Here is The Office’s Angela Kinsey at her Entertainment Weekly photoshoot.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
Previously posted clips on the following pages.
Two-way fansite. You love OfficeTally, it loves you back.
Here is The Office’s Angela Kinsey at her Entertainment Weekly photoshoot.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
Previously posted clips on the following pages.
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I loved those videos! They’re so cute together, and how about Jenna in a baseball cap? ADORABLE. (I’m not gay.) She looks so Pamlike there.
Seriously, could these ladies be any more fabulous? Thanks for posting this, Tanster. It put such a smile on my face! :)
I knew her own page was going to come soon! And I agree, Angela would be the coolest talk show around. I love watching her videos. :)
Such an awesome video with Jenna! I love those two so much!
There is also a great place for fans to submit questions to Angela… I was sure to ask what her favorite party planning moment was :)
Jenna and Angela are the cutest friends. I love it anytime they are together. I love this adventures with Angela thing!
That was insanely cute! You can just see how great of friends they are. I love it!
I love those two girls! They are so fun. And I love Jenna’s reactions. Really sweet.
Jenna and Angela are too cute for words!
This is super cool!! Yay Angela!
Am I the only who isn’t getting a video?
Oh man, I love those two! Jenna’s reactions are priceless. How dare she talk about coupons all morning long ;)
They have such a great friendship!
The videos are fantastic – another wonderful insight to what awesome friends they are! But I really hope they never get in an accident, because neither is wearing a seat belt in the car! Sad!
Is Jenna wearing Pam’s sweater from “The Merger” that her mom made for her? I think she definitely is.
Haha. They’re so funny together. I can’t wait for more video’s. Angela is the best at just talking.
That was so cute. I love Angela! Oh, and how cool is it that Jenna waits for the Bed Bath and Beyond coupons just like I do?
Number12, I’m not getting the video either :(
Just when I think Jenna can’t get any cuter….she wears a Dunder Mifflin hat.
This is absolutely adorable! I love this two. I hope more vids get posted soon!
I love Angela’s photos of when she was a little girl.
Aw, they’re cute!!
Number 12, do you have a Mac? It wasn’t working for me either so I did some software updates and now it works. Man, that’s really sad that I only update my software if something Office-related is at risk!
I’m at work where I have no audio but I think it’s fresh that Jenna’s wearing a Dunder Mifflin cap!
I believe that is a Starbucks cup that Jenna is holding… I wonder what her drink of choice is! :)
The baby pictures of Angela on the side are adorable!
Angela Kinsey, if you read this….protect our favorite star and that little one you’re carrying…wear a seatbelt!
(Sorry, this crazy safety side of me came out when I became a mom!)
Angela when she was little is too cute!
Hey guys! Both Jenna and Angela blogged a little bit about this today! go to their MySpace accounts and check it out :)
Jenna and Angela are so down-to-earth and normal! These vids are so fun to watch!
They are too cute! I can’t wait for the next videos.
P.S. For those who can’t see the vids, if you are using Firefox, they won’t work. Try IE. I was having the same problem.
oh my gosh angela is just the cutest thing! she always makes me laugh, and I agree she should have her own talk show!!
I think that Angela playing with her scarf and that small blanket was sooooo adorkable. :)
I can’t wait to get home to watch this!
I am totally lost when it comes to football ;)
“A bunch of men just went click”
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! gosh they are really funny.
It’s always great to see them together.
its especially hilarious that the clip is entitled Pam and Angela…when of course its Jenna and Angela. hee hee
Mmm, Tony Romas. Now, I want some of their ribs.
lol…they are hysterical!
“Uh, you can’t travel with your urine.”
“That’s when I broke my back, dude.”
“I’m gonna go see who I’m dating.”
The photo of Jenna in the security cage; the dramatic editing…all too awesome.
Angela and Jenna should do a reality series online. I’d watch that. They are too awesome together. I loved the dramatic editing.
“I am NOT asking Rainn Wilson for a name”
Wise decision, Angela!
“I’m going to go find out who I’m dating” – made me laugh out loud!
“I’m gonna go see who I’m dating.”
How can you not love these people?
Suggestion on the baby name: Sprinkles.
in all fairness though…Rainn and his wife Holiday did pick out a pretty normal name for their son….Walter.
