Angela Kinsey and adorable baby Isabel appear in the July 14th issue of People Magazine!
Angela mentions Isabel’s favorite toy — can you guess what it is?

You had me at jello.
Angela Kinsey and adorable baby Isabel appear in the July 14th issue of People Magazine!
Angela mentions Isabel’s favorite toy — can you guess what it is?
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so. frakkin. cute.
Beautiful little girl! The inset is also one of my favorite Michael/Angela exchanges!
That is a beautiful baby! I’m so happy for Angela. :)
She is so beautiful! She was only 6 lbs when born? I was expecting a big baby based on how big Angela’s waist was in the end. But wow! Lost 27 lbs in 6 weeks. Good for her.
Wow, Angela looks incredible. Good for her! That baby looks so sweet! Thanks for posting this!
Aww she’s adorable. Congrats again Angela!
So cute! :)
Oh, she is so adorable! Angela looks amazing too! Congratulations again!
Precious! I love that she loves the bobblehead!
They both look so adorable. And way to go Angela for losing all that baby weight!
That baby is going to be so loved. Can you imagine her on set?
What a cute baby
Oh my gosh! Sooooooo cute!
ah! adorable!
babies are so awesome
omg…she is beautiful(the baby, i mean…well Angela too! lol)
and i totally guessed right about the bobblehead, lol
She’s so cute!
great photo. did they mispell jenna’s last name, the print is too tiny?
[from tanster: good eye! yes, they did.]
I’m hoping that we’ll have some fun, Isabel + Office cast videos on Adventures with Angela! Imagine Isabel’s joy at meeting “Dwight the Bobblehead” in real life??!?!?!? Great stuff!
She’s so beautiful! And Angela looks great! That’s so cool of Angela to share her with the world :)
Such a great story and a beautiful photo of Angela and Isabel! I love the thought of The Office cast and crew helping out with the baby on set!
So precious! My best friend has a 5-month-old daughter, and one of the many gifts I’ve gotten her is a pink Dunder Mifflin onesie. Isabel needs one too, to go with her Dwight bobblehead! ;)
She’s very cute. And so is the baby. Congrats again.
So sweet! I’m glad we finally get to see her! She looks just like her dad!
Okay, maybe I do want one of those baby things after all. They’re kinda cute.
Baby’s got her daddy’s nose… does anyone else see the Lieberstein in that baby! :) Adorable for sure.
Oh my gosh! She’s adorable!
Ever since I heard about this, I’ve been anxiously awaiting the article and picture!
What an ADORABLE baby. I’m just so happy for Angela and Warren. :)
She’s gorgeous Angela! That’s such a cute picture of the two of you!
I love that she calms down after you bob Dwight’s doll at her hahah
Congratulations again!
Aww She’s SO cute! :)
That is ADORABLE!! Yay Angela!
Isabel is adorable!
I hope I bounce back to my pre-baby body as quickly as Angela did! :-)
Congratulations! She looks adorable!
Oh, what a beautiful and precious baby. Congratulations Angela. You will be a great mom!
Awwwww :)
She looks like a mini Warren to me. Her Daddy’s image!
What a beautiful mommy-daughter combo. Warren must be so proud of his girls.
So precious!
(Can you believe they spelled Jenna’s last name wrong?)
So Cute!! Im glad we got to see her!
She’s beautiful just like her mom!! Congratulations Angela!
What a beauty! Both Mom and Isabel look great!
That is absolutely adorable! She’s so little! I can’t wait to get my issue of People this week.
Congrats to both Angela and Warren! Baby Isabel looks so precious.
Perfection. That is what life is all about.
“maybe I’ll use that frustration when I have to yell at Dwight!” Angela Kinsey is amazing and Isabel is so darn cute!
How adorable!!!!!
Her favorite toy is Dwight’s bobblehead? I was just guessing generic baby toys…Isabel is the most awesome baby in the whole world!
Angela – your baby is beautiful! Many blessings to you and your family!
The great thing is that Angela will probably be reading this.
Awww, so sweet! Isabel is a cutie, and Angela looks simply radiant. Motherhood certainly seems to suit her!
Awwwwwwwwwww,,,,,,,,,,, She’s darling, Angela! Congratulations for your beautiful baby!
Adorable. :)
I actually squeed at this picture. Congrats Angela and family, she’s lovely.
Oh she’s beautiful! And yay for breastfeeding! Can’t beat it for losing baby weight :D
Oh Angela! She is beautiful! I just got goosebumps! What a blessing. Enjoy every minute.
Congrats Mama Angela!! She’s adorable. I wish you a lot of luck with being a new Mom, I know it can be a bit rough at first :)
So precious!! Hahaha that’s great how bobblehead Dwight calms the baby down. I’m glad to see Angela and Isabel are doin fine! =)
Okay so the important thing here is that we now know Steve’s gift giving talents. Good choice with the Boppy. ::nods approvingly::
Congrats a million times over to Angela & Warren for their new little one! She’s such a cute little sweet pea in that picture!
I can’t wait to hear how her first set visit goes with all her crazy new aunts and uncles over at Dunder Mifflin :)
Oh my gosh! i can’t believe how beautiful she is! i come to officetally every 5 minutes just to make sure she is real or something! She is lucky she has a great mom and dad to take care of her:)
Oh my gosh I love this picture!
hahah Isabel is gonna fit right in with her love of dwight bobbleheads!
Awww, she is so cute! I’m sending Angela a little baby outfit I rhinestoned for Isabel. Hopefully she will like it.
Congratulations, Angela! Isabel is absolutely adorable!!
Oh what a sweet photo! Kids grow up so fast so enjoy these “baby days” Angela!
And wow, 27 lbs. lost in six weeks! Gotta love the benefits of breastfeeding!
Awww she’s adorable.
I’ll have to try hard and find this issue, because living in Europe can be a pain when wanting to read American magazines, haha.
Aw! I love Angela.
Baby Isabel is an angel! And WOW! Angela!
Angela is looking so happy and beautiful and her baby is as beautiful as she is!
The Dwight bobblehead. hahaha I love it!
Isabel is darling! Congratulations, Angela and Warren!
Ohhh she’s so cute! Angela already looks tiny again!
Isabel looks EXACTLY like Paul and Warren. Such a cute little Lieberstein!