NBC announced a new show today, with the following promo:
[And poof! — the video turned back into a pumpkin.]
Not sure about this. Looks too cringeworthy to be entertaining.
The Chrysler Sebring of TV fansites.
NBC announced a new show today, with the following promo:
[And poof! — the video turned back into a pumpkin.]
Not sure about this. Looks too cringeworthy to be entertaining.
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That took me a second. April Fools! Silly NBC.
they all look so young!!
Jeez… how old is John in these? Baby face… Man… It’s about time to do a season 1 rewatch!
I love season 1. So much more “realistic” than now. Seemed more like a documentary film.
Ok, Tanster – you got me. I was thinking, “Yeah…new show announced – like four years ago…”
So great to see those! I can’t believe it’s been five years. Crazy. Reminds me to have a S1 marathon soon!
I agree, this new show doesn’t look any good at all! It looks like another knock-off of one of those British shows.
that could be good, i guess.
It’ll be off the air in six weeks, max.
Definitely not worth creating a fansite for.
So funny! Makes me want to sit down and watch Season 1 again.
The acting really looks sub-par…especially the guy who plays the “boss.” He’s going nowhere.
Hey isn’t that boss guy in 40 Year Old Virgin? The rest of them, I have no clue who they are. Though the guy with the Zac Efron hair is cute ;)
Now who would want to watch a documentary about an office. Looks boooooring. Zzzzzz. :-P
What?! There’s no way this is going to be as good as the British version. I mean, look what happened with ‘Coupling.’ Hasn’t NBC learned anything?
Maybe if that David Brent ripoff lost some weight…
I agree with the need for a Season One-a-thon. Good stuff there.
Why does everyone feel the need to do April Fool’s jokes?
Stanley dribbling a basketball is one of the all time oddly hilarious things ever. I crack up every time
When I first watched Season 1, I thought it was funny but not hilarious.
I think much differently now. I actually miss the old Michael sometimes. “I will use your talents come baseball season, my friend.”
And Pam actually at reception! Wow. Good times.
It took me WAY too long to catch on. LOL.
This reminds me of your awesome prank, Tanster, about OT being taken over by NBC. That was so much fun :)
[from tanster: thanks! i barely survived that day. :) ]
Looks interesting, I’ll have to check that out. Plus that one guy looks super cute <3!
Gotta love Season 1…so different, but so good.
this one is good but yours was way better last year, Tanster!I remember that I about died when I read that NBC had bought OfficeTally!
[from tanster: lol. i almost died too. ;) ]
This show just doesn’t look interesting to me, I don’t know. I think I’m going to stick with Arrested Development. I mean, hell, what are they going to do, cancel it?
It is not going to work. I can’t stand comedies without laugh tracks. How will I know when something is funny??
Tanster, you’re right. Why would anyone waste their time on a fan website, let alone visit it nearly every day for updates about this show? And I certainly don’t think the town it’s set in will have a CONVENTION for it!
I fell hard for your joke last year, so I’m glad this one was a little more obvious and didn’t make me feel like a dummy. And I’m really grateful that we can look back on the first season fondly, knowing that we’ll still get a new episode next week. Congrats to NBC and their “new” show!
[from tanster: last year was so nutty, i don’t think i’ll ever be able to top it.]
I can’t believe NBC has the guts to put on such a racist show in this day and age. For shame. I give it 3 episodes tops.
That promo made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was nice to flashback to all of those moments from Season 1. Great great show.
when i clicked play on this i was honestly confused:)
i was like wait a minute… this looks familiar.
What was your joke last year, Tanster?
[from tanster: lesa, here it is. the reaction it received was … incredible.]
Eh, I guess I’ll give this show a try. But I sure will miss “Committed”…
Wait, I don’t get it. They’re just a bunch of season 1 promos. That’s not a new show! And I don’t get all the comments! If you guys don’t like the Office, then why are you on its fansite? Tanter, I’M CONFUSED!
This in no way beats last year’s prank. That was crazy epic.
This very funny prank reminded me of a few things:
Pam’s super bad looks directed towards Michael
Kelly’s initial homely look
Jim’s very younger-looking self
Michael’s hair combed back
Dwight’s hatred of Jim…oh wait, that hasn’t changed…
I’ve seen the original series of this which started in the UK, and the US version looks horrible compared to this. I say it makes 5 episodes and gets dropped. The only person I even recognize is Steve Carell, that guy from Anchorman and The Daily Show.
Oh, almost forgot, Happy April Fool’s Day everyone =)
Terrible idea. Nothing about this show looks even remotely appealing. Its success is about as probable as that Carell guy ever having a movie career. NBC had much better stick with “Joey.” Now THAT is quality programming.
33/Bill Buttlicker,
It’s April Fools’ Day. Hence, it’s a prank.
Curses, it’s not showing up for me now. ):
damn I missed it! what was it?