The Dramatic music was classic. soo funny. I did a double take when I heard Pam say “I’m going to see who I am dating?” I was like, “wait, did I hear that right?” so I watched it again. and yes that is what she said. lol. cute
The dramatic editing was great! Haha, Angela and Jenna are too funny.
Wow, “I am going to go see who I am dating.” Classic! These two crack me up. How many more of these are there?
I love the part where there was the cut-a-way to the picture of Jenna in the cage. That was like something you would really see from an episode of The Office or a documentary film. Priceless.
Jenna’s sarcasm is so refreshing…i love those girls!
So can we campaign now for Jenna and Angela to have their own talk show in the distant future after The Office?
Absolutely adore the “I’m going to see who I’m dating.” And the Belly/ Urine thing was awesome too.
“You can’t travel with your urine”
I love them!
These girls are my absolute favorite. Makes me wish we were really friends.
sooo funny..
“I’m gonna go find out who i’m dating”
Angela and Jenna would be adorable doing any kind of show together.
Jenna is so funny! “That’s when I broke my back, dude.” Is she wearing the same sweater in the cab as she is in the picture in the security cage?
I thought I heard the “dude” too. It cracked me up but no one really mentioned it.
“Why did we freak out?”
“Because…we do.”
Priceless….and Jenna off to check the trashy magazines to find out who she’s dating. Love it.
She should name the baby Dwangela!
“i’m gonna go find out who i’m dating”. hilarious.
Jenna cracks me up! “I’m going to find out who I’m dating.” LOL! She has a great sense of humor.
Why do neither of them wear a seatbelt in either car…especially the pregnant lady?!
There’s a new video up!
“Would you care for a prenatal vitamin?”
“I had like four on the plane.”
Oh, and as for the seatbelts… Some cars (especially cabs) have only the bottom seatbelts in the backseat. Maybe they are wearing those.
Those two just get cuter and cuter every day. I can’t take it!
I freaking love those two. More of these, please.
They’re so fun! I would LOVE to sit and have lunch with those two. I LOL’d at the Caroline Kennedy story. I totally can relate to picking out an “intelligent” magazine to look smarter. It’s why I subscribe to ‘Time’. Thanks tanster!
Not only are they hysterical but is Jenna channeling JK wearing that hat every place. That cracks me up as well.
“we have our own baggage claim”
“that’s how we roll”
also the whole deal with “no I think you wear it open like that…like ha i’m pregnant, look at my…. ” is so fun. Just reminds me of how my friends and I are together…..
girls you should put up more videos!!! I love these!
“That’s how we roll.”
Lol, hilarious. I love that voice Angela does. She can pull it off without being offensive, lol.
@Grace…You can see the (unused) shoulder harnesses in some of the videos…
“Can I have instructions, please?” :D
I wish I was best friends with the two of them. And we could hang out and not get coffee, because Angela’s pregnant.
Oh my goodness I love these! Those two just seem so real and down to earth. They really seem like people you could be friends with.
I love when Angela was getting interviewed at the premiere:
“I’m not asking Rainn Wilson what to name the baby!”
Could you imagine? But what I would really love to hear would be Dwight’s name suggestions!
A new video is up!
Aw, Jenna’s so cute! (Jenna was wrong though – Audrey Hepburn also won an Emmy, Tony, and Oscar (and a Grammy, too)).
“You’re not going to fall Carrie Bradshaw” hahahaha so girlie. love it
LMAO. I loved Jenna’s dress.
Wow! I can’t believe how much their conversations sound like something my friends and I would say. I can’t wait to see how the baby bump is worked onto the show. Maybe Garbage can’t eat alone so she gained a lot of weight! Just Kidding.
Did any one else notice that Jenna is wearing the Pam sweater that “her mom made her” from the Merger episode, season 3.
hah, ok. yeah it seems like some of you did notice that. i guess they do get to keep the clothes. i bet jenna is happier with the clothes from season 4, the New Pam, the more straightforward outgoing Pam.
Oh yeah! I noticed the sweater too. That’s awesome.
Adorable! There’s hardly a difference between Jenna with makeup and Jenna without makeup – she’s that beautiful!
hahaha looooveeddd the Carrie Bradshaw/”fashion roadkill” SATC reference! Angela and Jenna are such besties, I adore them. I would love to go out drinking with those two, I think they’re a riot.
