and I couldn’t but have a smile on my face. I mean I laughed, cried, everything. They are too cute and funny together.
Oh, Steve. You had me at cheesy butter gushy cake.
“Can you move your right boob?” I almost choked, and I wasn’t even eating anything.
“The wrath of Phyllis”. Oh god, that was amazing.
I laughed so hard I couldn’t breath. Phyllis and Steve almost killed me, literally.
“My right boob is tied down right now.” Amazing! Definitely one of the best interviews. Interviews are always funnier when they just interview each other.
The cake description sent me into a giggling frenzy and Phyllis’ snorting was contagious. LOL. Thanks for posting!!!
Okay, tanster, I see what you mean! I was laughing out loud right along with Steve and Phyllis.
Oh, and to hear a gooey butter cake mentioned–that is a specialty of my favorite celebrity chef, Paula Deen! I’ve made one before; they are very rich, and very good, and yes, full of butter and cream cheese. Probably takes a day or two off of your life to eat a piece, but so worth it every once in a while!
That. Was. Priceless.
Oh my word. That just made my day … and possibly my week. There are no words for how much I love these people. I can’t stop laughing!
I love these two together. :)
Wow! What a way to hold me over until 9pm.
I can’t say it enough…I love everything about what this cast chooses to be.
Wow. That made my day. Literally made my day. Awsomeness… Steve cracking up makes me giggle every time!
#2 i would have thought angela was the least like her character too. i remember in some of the season 2 commentary they were talking about the evolution of kelly’s character and just laughing that basically kelly starting turning into mindy half way through season 2! that was cute, i loved it when he called her a horror show!
I haven’t laughed that hard in days! lol I love Phyllis and Steve… brilliant… hahaha
And this Ladies and Gentlemen is why these people are my favorite out of any on TV, so candid and funny!
re: 18 – yes, it’s funny if you watch the old episodes to see how different Kelly’s character is. in the old episodes she’s all quiet, dowdy clothes, hair pulled back. It’s like they hadn’t really fleshed out that character and then it just became Mindy. Awesome.
Hahahaa, somehow it didn’t surprise me that Phyllis said Mindy is most like her character.
I’d been having a tense work day so far but this clip took care of that — too funny! Thanks for sharing, Tanster.
I love to hear my fellow St. Louisan, Phyllis talk about St. Louis traditions! Gooey butter cake is amazing! I probably only have a piece a year, they are very very rich and sweet. But oh so good! They even have a recipe for gooey butter cookies, which are equally delicious! Thanks for posting the clip, it was great! Steve is officially one of my favorite people in the world!
Omg! I LOVE gooey butter cake! It’s the best. Props to Phyllis!
Nice video!
Wow, another Phyllis video! I love seeing her out of character and this video was great!
By the way what set are they on? Corporate office?
[from tanster: yep, that’s the corporate DM set!]
Cheesy butter gush cake at corporate. Yum!
OMG, that was amazing!
Thanks for putting it up Tanster–I really needed the laughs!
OMG that was hilarious. I love seeing Steve and Phyllis, who knew they’d interact so well. This cast is way too funny to exist.
i loove gooey butter cake/ cookies and had no idea that it was a st. louis thing… good to know. thanks phyllis and steve!!
That was hilarious! I want Steve to interview everyone!
How much do I love the fact that Steve had a handkerchief in his pocket?
Ha! I never thought I’d see these two do a one-on-one. They’re both great! I loved when Phyllis said something about Steve’s wife and he replied with, “Who?”
that was fantastic!!! yay phyllis for introducing the office peeps to gooey butter cake!!!!! stl pride! love it :D
This clip shows what interviewing should really be like.
Wow, hilarious. Almost fell over laughing! SO funny these two make a very funny combo, I am voting more Phyllis Michael scenes! :)
How I love both Phyllis’s (Philli?)! This was an absolutely wonderful interview.
omg! ‘gushy cake’!
The cast always looks like they have so much fun together. I would have guessed that Angela irl is the most unlike her character, I hope we get to see more of Brian and the others off-set.
mmmm Gooey Butter Cake mmmmm
Steve is a notoriously sweaty man, so the handkerchief makes sense. What a wonderful clip. Phyllis is hilarious.