An Office star has a membership to one of the most exclusive clubs in town …
Tipster: Jeff
The best thing that's happened to the Internet since World War Two.
An Office star has a membership to one of the most exclusive clubs in town …
Tipster: Jeff
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This is hilarious!! It was such a nice surprise to see John included – and have such a big part – and I love that his teary eyed magic works even on late night :)
J Kras was easily the funniest person in this skit. His facial expressions and unwavering loyalty to Jimmy Kimmel were hysterical.
John Krasinski and Sting together!!!!! My day is made. And it was spit-take funny!
John easily over-stepped the cute quota with this skit. I love how he was so devoted and emotional toward Jimmy. I agree, #2 Callan, he was the funniest person in this skit! But I mean, the whole thing was HILARIOUS! Jimmy seems to just keep getting better and better.
Hotness overload! And how awesome that John is hot and cute … he’s COT! Okay, that doesn’t work, but hey, whatever.
Pure awesomeness!
I tuned in to Jimmy after this skit and I heard it mentioned so I was hoping I would see what it was, and now I am really sad I missed it when it aired. Thanks so much for posting this :)
Krasinski was probably the best choice of all of them to be the emotional one devoted to Kimmel.
I can’t stop watching this over and over.. John is just too hilarious. I love the loyalty to Kimmel.. and making fun of Romo’s big ears :) “Burn!” He definitely stole the skit.
Ha! That was pretty good. Kimmel’s been flying under the radar all these years, just waiting. Surprised Jon Hamm wasn’t sitting at that table. I guess they could only take so much handsome. OK, that sounded weird.
Looks like he was the Dwight of the group.
Ahhh… that was amazing!
I love Dwight-John and ahhhhhhhhhhh anything Matt Damon on Kimmel is ultimate win!
ok even if i wasn’t in love with jkras i would still think he was the best one in this skit. “What’s wrong with cute?” HHAHAHA
and I loved how he was being all dwightish. very funny
Wow! This was hilarious. Can’t believe Kimmel was able to get all these people together.
*Ginger*! Ha! I love it! COT indeed. This was such a fun skit. John is easily the best part about it. Steals show.
“What’s wrong with cute?”
“There’s a quota, and you filled it.”
Oh, my word. JKras is so adorable. Definitely stole the video to me. He looked like a little lost puppy in the end when Jimmy walked out. And then reaching out to him. Oh, he was the perfect person to play that part. His facial expressions were priceless.
Loved it! John pulled out the big guns with the tears! So funny!
My computer just exploded from Rob Lowe, JKras and Taye Diggs all on the screen at the same time. Sigh.
Awesome. That was hilarious
I agree with all of you, that was absolutely incredible. Too much gorgeous on my little computer screen, that was just fabulous. I need to go back and look at those tears, Ninette! Yeppers, John was great! I loved his dedication to Jimmy. And I’m thinking, that since he has the ‘cute’ factor going for him Jimmy included him because they’re neighbors… lol. Loved them all.
To quote Stanley: “that was deLIGHTful”. I love that John is the secretary of the club.
Oh man I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. John was hilarious, but the whole thing killed me!
And just when I thought John couldn’t get any more adorable.
Gotta say, that was much funnier than I expected. John owned that skit! He’s so great. :)
I love that John was the suck up. Haha. ♥
Just when you think John Krasinski can’t be any more adorable he goes and does this skit! My life is now complete because John has been in the same episode/skit as Christian Slater and Ethan Hawke (my two 90s crushes)! *Swoon*
that was hilarious! i’ve watched it 3 times already and still keeps me laughing. not just saying this, but john krasinski was definitely the highlight. also, anytime a dallas cowboy is being made fun of i am always laughing.
Yummy, well done John and Jimmy did well picking out handsome guys!
This seriously made my day. I love John so much! He is so adorable! And Jimmy is adorable in his own way. He is easily one of the best late night hosts around! Someone mentioned this but the fact that Jimmy and John are neighbors and seem like they are best friends added to why John took the loyalty role. Ah! This is just so wonderful!!! :)
JKras was brilliant! Adorable and played his part well…what a great skit! As many have already said, it kept me laughing the whole time!
That was brilliant!
Note to self: apply for a cute husband through the Handsome Men’s Club.
That was hilarious!! Couldn’t wait to see who would show up next. And John was brilliant! :)
i love john laughing at the “big ears” thing.
and i love that john got one of the biggest cheers from the audience!