I did notice the sweater!
It’s so great that Angela and Jenna are such good friends!
Can anyone play the “related videos” at the end of the clip?
Love these two! They crack me up with their witty banter and quick wit! Such a wonderful and rare friendship to have :) Can’t wait to see what is up next for these girls!
*sigh* My two favorite people that I have an imaginary friendship with.
#91, I think some of them have errors or something, because I tried watching the NYC Recap one, and it just takes me to the video that Tanster just posted.
SO, maybe we just have to wait. :(
ahh!!!! Jenna squealing when the baby kicked her hand is probably the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!!
This latest video is my favorite so far. They are just way too cute.
love it! specially the baby moment
by the way, about the other video (9th march) the sweater isn’t the one Pam wore. this one is longer and has a sash. the one Pam wore had a button.
is it too pathetic that I know that?
Aw! Mini-Schrute kicked :) So cute! I loved Jenna’s reaction to the baby! These two are so much fun!
I love these girls! They talk just like I talk with my friends. I especially loved Jenna’s “Well, that’s how they walk on Project Runway.” Ha ha! That’s so totally something my friends and I would say. And it’s so cute when the baby kicks. Man, I want to be friends with these ladies so bad. Awesome, awesome chicks.
Their Heidi Klum impression was DEAD ON! That’s exactly what she does!
I love that the camera captured their expressions when Angela’s baby kicked. Too cute!
Yet again, they are the two cutest friends! I love their reactions at the end of this latest one (the NYC recap). It is so great that they have become so close to one another!
Aw!! The baby kicked/punched! They’re too adorable.
This video is by far my favourite. I absolutely love these two!
They’re so adorable!!!
The new video is so super cute! I loved Jenna’s reaction when she was feeling the baby kick. Soo cute. :) Love the two of them.
OMG. I loved this video. Jenna’s “Heidi Klum” walk and the TOTALLY ADORABLE baby kicking at the end…. they are such adorable people! I heart their friendship so much.
I love those two! I wanna be friends with them! :) They just have so much fun together and they’re so funny.
Ok I -NEED- to be friends with the two of them. I love Jenna’s interpretation of Heidi Klum. /I just love them.
Sheesh. As a man (who is very comfortable with my masculinity, thank you), I gotta say, those two were in full-on girly mode.
Angela and Jenna…they are sooo funny!
Adorable. It’s so nice to see these girls so down to earth. I’m glad hollywood hasn’t changed these two, I hate it when celebs get the holier than thou attitudes. I just love these girls!
Those girls are so adorable!
“It’s like a pony” – I don’t know why, but that made me laugh so hard. :)
These videos are so much fun to watch! Thank you, ladies, for letting us get a peek into your real lives.
Ok, they are like adorable, but they like seem a little like, old, to say like so much.
Jenna: 23 likes
Angela: 10 likes
But…love them anyway
It’s official. I want to be Angela’s friend.
Ok. I cracked up when Jenna was walking around swinging her arms. I am always self-analyzing and yelling at me in my head too.
Jenna, Angela…can we be friends? Seriously?
All these videos are all hysterical. I laughed really hard for some reason at the part where jenna is talking about the slit in her dress “and I just stuck that hip out and it was like hello!”(dramatic hand movements).
Also: “Yeah I only travel with pregnant women, it’s my new thing”
“That’s what they do on Project Runway.” No words describe how funny I thought that was.
That was my favorite video yet! Jenna’s reaction to the baby was awesome! And I loved their impersonations of the girls on the catwalk. Can I be their friend?
Very fun. I hope they do this again some time.
Jenna and Angela are totally BFF material! I LOVE THEM! hilarious vid :)
Very fun little series. I love their comments about the women walking the runway and their cute banter about Jenna’s catwalk. The comment about Jenna being surrounded by pregnant women was hysterical. I am truly enjoying these videos and these ladies are so much fun! Gotta love them!
Haha, I loved their screams when the baby was kicking!
Oh my gosh I laughed so hard at the baby kicking! “My baby likes Liza… oh wait I’m hungry.” hahhahaha awesome
AHhhh I love those two more with each video! They both looked so beautiful, great makeup and nice soft curls in their hair. The baby kicking part was so sweet. I wonder if Jenna will be the baby’s Godmother. hmmm.
