Here are two promos of this week’s new episode, ‘Blood Drive.’
Are we excited?
Source: Erin at LiveJournal Office, Spencer
Act fast, because life just isn't that long.
Here are two promos of this week’s new episode, ‘Blood Drive.’
Are we excited?
Source: Erin at LiveJournal Office, Spencer
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Can. Not. Wait. Nuff said.
I have a good feeling that we’ll be seeing plenty of Jim and Pam in this episode! Looks great!
LOL at Michael. This is going to be awesome.
Jim & Pam looked painfully adorable… Why is Pam pulling away from a little J-luv? ;)
Oh my gosh, I actually screamed at the very end. I’m such a dork. I was just saying how this whole 2 week thing without a new episode has really put an affect on me and not 5 minutes later did this appear! Totally made things better! Cannot wait!
Pam looked like Pam! Yikes and yippeee!
Does anyone know why Pam was pulling away from Jim? Is there going to be some drama there now?
Two words in response to the end?
Ummm, YES!
#7- I don’t think there will be any drama. I’m sure Pam’s just joking with Jim. Yay Valentine’s Day (if a little late)!
Question/Dwight: What is the word for when you’re more than excited? That’s what I am :o)
Finally a new Episode!! Started to worry a little bit!!!
Guys, guys, don’t worry about her pulling away. I took it as being playful.
In other words… Squee! Can’t wait!
LOL, “I just invited Jim to suck it.”
Can’t wait!
Oh, finally, finally, finally! I am so excited about this episode!
Looks like Pam finally dropped the “trying too hard” look. She (Jenna) is more than beautiful without all the makeup and hair products.
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited!! It seems like it’s been way longer than 2 weeks. I’m not too worried about Pam pulling away from Jim at the end. It looks like they’re playing around. Jim didn’t look like he was really going for or expecting a kiss there. It looked kind of half-hearted, so I bet they’re just messing around. I’m just happy to see some Jam in the promo. Can’t wait!!
As I was about to watch the promo on here, the promo came on the t.v. at almost the exact moment. Yay! Can’t wait, the Jim/Pam stuff looks cute as always :)
Hmm, where are they in that first shot? Looks a lot “browner” than the office. Interesting. I’m glad to see Dwight giving blood; the episode description made it sound like only Michael would be involved with the blood drive, which made me sad.
Love it! They (don’t really know who the ‘they’ is) always do such a great job of combining clips from the Thursday shows. Mission accomplished: I’m excited!
I am so excited for this. It looks hilarious, not to mention all of the JAM love!!
This looks great! I’m hoping Valentine’s Jim/Pam will be more playful than hot and heavy.
Just as I was about to watch the promo here, it came on t.v. I was like woah! Can’t wait, looks like another winner! Jim and Pam stuff looks cute too.
looks fabulous. I saw it on tv earlier and got super excited!!!
Ooooh, Jim!
Lol :) That was so great.
Are we excited?
Yes, yes we are!! :-D
I work for the Red Cross in New England. We heard the Red Cross in Willkes-Barre (near Scranton?) had Office stuff to give away to the donors. It will be interesting to see. One staffer who will probably not be donating is Angela (too light).
Yeah, I took that JAM scene as more of a joke-type thing. It actually reminded me of that scene in the Surplus when Jim pretends to go in for a kiss and then asks Pam to make him copies. Besides, I’m pretty sure Jim was smiling even after she turned away. In the episode description it said JAM was engaging in PDA and was banished from the office party. It was probably a talking head about that.
I’m really looking forward to this episode though. It seems like it has been much more than two weeks without a new episode. I am a little nervous about Michael falling for the woman he meets at the blood drive though. After all that stuff with Holly last episode I was starting to get hopeful that they may get back together.
It looks great! I am so excited!!!
It looks like Pam will be continuing her awesomeness into this week’s episode again. I can’t wait! Jenna is so great with Pam the past few episodes, and definitely worth getting more main focus in the show. And I hope they address the engagement issue at least a little this week…
I love Pam’s hair in a ponytail like that!