One heck of an amazing fan report from lemoñadé:
Hi Tallyheads! lemoñadé here. A few weeks ago, I had an incredible week working on the Tucson and Phoenix sets of Farlanders and figured I would share my experience with you guys, seeing as how I always love reading other people’s fan accounts.
A few months ago, an amazing Northern Attack friend of mine gave me the contact info for the casting agent for this film. Mexicanity and I submitted our information and imagine our surprise when we were called in to be featured extras for this movie in Tucson.
We decided to make it a ladies night and stayed at the resort where they were filming the movie. Our call time was Tuesday at 1:30pm, so we drove in Monday night and just hung out at the resort. When we arrived that night, they had already wrapped for the day but there were trailers and lighting everywhere you looked.
On Tuesday morning, we slept in a little and decided to go grab something to eat and walk around. We were curious to see if we would run into any of the filming but right as we stepped out of the elevator, we were walking into their shots. They were shooting in the lobby of the resort.
We snuck to the back to go grab some coffee and just hung out with one of the PA’s. He let us hang out in the back and take pictures while John and Maya filmed their scenes. It was such a treat just sitting back and watching everything that goes into making a movie and seeing a big time director like Sam Mendes take over.
Our call time came and we went into hair and makeup. The scenes they were filming earlier were running late, so they ended up wrapping us for the day but they needed us to come in the next day.
Our big day finally arrived. Since our shoot was moved to the next day, Mexicanity wasn’t able to make it out. I was on my own. I can’t lie. I was a little freaked out. I had never done this before, so I was just hoping I didn’t end up screwing the pooch. I went into hair and makeup and sat around waiting to be called to set.
While I was waiting, something kind of cool happened. The casting agent had been looking for a double for Maya for Phoenix and was having trouble finding someone with her complexion, when she turned to me and remembered I lived in Phoenix. She asked if I could do it. I said yes and then she took me to some of the production people and they ok-ed me to do it. I had no idea what “it” was but I was going to be doing it.
They finally called me down to be in the scene. I played a bartender and was a few feet from John and Maya. During breaks, they would come sit on the bar stools right in front of me. They were both extremely nice and were joking around. I can’t remember what I said, but I made John laugh and that more than made my day. We filmed quite a few shots and then they wrapped filming in Tucson.
While filming in Tucson, I noticed that there were a few people walking around wearing Dunder Mifflin hats and I saw some Dunder Mifflin stickers on the equipment boxes. I ran into one of the guys who was wearing a DM hat and I told him I liked his hat.
i’m so jealous!! The fact that you chatted with John Krasinski for a good fifteen minutes..? damn. i wish i was you.
That’s awesome, lemonade :D
Thanks for sharing your visit to the set. It sounds like an amazing experience.
My admiration and love for this man grows bigger and bigger each time I hear stories like this. He is just so kind and down to earth and funny and loveable. Mama and Papa Krasinski must be very proud.
A million and one congrats!! I read it from beginning to end — it was fabulous! I am so happy for you! Thank you so much for sharing that with us. It made my day!
OMG, how exciting!! Not only to work on a movie set, but to work on a movie set with the funny & charming (not to mention attractive) John Krasinski. I would die with delight.
Thanks so much for sharing!
You know how proud we are of you at NA, girl. But I’ll say it again for the audience here: We are proud of you, lemonade!!!
Ah-mazing! You’re so lucky! Thanks for taking the time to share. :)
What a fantastic experience! Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing. I can’t wait to see the movie!
Wow! Thank you so much for this awesome report! What a wonderful experience that seems to have just kept getting better! It’s so great to read how down to earth and friendly everyone was.
Wow, that’s really fantastic! Sounds like you got a real taste of being a star. :) Thanks so much for sharing!!
Wooo hooo! You have just lived my dream! Congratulations!! I can’t wait to see the movie!
It was a fun ride for you to take us on, lemon! Thanks for including us!