If I didn’t already have a BFF, I would want to be their’s! Oh, let’s face it, I still want to be BFF with both of them! I love watching these little Adventures, because it’s so opposite of what we see on the show between Pam and Angela. It makes me appreciate what great actresses they are.
There is a new clip up of Angela shopping for baby clothes!
I had the same reaction to the Pam t-shirt when I saw it at the store.
Cute video, though it doesn’t compare to the last one with Jenna. And Angela’s new MySpace photo–obviously taken during the filming of Dinner Party (look at Rainn’s outfit)–how cool is that?!
Haha, I wonder how some passerbyers reacted to seeing Angela in the NBC store, I know I’d freak out. I love this cast, how many other people would actually go into the fanshop for their own show and network!? Love it!
Man, those are some giant figures of Michael and Dwight. I wonder if Angela gets a discount.
Aw, I love these. She’s so pregnant! :)
Nice shirt, Craig :).
I love these videos. Thanks for making them.
It’s funny; she’s talked about how her accent has come out lately, and you can really hear it here.
Did you notice the Coldplay-song (Clocks) playing in the background of the Mindy-clip?! Awesome!
Angela if you read this, could you PLEASE tape Creed performing his composition to the baby?
HAH! That’s hilarious! I love how animated Phyllis is in real life. (And it’s not my place to say… but if Angela is due on the 9th, she should really be sitting down!)
Aw, I loved seeing the real Phyllis!
They are so cute together. Did she really say “I’m afraid I’m going to poke your baby out.” Ha!
I’m guessing she’ll be have her baby on May 7th.
May 9th is my sister’s birthday. That means me and Angela are practically cousins… right?
Phyllis is so sassy! I love these.
Haha, that is so me trying to play fooseball.
Okay, I feel like a total dork. I had no idea she was married to “Toby’s” brother. Cool. I’d love to go to that family reunion.
aww, phyllis is so awesome!
I thought that everyone was done filming because when tanster was there they were shooting the finale. How come Angela and Phyllis are still there?
Hearing Phyllis’s laugh just made my night!
Yay this is my favorite little snippet so far!!! I love Phyllis! xx
Perhaps these videos were shot a while ago? That might be a reason. Unless they all love the show so much, they never leave.
I cannot believe how well Angela is holding up so close to her due date – what’s the lag time on shooting these and posting them?
She is due around Mother’s Day, I am due Father’s Day, and there is NO WAY I feel like playing foosball at this point. Walking is hard enough. Way to go, Angela!
BTW, my guess is May 12 at 8:04 AM. Tanster – can we have a contest?? ;)
$10 bucks on May 4th.
Oh, yes. That is SO when Angela’s baby will come. :)
I think her baby will grace this world on May 8th. A day early.
I’m rooting for May 2nd because that’s my best friend’s birthday!
“Watch your belly! I’m afraid I’m gonna poke your baby doll.” So cute!
OMG, Phyllis and hugely pregnant Angela playing foosball cracked me up! I love these Adventures.
Lol, I love Rainn :P
I LOVE that Rainn totally scripted what he was going to say…like as Dwight. Leslie coming out of the bathroom and saying they were out of paper was hilarious, and I love that that part wasn’t planned. Oh, Office cast. How I love you.
I think I’m going to take some of these tips from Rainn to my soon-to-be baby. People at work just tell me to get up when the baby cries. Seven months to go! :)
my stomach & face literally hurt right now from laughing so hard at that rainn video- hearing angela crack up but try to hold it in from behind from the camera made it that much better
Rainn is amazing! That was the funniest thing ever. Very Dwightish
that tiny baby inside angela is one very lucky girl.
Rainn messing up Toby’s desk was great I loved that!
I love these people. Way more than any person should love people they don’t know.
“Tiny baby inside of Angela…” Ha! Too funny!
Videos like this will be so precious to Angela and her child as the years go by. I think it’s the sweetest thing in the world that the cast does things like this. :)
Ok, I gotta ask…are those set bathrooms real working bathrooms?
I could watch Rainn give ‘tiny baby inside Angela’ advice for HOURS! Are you listening, nbc? :)
that was funny but did he seriously not know angela’s baby was a girl?
Rainn’s clip is by far the best one out of the bunch.
Dwight’s message was amazing!…Oh and my vote is May 7th…the same as mine! Keep the gifts under $50..thanks
Congrats, #170! Being preggers is so much fun. I’m only two months along… but I love it!
