That One Night

That One Night The Hunted The OfficeHere’s a free download and lyrics of the song “That One Night.”

In The Office episode Dinner Party, Jan plays and dances to the song “That One Night,” recorded by her assistant Hunter off his CD, The Hunted.

That One Night Lyrics

From the Dinner Party Q&A: the song was written by The Office’s Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, and music and performance by Todd Fancy of The New Pornographers.

You took me by the hand,
Made me a man
That one night
You made everything all right
So raw, so right
All night, all right
Oh yeah oh yeah
So raw, so right

All night all right oh yeah…

Free downloads

To download, right-click the link, and choose “Save As” or “Save Link As.”


  1. Too bad it has those two skips and doesn’t include the guitar solo :(
    I don’t think a high quality version of the song has ever been released.

  2. That song sucks. That guy sucks too. Don’t tell Jan I said that. Thanks.

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