Thanks for sharing this with us. I’m sure it was a great few days and I know I’m very jealous. It just made my day to read this and to hear how great John is (even though we all know he is). It’s great to have proof :) You’re a very lucky girl!
Great story…you are such a lucky girl!!
Oh my goodness…may I please live vicariously through you? I would have died. He is so adorable, beard or no beard. Thank you so much for sharing!
Awesome write up, chica! I’m so glad you shared that experience with us. You’re my heroine!
Aww, how fun! Thanks so much for sharing. I can’t wait to look for the bar scene in the movie =)
how did you find out about the opportunity to do this? i used to work as a tv extra when i lived in ireland and i would love to do it again! it is so fun!
what a great story, very very cool!
Hey Ms. L, great job on the write up. Thanks for letting us at NA live vicariously through you. You’re soooo money! (aka VG)
WOW. That is amazing! Congratulations, lemonade, and thank you so much for sharing!
Wow. Just wow. And I was excited about interviewing Rainn Wilson on my birthday for his “Rocker” movie. That pales in comparison!
I am so incredibly jealous I can’t even describe it!! If only they had been shooting when I went to Tucson during winter break!! Isn’t it a nice feeling to know that everyone on OfficeTally is jealous of you? Lol
What an awesome experience. I really enjoyed the whole story and, of course, the picture. It’s so great to hear how down to earth everyone was.
You must be so thrilled, lemonade! And I am horribly jealous…
John sounds incredible.
He’s gorgeous, even with facial hair.
I wish I could find me a John Krasinski!
Omg, that is so amazing! And I am so incredibly jealous!
Awesome, limon! I can’t tell you how much it made my day(s) that you shared this with us. Rock on, chica!
Man, that picture never gets old. Great write-up, limonada!
Wow! Thanks for sharing!
I hate you.
But that’s just because I’m incredibly jealous.
You are Lucky with a capital L.
I want John to give me high fives.
Awesome! I am so happy for you! Thanks for the write up!
Thanks for the report! The whole thing sounds so awesome! And I’m sure now we’ll all be watching for you in the movie! :D
Wow. I was already incredibly jealous and then you threw in Jim Gaffigan, who is my favorite comic.
Maybe Jim will pop up on the Office next season!
It was exciting going along on the ride with you, lemoñadé. You brought your Northern Attack friends along too and it was a trip! I probably shouldn’t reveal that it’s been the highlight of my summer so far.
oh my god. I LOVE John Krasinski..
Wow what I would give to have this same experience! You are one lucky girl! Thanks for sharing, it’s so nice to hear how down-to-earth John Krasinski really is.
Great recap, limon! Now remember: you said you wouldn’t forget us when you got famous. We’re gonna hold you to that, both here and at Northern Attack.
What an awesome experience. Thanks you so much for sharing with the rest of us.
Nice that someone who genuinely appreciates it got to do something the rest of us can only dream about.
wow, what a incredibly story to tell us. While i was reading it i just kept thinking “wow i wish i was her” haha.
GAAHH!!! I live in Phoenix, and I sure wish I would have known when/where this was filming. I’m so jealous! Thank you for sharing your awesome experience!
Wow. I don’t know what else to say.
Wow – great recap! Nice to hear John is as cool and down to earth as he seems to be! Tanster – when the movie comes out you’ll have to link us back to this post so we can watch for her!!
[from tanster: when the time comes, please email me to remind me! :) ]
That sounds amazing!!!! What a great report =)
lem – so fun reading the “full” account of your time on the set with John! :) And you got to meet Jim Gaffigan too – love him! This is just so exciting (you already know how jealous I am of you)! Really though, I can’t wait to try to spot you in the film. ;) I’m so glad such a devoted fan got to have this amazing experience.
Super cool! And you do actually look a lot like Maya Rudolph =)
Thanks for the report! Sounds like you had a great time :D
Freakin’ sweet, man!! How fun!
I’m jealous…
Thanks for all the nice comments, guys! I really did have a great time doing this and John was a big ‘ol sweetheart.