Kidding, LMAO.
I’m 13.
Ed and Creed’s song just made my day!! That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t even need an episode tonight now!
And boy did Angela look pregnant there!
I love how the whole cast has quirky little ways of supporting her! Now I’m going to be humming “angela’s baby” all afternoon!
that song was so sweet!
i love this cast in ridiculous amounts, and even more with every additional video.
OMG, the song was amazing! I love The Office cast!
they are so funny!!!
The only word I can use to describe the Creed-and-Andy-singing-for-Angela’s-baby clip is awwwwwww.
Ed and Creed…amazing!
I can’t say it enough, but I love this cast!
oh great, now the song’s stuck in my head!! hehe just kidding, i love it!!
Angela’s baby…
How adorable is that song from Creed and Ed?!!?! And what a sweet birth announcement at the end… Loved it!
Ed is an amazing banjo player!!!
Okay, those were so sweet! I wish when I had my kids someone would have sung me such a cute song. Congrats again Angela.
OMG!!! Ed and Creed’s song was SOOOOOOOOO cute/amazing!! Isabel is one lucky girl!!
i laughed SO hard at the part where Ed sings about wanting to eat the baby because it’ll look yummy but he won’t because she’s a person.
SO cute! What a great song! Creed is so funny. And is there no end to Ed Helms talent?
thank you mr. ed helms for finally convincing me that the banjo isn’t a horrible instrument. but two very AWESOME vids! creed and ed are the best!
OH my gosh so amazing and adorable! I can’t wait to see Angela’s baby. Ed is SO good with that banjo, and Creed, wow.
Is this the greatest cast and crew of all time or what? They genuinely like and care for each other. What a blessing to be born in that atmosphere.
Creed is adorable!
That was all kinds of amazing! Creed and Andy totally rock out.
That song is so cute. What talented people. Angela and her family will be able to treasure these videos forever.
these videos ae adorable! for some reason Ed playing that banjo makes him incredibly attractive!
we’ll get the cohen brothers to direct the sequel! ha!
Grace, I totally agree, Ed just got 10 times more attractive to me!
Those videos are incredibly sweet. :) I hope they put Adventures With Angela on the dvd.
Oh my gosh, I smiled from ear to ear during both of those videos. I agree, they should definitely put these on the DVDs. All of them are so cute!
Creed and Ed’s song is seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. That baby’s so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people.
single greatest thing i have ever heard!
Ed and Creed singing was the cutest thing ever. Have I mentioned how much I love this cast? ;)
OH MY GOSH!!! Ed and Creed… that was adorable. Man, this is the greatest cast in the world. They genuinely love each other, and it shows. Thank you Angela (and NBC) for letting us peek into your awesome lives!
Wow, Creed and Ed were amazing and how adorable was Ed with that banjo? He has mad banjo skills!
Kate was a sweetheart. Angela’s baby is going to be surrounded by such good people.
Wow, Ed Helms can pick!
awwww i am so jealous of isabel!! haha this was my favorite adventures with angela, definitely!! creed and ed are so sweet.
Awe, the cast is so sweet! They wrote her a song…And Kate’s words nearly moved ME to tears! Oh my goodness, what a sweet cast :)
That’s a hit right there.
My vote for most awesome cast ever goes to this show.
Oh wow, Creed and Ed’s song was a-MAZ-ing! I was smiling so much it started to hurt!
Creed and Ed.. Two thumbs up – fine holiday fun! I love this show for the simple fact that there is both actual chemistry onset, as well as off.. They’re their own second family. And it definitely shows!
Wow, I love how Ed just goes to to town on the banjo.
“But I’m not going to eat you because you’re a person.” =]
That just totally made my morning!
Ok I’m STILL smiling. I so wish I was a member of that cast. I love the chemistry they all have.
Angela’s BAAY-BEE… oh my gosh, I love it! And I love the end card. (I hope they continue Adventures with Angela!)
That is A-dorable! Ed’s banjo is kind of hot. Not the banjo, him mostly. *blushes*
these are the CUTEST videos I have ever seen! Creed and Ed did an awesome job writing the lyrics!
Oooh. Tiki hut! I wonder what that means for the plot.
The song was adorable!! Creed and Ed play really well and it was super creative. Love it!
