E! Online’s Kristin Dos Santos chats with John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, and Brian Baumgartner at the upfronts in New York.
Tipster: Tanya
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E! Online’s Kristin Dos Santos chats with John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, and Brian Baumgartner at the upfronts in New York.
Tipster: Tanya
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a. the beard is hot. of course my husband has a beard so i am partial but…. the beard is hot.
b. “i have 4 assistants crawling around on their knees handing me sushi” why are you so funny? so bearded, hot and funny?
john w/ beard = melt
Very cute…but Kristin is highly annoying. Can’t she think of any good questions?
How did I catch this so fast?!?
I love how John totally keeps up with the interviewer. Sometimes he even gets ahead of them. Good job Rainn and Kevin! The Office and the Apprentice, how would that be?!
John is even cooler with that beard! I thought he would get all weird and dark with it, but instead he’s even funnier (and hotter!) !
ugh… her flirting with jkras is literally unwatchable. i was squirming for him! ick!!!!!!
These people are too funny.
Caveman!John referencing my favorite movie =
And it’s official…I am in love with John Krasinski, mountain man beard and all. I’m actually eager to see the porn star beard. :)
shrute to kill! the thought of dwight going around the soviet union as a hired assassin actually sounds pretty great.
She is just BLATANTLY flirting with John. Awkward… *said in a high, sing-songy voice*
Great stuff. John is so great in interviews. So charming and funny. Rainn makes me melt, I swear. Forget John, please bring me ‘Schrute to Kill’.
The premiere cannot get here fast enough… on second thought, it could take longer. I don’t want the season to end!!!
Love, love, love John Krasinski. I hope they don’t incorporate the beard into the show though!! :)
I have mixed feelings about the beard. The jury is still out.
i get the feeling that trump had no idea who rainn was.
I can’t wait for “Schrute to Kill”!
And come on, “JKras” with a beard? Do you even have to ask?
Also, I like Kristin, she seems like she really is a fan of the show!
does anyone know who the guy is that was lurking behind john?.. his agent? brother?…
p.s. i loved that john and brian were just cracking up when rainn was interviewing trump.
Beard HAS GOT to go.
And #17, you took the words right out of my mouth!
was that paul lieberstein with glasses in the right corner during rainn and brian’s interview?
John is so working that beard. Mmmm…beardy John.
I love the fact that Donald Trump had no idea who Rainn Wilson was.
i don’t know what it is about her, but she drives me insane.
Hahaha, this is why I love tallyheads! I noticed the massive amount of flirting and was a little turned off (I’m not even a john-lover, :D!) I was surprised to scroll down and see others thinking the same thing! LOL
also, i would totally watch shrute to kill.
“Schrute to Kill” – hahaha! I love Rainn’s sense of humor.
In the pictures the beard is looking sort of weird, but in the interview it’s totally normal and actually really awesome, in my opinion.
John and Rainn (and wonderfully confused Brian) do the funniest, best interviews. I loved the “lost” wedding ring moment, and Shrute to Kill! It’s great how Rainn Wilson has no fear or embarrassment filter when asked to interview Donald Trump. And oh my, John Krasinski is looking so fine with that mountain man beard! Kristen really seems to love the show and cast, and that makes these interviews a lot of fun too.
John was right on point as usual and Rainn…hahaha. NBC Experience in my pants!
I agree…Trump had NO IDEA who Rainn was.
And these interviews are sooo awkward! I don’t know how the actors can handle it…
There’s also a new video on Kristin’s blog with Ed Helms, fyi. Very funny!!
And John Krasinski is such a great, funny guy! As is Rainn Wilson.
Why must John Krasinski make me love him so????
#19 It is more likely that the lurker is an agent, and not one of John Krasinski’s brothers.
Because John’s brothers are enormous. Taller than John, anyway.
John is such a great interviewer. And I totally picked up on the flirting. She couldn’t keep her hands off the guy…not that I don’t blame her. But i’m sure he was just thinking “let this be over, PLEASE let this be over”. And then you see the Rainn and Brian interview and there’s just awkward pauses. Rainn was hilarious! I love him. And i’ll totally watch that spin-off :)
Is it me or is jim starting to look like ryan…
I was about to say, “Gee, Rainn stays in character pretty well!” Then I realized…he’s really like that! haha
Also, Trump didn’t seem too amused. His loss.
You have to give Kristen major points, if it wasn’t for her enthusiastic love for The Office, we wouldn’t get all these zany interviews!
