Brian Baumgartner tweeted this photo from The Office set last night.
Brian’s tweet: “Is that an Oscar Ms Kinsey is holding… Looks like something much more coveted…”
What do you think it means?
Pam, what was in that teapot letter?
Brian Baumgartner tweeted this photo from The Office set last night.
Brian’s tweet: “Is that an Oscar Ms Kinsey is holding… Looks like something much more coveted…”
What do you think it means?
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The Dundies are back?
“The Dundies! Dundies! How can I explain it!”
Now that is what a spoiler looks like! An excellent way to send Michael off.
The dundies is everybody’s favourite day. Everybody looks forward to it, because, you know, a lot of the people there don’t get trophies very often.
Yes! Can’t wait!
Very slick of Ms. Kinsey to cover the plaque. ;)
Holy f*ck I called it! Look back on the comments…I was begging for another Dundies!
DUNDIES!! My favorite episode ever!!!
When I saw this, all I could say was “OMG!” Mindy wrote the first Dundies, so I can’t wait to see what happens this time. Gina, loved the notice to detail too by Angela covering what the plaque says.
YES The Dundies return! This must be in “Goodbye Michael” since they are filming that now.
Looks like the tweet from Mindy the other day regarding Steve and Will in Tuxedo’s means something, the DUNDIES ARE BACK!!!!
Yay for Dundees!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Scott’s sendoff? A Dundie presentation?
Look at the background. They’re in a fancy-ish restaurant, fancier than Chili’s at least. I’m happy Mindy wrote it because I liked Mindy’s other episode from this season WAY better than the rest.
Sure doesn’t look like a Chili’s! Isn’t Pam is still banned? haha
Any bets on where it’s going to be held? Hooters? D&Bs? ryan’s bowling alley?
The Dundies! Can’t wait!!!!!
Best news ever. It really can’t get any better than this. So excited!!! Lovelovelove the Dundies!
The Dundies episode from season 2 is my favorite ep of the entire series (other than Jam’s wedding). I have been DYING for the return of the awards and this is the perfect way to send Michael off. I’m literally tearing up because of it. Us diehard fans will expect nothing but awesomeness and bittersweet moments in this ep.
The Dundies are making a comeback? I love the Dundies!!!
YAY!! This makes me so happy. Of all the spoilers i heard, this was the one i wanted to come true. I couldn’t think of a better way to send Michael off. This will be one of the best episodes ever, perhaps top 5, totally calling it.
Love that they’re doing old school stuff with a new spin. So so so excited!!
Maybe Gabe will get the “Longest Thing in the Office Award”.
God I hope the way Michael felt, in “Goodbye, Toby,” is how everyone else in the office feels, in “Goodbye, Michael.” True just desserts. Anything otherwise would be a betrayal. But at least they’d all enjoy a Dundies for once! :)
This belongs in Michael’s Last Dundies now.
[from tanster: now linked. thanks!]