I love Creed and Andy even more now.
# 207 – nice clueless reference! haha, i love it!
NBC has included clips of fake PSA’s and of their promos on past DVD sets. It would be so wonderful if all of these videos were on the Season 4 set!
Awww! The baby shower was so cute! I was excited to see so much Babies R Us stuff! (I work there) I was like “ooh! That came from Babies R Us!…So did that!”
It is really freaky to see Leslie, aka stanley, being sweet and sociable! He is nothing like his character, thank goodness. I vote for Astabula…
The Stanley Cup… best thing ever.
And the Creed and Ed song reminded me of the ditty that Michael and Dwight sang in Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
Great stuff and I too would like to see them on the DVD.
Awwww, Angela kind of made me teary eyed in that last one. She’s so cute.
My little girl is called Esme. Nothing wrong with that.
“why are you getting artsy with it?”
oscar is funny without trying to be.
Aww, Angela almost made ME cry in her baby shower video. The Office has such an amazing cast!!
LOL – the Stanley Cup? now that’s just hilarious.
Oscar really isn’t too talented with filming, haha… and he messed up the surprise, haha.
Brian is so sweet, aww.
and the baby shower looked so cool, the people on set seem lovely. The way Angela said “it’s a tiny baby” cracked me up.
This shower clip is soooo sweet and how much do I LOVE Phyllis writing down the names and gifts!!!!!! Phyllis is the BEST!!!!
I want a Stanley Cup!!
OK, watching sweet Angela Kinsey get teary has caused me to grab for the Kleenex while sitting at my work desk. I’ll have to blame it on allergies or something. ;)
Thanks Angela and NBC for sharing all of these cute videos!
Angela’s tears of joy!
“The Stanley cup”! I love that!
Awww, so sweet when Angela is crying. Gaah, I love them all!!!
that is so sweet of them to throw her a shower. they seem like such a great cast and especially friends. i love how down to earth they all are.
Aww. How cute was Angela tearing up at the end of the last video?
Paul’s getting married? Congratulations!!!
awww so cute. fernuncula…..lovely.
congratulations, paul!
I love Leslie!!
i want a stanley cup! Every home needs one!
They should sell Stanley Cups at the NBC store, and most people would be like “what?” … but we’d know what it meant. And we would buy them.
Just watched Angela’s shower and all I can say is that I love all of those guys. They are so cool to video and share her baby shower with us. How neat is that?!
My middle name is Eulalia! How can it not be real??
So sweet! Congratulations Angela!
Oh, I only wish Phyllis had given the baby a tiny, homemade oven mitt!!
Note to Angela: that SwaddleMe is the single greatest thing ever!! An absolute lifesaver.
I just have to say that I freaked a little when I saw those socks that Oscar gave Angela because we sell those at the store I work at!!! woohoo!!! now I wonder if he came in and bought them one day that I wasn’t working. I might cry..
Gungela Astibula Lieberstein.
Angela is so sweet. my ten year old sister (who has watched the show) walked in as i was watching the baby shower clip and said, “Wow! she is really pretty! She always looks really mean on the office!” It just made me laugh and appreciate the actors on the show, who can go from really mean to really pretty in a matter of seconds.
I would also like a stanley cup!
I wish I could buy a Stanley cup! And my friend’s name is Esme, and she was cracking up when she saw this!
Brent totally wants to steal the show. I love it. They should make a set of webisodes solely around the writers, living in some alternate universe.
Angela really cracks me up. I wish she was in the Webisodes!
Mama Mia – pfsth, where was my song?
She’s so adorable!
Adventures with Angela make me so happy. I’m glad they’re back!
Oh man, she never fails to crack me up. “I don’t care, come to the hospital!”
She totally needs to host her own show when The Office is no more.
[from tanster: i so totally agree!]
She is just super cute.
Great chemistry, huh? Angela is really funny!
OMG! I hysterically laughed throughout that entire clip!! Angela is hilarious..and so are the writers! haha
I actually said “YAY!” out loud when I received the Twitter update that this was posted…and people around me at the grocery store looked at me weird.
All that to say that I totally love Angela. So glad that her baby-induced hiatus is finished.
[from tanster: yay for Twitter updates!]
love angela, the mama mia bit had me laughing
Angela is adorable… I laughed throughout the whole clip, but when she said “Mamma Mia- pfsh- where was my song?” I almost fell off my chair I laughed so hard.
