NBC has posted a summary for “Michael’s Birthday,” scheduled to air March 30:
It’s Michael’s birthday and he’s thrown himself a surprise party at a local ice skating rink. But, no one is in the mood to celebrate because Kevin is nervously awaiting his medical test results.
TV Guide Online has also posted a summary, with a little more detail:
It’s Michael’s birthday (which he proudly shares with actress Eva Longoria), but nobody in the office seems to care—except for Dwight. Meanwhile, Kevin waits to hear from his doctor about whether or not he has cancer. This upsets the staffers, but none more so than Michael, who sees the medical crisis taking attention away from his special day.
And the printed version of TV Guide has this:
Birthday boy Michael seems to have missed the point of the surprise-party concept. Technically, you’re not supposed to arrange your own celebration and then fake a startled response. In any case, he is astounded by the staff’s lack of attendance.
Update: A LiveJournal user has posted some hi-res photos (no longer available) from this episode!

Hehehehe, this episode could definitely yield some hilarious results. Can’t wait! How will we survive The Office drought through the summer? The web-episodes should soothe the pain, dontcha think? :)
Amber, they will, but only a little; I believe they’re only two minutes each!
hahahahahahahahahahaha(choke,snort)hahahahahahaha…. night swept cologne!
Ferd, yeah, that was pretty darned hysterical!