I’d love to see a Mindy one.
give kristen a break. she is a pretty good interviewer who has interviewed them many times. they all seem to like her.
geez kristin, lay off. i think i’m jealous. and yeah, i’m pretty sure trump didn’t know who rainn was.
I love that she tried to get JK to propose w/ Jenna! How fun is that??!! Awesome moment!!!!
I am now officially loving that beard…totally sexy.
I looooove cast interviews! They are all so charming and hilarious!
Auuuuuuuuuuugh! I almost couldn’t even watch any of these interviews after the first one. Ylechh! I don’t think they find her very funny either. It’s to the cast’s credit that they are good sports and appear to be having fun regardless.
I actually love it when Kristin interviews anyone from The Office and especially love it when she interviews John. She just has so much passion for the show and the actors themselves, that she gushes whenever she sees them. Yes, this is her job and she has to be professional but I would rather see her interviews than someone else’s who is just asking questions and not really interacting with the actor.
Love John with the beard. No question about it. I love how spontaneous he can be in interviews. He’s awesome.
Wow, it’s hilarious that buyMEacoke,Jim and Once have such different opinions! I definitely have to go with Once on this one though. I LOVE Kristin when she does Office stuff, she always makes the guys do outrageously funny things. My favorite interview of all time is actually her on set of The Office right before the Season 3 premiere. Keep giving us more with the office Kristin!
Wow, her interviews are cringe-worthy.
Lol, the monkey is the funniest guy I know.
I don’t really mind Kristin, I prefer her doing the interviews than people who are like “what is this show and why do I have to do this freaking interview?” – plus, in her interviews, we always get to see fun things– John almost proposing to Jenna? How hilarious! :)
If Kristin could at least tone down on the flirting her interviews would be a lot easier to watch.
I used to be annoyed by Kristen, but she’s grown on me. She’s always the media go-to with the cast and crew of The Office, and I guess I like the fact that she’s real a fan of the show. She does tend to gush a bit too much, and I’ll never quite forgive her for scaring my lovely Brett McKenzie of Flight of the Conchords when she stalked him during an HBO press junket, but hell, she’s not so bad. And Krasinski’s beard? I love it. Also, Rainn could make a second living being an entertainment interviewer.
I actually like Kristin’s interviews. You can tell that she’s passionate about the show and she has a great chemestry, especially with John and Jenna.
I can’t be the only one who thought it: Of course, Donald Trump doesn’t recognize a real celebrity.
Argh, I wanna see the Jenna interview that was going on next door!
That was so funny when Rainn interviews Donald Trump & they’re both wearing pink ties!! LOL! I would love to see him on the next Celebrity Apprentice!
I don’t like her, just because she has my name. lol jk… This was a cute interview. John Krasinski is so ridiculously charismatic and charming.
Christy – That’s exactly what I thought as well! They must have had some follow-up comments after ‘the proposal’.
Kristin does seem to flirt a little bit when interviewing John but c’mon…. wouldn’t you if you were in her shoes? I actually think she shows A LOT of self control. More than I would ever have. I say bring on more interviews with Kristin!
Was I in my space bubble? The monkey drinks too much…. the whole thing about the monkey cracked me up… actually John’s whole interview cracked me up…. especially the end about the assistants handing him sushi…. hahaha
and John….don’t listen to Kristen. PLEASE work with Will…. God I can’t even imagine how awesomely hilarious that would be.
These just made my day. :)
Oh and I would SOO watch “Schrute to Kill”
Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when Rainn said “I’m having an experience in my pants”! I would have had to clean my computer screen off. I loved him interviewing Donald Trump.
John’s beard is TO DIE FOR! He looks amazing, for sure. Rainn’s hilarious! I’m sure Donald thought he was an actual E! reporter, IMO.
I hate to repeat myself, but I’ll say it again…no one is more handsome and charming than John Krasinski. No one.
Kristin was very protective of her microphone–she really wanted to get it back from Rainn.
JK looks so good with the beard! I love him like this!
I felt bad for Brian… it kinda seemed like he felt like he wasn’t important enough or that he was just in the way. We love you too Brian!
Yeah, Kristin was so obviously flirting. But I would have done the same thing! hehe. John also seemed to be going along with it and maybe even enjoyed it.
Also, the beard ain’t bad! I thought it would be much, much worse after seeing the pics.
So I guess in hindsight we should have known there would be no Jim proposal since she tells JK to do it during the interview. And I know this has been said before but JK & JF have smoking hot chemistry and not just as Jim & Pam.
I think Kristin’s just the type of girl that laughs at everything. She was doing the exact same thing with Rainn. Plus she’s recently married. Give the woman some credit.