Angela + Vicodin! LOL
I love Adventures w/ Angela.
I laughed at “Escrito por favor” and when she couldn’t stop giggling after the remark about being fat while pregnant.
Fun stuff.
Angela- your song WAS in Mamma Mia! Take a Chance on Me! Oh wait. That’s Andy’s song.
Angela, that one goes on the List of the Top 10 Best TWSS EVER!!
is she really going to miss the first few episodes?
First off… that is exactly how I write my comments. “Click mmmm comments” with the generic typing hand motion and everything.
secondly … I would like to start a slow clap for that twss. SO well done.
Haha, Angela.. the BEST TWSS! And also, Brent Forrester is kind of really good looking, like hello! Anyone else with me on this.. Tanster?
HAHA Angela said TWSS…she’s awesome
HAHA best twss and I love how she looks around and slumps in her chair afterwards! oh man, how are we supposed to wait this long??
Lol, Angela you’re scarred? I think I’M scarred…. Oscar Omg.
Ha ha I love Oscar but the outfit was a bit much :)
WOW, Oscar has a nice backyard!
Oscar, there are just so many things wrong with those images.
Oscar. You just got yourself a reality TV show.
So as someone who put herself through college babysitting, I’m wondering how people like Angela find babysitters, and how that lucky girl keeps from passing out
aww I love Oscar! He looks so great for his age!
Another new clip posted! Inside Oscar’s house this time…I love his “tiny sushi”!
I want a cat!
I want to work for the wardrobe dept of The Office!
…slowly working my way up that ladder…
It would seem that Angela has been strongly influenced by Jennas’ cat fostering history :O)
i loved this wardrobe dept. adventure! i’m going to school right now for fashion, and it’s my dream to work in a wardrobe dept!! especially for “the office.” wow, that would be amazing.
Yes, I want a cat, Angela! xD
I want a cat, Angela? Perhaps a dominant male named Ash?
Is it just me, or do all jobs involving movies or TV look fun?
I’d rather be a 3D Artist though. After all, that’s what I’m spending my education on…
Was I hearing things or was there a little baby “coo” after Angela said “That’s what she said”? If that was little Isabel, she knows good humor already. :)
I heard little Isabel too. Cooing at “That’s what she said..”
Something tells me the little one has been around Uncle Steve!
hahaha Mustard yellow. check. short sleeved, tie. check. Dwight.
oh, I love these people. :)
yeah…angela is hot…
Yeah Angela has got progressivly ‘hotter’ over the seasons xD
I love Angela! She’s so quirky and cute.
Angela was totally right about the Texas Baby Wreath thing!
Maybe I’m just in an absurdly good mood but that most recent video (Trailer Tour) made me laugh out loud more than any other “Adventures With Angela.” Maybe it’s because she’s crazy/loopy now. Love it.
I maintain that I want to meet Angela more than any other cast member. This totally made my morning! I wonder if Isabel got a bunch of monogrammed stuff…that’s another southern thing that I don’t understand.
I wanna NBC chime!
Angela is just so awesome. Hilarious!
Hahaha! Wow, Angela really has lost it! I guess that’s what motherhood does to you… So funny!
Wow. That was kind of hilarious.
HAha! That was awesomely fantastic.
Can you buy the NBC chimes? Hah. And I liked Angela’s sweater… kinda reminded me a bit of Andy and his crazy prints. =)
My goodness, I love that woman. lol
She is soooo funny! That bit with the little toy was soo funny!
I think the thing on the door is what Angela was supposed to use when Andy started floating down the river in Beach Games. You know, he puts the round part around his waist and Angela can wrangle him back to shore. Her mom was just a little late…
P.S. Spending my weekends as a nanny, I tell you that Butt Paste can work miracles.
I want that chime in thing! Lol.
I checked the NBC store and they do actually sell the NBC chimes set that Angela has in her latest video.
Unfortunately, the store has sold out of them when I last checked.
ahaha oh my goodness. that picture of angela in the background is so so funny.
Haha! Funny thing — I was pumping while watching this video! I can totally relate!
I love Angela! And I love that she’s still carrying on the Jenna-Angela rivalry. They are too cute!
Yes!!! I loved the references to Angela and Jenna’s little blog war! So great!
