This post covers Mindy Kaling’s visit to Scranton this past weekend.

Latest news: Pressman Toys very kindly sent along these photos from “The Office Games”!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
More info on the board games:
– Play the free demo
– More info and screenshots
– Buy The Office DVD Board Game
– Buy The Office Trivia Board Game
I was sent a few games to give away, so be on the watch for that soon …
Thank you, Pressman Toys!
Previously posted items after the jump.
July 20, 2008
- Fan report from Tara (with some hilarious beet-eating photos!) NEW
- Fan report from Lila
- Some long commutes for a day at ‘Office’
- All in a day’s work for ‘Office’ actress
- Fan photos from Nathan: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
June 30, 2008
From Pressman Toy and NBC Universal Television Consumer Products Group:
New York, June 30, 2008 — Mindy Kaling, writer, co-executive producer and the actress known as the chatty Kelly Kapoor on NBC’s “The Office,” will join fans in Scranton, PA, on Saturday, July 19 as Dunder Mifflin’s hometown becomes the first city to offer the new The Office DVD Board Game and The Office Trivia Game by Pressman Toy and licensed by NBC Universal Television Consumer Products Group. Ms. Kaling will officiate “The Office Games” — a full day of Dunder Mifflin style fun — starting with a 2K Fun Run and ending with a Beet Eating Contest that would make Dwight proud. The day’s events will take place in and around The Mall at Steamtown in Scranton.
In addition to marking the official debut of the two games, The Office games launch will raise funds for United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania (UNC), a Scranton-based charity that provides services and creates opportunities which empower individuals and builds strong interdependent communities throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania.
“There’s no better place than Scranton to serve as the springboard for our new games based on The Office,” said Pressman Toy President Jim Pressman. “We’re excited to bring Ms. Kaling and The Office games to the home of Dunder Mifflin.”
“Scranton is honored to have been selected as the first city in America whose retailers will stock The Office Trivia Game and DVD Board Game,” said Scranton Mayor Christopher Doherty. “We’ll be rolling out the beet red carpet for Ms. Kaling.”
“I have been to Scranton before and am really excited to return for this fun event!” – Mindy
“The Office Games” July 19th line-up includes:
- 9:00 a.m. — 2K Fun Run. Wear your favorite office attire! Prizes for best dressed, best character look-a-likes and fastest.
- 10:30 a.m. — The Office Trivia Challenge. Are you an “Assistant to the Regional Manager” or the “Regional Manager” when it comes to “The Office” trivia? The Challenge will feature questions from The Office Trivia Game.
- 12:00 p.m. — Beet Eating Contest. Straight from Dwight’s farm … well, after being canned.
- 1:30 p.m. — 2:30 p.m. – Autograph Session. The first 125 customers who purchase The Office DVD Board Game or The Office Trivia Game at Boscov’s at The Mall at Steamtown in Scranton, PA, on July 19 will be able meet Mindy Kaling and have her autograph their game.
To register for “The Office Games,” please visit:
That’s so awesome :) Is this in place of the convention though?
oh i wish i lived in scranton! it is my dream to meet mindy.
Oh my god, I am going to be visiting relatives in new york that week, and they already promised me we could drive to scranton to visit. Guess what day I’m suggesting we go?? This is so cool!
This isn’t in place of the Convention, or at least I hope not. I might be able to go! Thanks so much for posting this :)
I really hope this isn’t in place of the convention! I want to go this year!
Wow! That sounds so cool! I’m going to try to make it there!
Sounds great! If only I didn’t live in Washington….. xD
#2 tuna tuna tuna…it is my dream to meet her too. I really wish I could attend. She is one of my heroes in the Hollywood scene because of her brains and beauty. This looks like a lot of fun too. Thanks!
I bet this is when they will ANNOUNCE the 2008 Convention! :D
Scranton is two hours away from me! My mom, sisters and aunts are all going! YAY! :):):):)
I wonder if they’ll actually have a Convention this year – last year it was announced in May at the Angela/Brian breakfast. We’re already in July and for people to make plans…well…I guess I’m just not that optimistic that it will happen in 2008.
That’s just me – I could be wrong.
To all those going to meet Mindy, have a great time!
Just saw some thing fun over at about this event!
Sorry for the crappy link ;) Let’s get some Dunderheads in EW’s next issue!
Just 4 more days to go for the Mindy/Scranton/Office games event. I’m not sure what to concentrate on first: my Fun Running muscles for the 2K, my beet-eating abilities or my trivia storehouse. Who will be the lucky fan to receive a trophy from Mindy?The last one standing!
I just stared at the entry form and pretended to fill it out like I was going. Lucky Tallyheads, give us the report!
I hope everyone else who doesn’t live in Scranton is as devastated as me! Otherwise, my life must be pretty sad.
I live in Scranton, My girlfriend and I got up at 6 am to get the games and vouchers for the meet and greet at 1:30 pm. After receiving the games and the voucher we left the mall and went back to bed, I arrived at the mall at 1:35 pm to discover that Mindy decided to start the autographs at 1 pm and was already done with everyone by the time I arrived. So she started early and finished early, a lot of fans were walking around pissed off only receiving crap merchandise as a token of appreciation.
I was at the Office Games on Saturday and actually (somehow!) managed to nab the first place trivia prize. It was a lot of fun and Mindy was really sweet and a great sport! My cousin entered the beet eating contest and did an awesome job shoveling beets into her mouth! We had a great time and can’t wait to return to Scranton for the next exciting event!
Ooh, I am one of the European girls. They spelled my name wrong, though ;)
But we were lucky enough to meet Mindy and talk to her a little and she was adorable and incredibly sweet to us – she was utterly charming and hilarious all day. It was a pretty amazing experience :)
My daughter, Siobhan, and I were at “The Office” games on Saturday morning also. She ran and I walked the 2K race. She and her friend, Sammie, were interviewed by The Pocono Record – the article in the 4th link above – though they misspelled our last name.
We all had a great time, and got t-shirts to boot. Along the walk I was able to point out to some of our visitors to Scranton the landmarks along the way, including the Penn Paper building that is featured in the show’s opening, and St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen, that is referenced in the show, though not specifically by name, as having the best pea soup in town.
What fun! Haha, Mindy eating the beets was hysterical!
Aw i’m so jealous of those dwight bobble head trophies! Good job everyone! Congrats to the winners!
HA! I really want to know what the guy behind Mindy was thinking in page 11 :) The conversation probably went: “Hey! Why does SHE get a free shirt?!!?! Kelly Kapoor doesn’t even wear cotton shirts!”
[from tanster: yeah, i thought that picture was really funny!]
Those photos are awesome! Love the mid-air drops of beet juice from Mindy’s mouth, haha!
Oh i wish i could’ve been there! looked like a lot of fun. thanks for sharing the photos!
I waited in line with my boyfriend at 6:30 am to buy the game and get the voucher for the autographs. They were supposed to start at 1:30. He got there at 1:35 and was told Mindy started signing early at 1:00 and was finished by 1:30. I thought that was pretty crappy since we were up bright and early to get the tickets to be able to meet her. So much for my personal signed game :(
Mindy looked so pretty! I wish I could have been there. Thank you for posting, Tanster!
it really was a great time–Mindy was just amazingly lovely every moment. and what a sport to go dunking for beets!
sneezy23–other people who also did not get signings because of the early departure left their names w/the game company to get signatures mailed to them at home. if you still have your store receipt or voucher, they might be able to do the same for you.