Who knows if my bar scenes will make it in the movie but I’m guessing you guys will at least see my back (as the fake Maya) in the scenes where you just see them driving from behind or the side.
The picture is from the Phoenix shoot, so I am just wearing the stand-in wardrobe. If my bar scenes make it into the movie, it will be an outside patio scene. I was bartender at an outside bar and my bartender costume was an orange polo with tan slacks to match the decor of the resort.
Kudos to you for keeping your cool around John and all the other famous folk! I’m pretty sure I would pass out from mere eye contact with John, so I will have to live vicariously through your experience.
I am in awe. As a long time NA lurker and OT junkie, you are my new favorite person.
also I have so much admiration for people who are outgoing enough to talk to people like JK. I would have been the girl sitting creepily in the corner staring but never moving in…
What a Beardy!
You are one VERY lucky gal! Great work chattin’ it up with JK!
totally surreal… *sigh* makes me want to meet john even more. thanks for sharing, and really glad you had such a great time!
Wow! That is like a dream come true!!!! What a great experience! Congrats!! When I see this movie I am so going to nerd out to my friends when the driving scenes in Phoenix show up and tell them how I read your blog about it!!
How awesome! My fantasy life goes something like that (with a few extra scenes thrown in). ;)
Thanks so much for sharing that with us!
That is so cool!
Out of control awesome. I kept looking at the photo, and wondering if it was the real Maya–so it’s no doubt you made the B team. And time with John and his sweet self. Way to go for staying cool. I could have talked Celtics with him in my best “one of the guys” attitudes, but after that, I would have Kelly Kapoor-ed all over him.
Maybe there is more Maya stand-in work in your future?!? How exciting.
Congrats! I would have just geeked out and fainted or something! Thanks for sharing in detail, this really helps when we are months away from seeing him on TV again :)
Wow! You are one majorly lucky girl. I really don’t know what else to say.
I’m so glad you had such a great experience!!! Thanks for sharing :o)
Thanks for “taking us along” on your awesome experience! I would have been totally tongue tied trying to converse with John. You did it! Congratulations on what must have been an amazing week.
Great report! I’m a little jealous though! :)
I’m going to prove that I’m a total geek by saying that I would’ve been more excited to talk to Sam Mendes than John Krasinski only because American Beauty is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and would love to talk to him about it.
Talking to John would’ve been awesome too!
I’m pretty darn happy that we get more John in theaters :D
Congrats, lemonade! I think it is fantastic that you were chosen as a stand-in… Your account is fantastic! I can’t wait to see your part in the film.
Can I just say that John has a great mountain man look? Seriously. It’s just. Awesome.
high fives from John?! a Really good week?!?
there are no words to describe my jealousy :)
thanks for this awesome report!
You are so lucky! I am so jealous!
Wow, how amazing! Thanks for the awesome account. And you do look a little like Maya, you know!
Un. Be. Liev. A. B. Le.
that is so amazing! thanks for sharing :)
Oh. My. God. I am SO jealous! Go you for not stuttering like an idiot around John, as I’m positive I would have done! I am so glad to know that he is just as nice in real life as he is in the show. It just makes me love him even more! *swoon*
Wow, that whole experience sounds incredible! I’ve dreamed so much of what I’d say to John Krasinski if I had the chance, besides “Will you marry me?” which would be a little foward. I always imagined him as a person that you could talk to and be cool with. You got to talk to him a few times, with time for some cool conversation. I’m jealous! It’s so nice to hear that one of my dream men is a normal down to earth guy. Can’t wait for the movie.
PS- has the title changed from “Farlanders?” I think I saw a title change on the imdb website.
PPS-John, do a movie in Cincinnati PLEASE! : )
That is simply amazing! And you just thought you were going to be an extra! Holy crap!
Wow! What an amazing experience! You are so lucky. I am so jealous! Haha. One of the things on my “List of Things to Do Before I Die” is to visit a movie set. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I can’t wait to see you in the movie!