“I just want you to think about this when you’re napping…or at the gym.”
hahaha! She cracks me up. Loved the fan question. I don’t think I’d approach any celebrity I saw on the street. I actually saw Angela at an outdoor mall by my house once and saw John Krasinski at the airport (even admitting that, I feel stalkerish). I’d feel like too much of a geek going up and gushing about them and their shows. ha! But good for you to those who do!
I find it really funny that I was eating a piece of chocolate mousse while I watched Angela’s video. Maybe I should start breastfeeding again so it doesn’t go to my hips.
Great new video! I don’t get why we, in Canada, can see some of these videos but not all of them. I want to see the video with Angela’s trailer but that one doesn’t work. Grrr… I tried downloading that program that allows us to watch them, but my computer popped up that I was trying to download a trojan. Is that normal?
Having met Angela a couple of times (including in the bathroom of a premiere where she and Melora let my wee son go ahead in line) I can say that she is truly a darling person.
Could she BE any cuter??? :-)
Wow, I didn’t realize that these videos were put up so soon after they were shot! I thought that they sat around for a few months, but that MySpace napping/eating feud was just a few weeks ago. It’s cool to know that they’re pretty recent!
Oh My God, l was able to watch the video without getting a restriction message.
l woke up, checked Office Tally and surprise!
Angela is so enthusiastic, it’s a pleasure to listen to her talk about nothing.
Aw Angela is so sweet! and yay UT!
Leave it to Jenna and Angela to provide the Christmas cheer that was lacking in Moroccan Christmas. I love them!
THey’re so sweet. Do you think they’re taking applications to add a third to their group? Cause if so, “sign me up.”
They really are adorable. Happy Holidays Jennie :)
HAHA! Jenna in her HUGE bulky sweater!! I guess that’s proof of how cold it really is on the set!! I feel like I don’t even need to see Jenna and Angela’s childhood pictures…they look about 12 years old dancing and singing Jingle Bells!! TOO CUTE!! I still want them to be my BFF’s!!!
Oh man, I would pay good money to see Angela do stand up. Too funny!
Jenna is a tree fluffer. Hi-lar-ree-ous.
hahahaha. this made me crack up so bad!! my favorite.
This clip is my favorite Adventure with Angela yet. She and Jenna are just too cute… The tree fluffing / TWSS had me laugh out loud, and the Jingle Bells singing was the most adorable thing ever!
That was cute. I always enjoy the Adventures with Angela videos. If only we could replace kath and kim with 30 minutes a week of these two.
When I first saw this I didn’t know what a fluffer was… now I know what it is with the help of Google. LOL
I love Angela, I want to put her in my pocket so I can take her with me and bring her out whenever I need a good giggle.
Awww, very cute! Angela as a stand up comic = hilarity.
And big hooray for the reversal of the geo-lock! I feel loved.
Haha, these two are a riot! Is Jenna wearing the infamous gray sweater from Target she mentioned in a blog?
The two of them together are insanely cute! Somehow, these TWSS moments are just more magical when it’s someone other than Michael saying them.
Those 2 are adorable!
Angela makes me so happy. She’s the cheeriest and most adorable person ever.
Wassuupp Multicultural!! :)
hehe, too cute.
Adventures with Angela really make me smile!
“Don’t break your hand on my butt.” And a Happy Holiday to you, Creed!
Was that a house of Schrute Bucks?
Is that Jenna standing off to the side at around 42 sec remaining?
Haha Angela’s too funny. The face she makes after she says “Steve’s a jerk” & at the end when she gets her line right =)
Does anyone else notice that angela is not wearing an engagement ring? Is that a spoiler? Hmm…
Yay! I love behind the scenes stuff like this!
Why has Angela worn the same sweater for the past three videos?? I guess they were all shot on the same day?
I thought that guy was Emeril for a minute…
There is actually nothing better than guacamole! :D
I’m with Angela… there is nothing better than guacamole.
Wow, she never fails to put me in a good mood.
ahahha!!! tanster, that was my brother and I. We did that a few months ago after the first QandA Adventure with Angela. After all this time, I figured it’d been forgotten, but this has to be the coolest thing ever, besides seeing Steve Carrell in DC. Thanks Angela!!
[from tanster: yay! that is awesome! :) ]
I don’t think you ever posted this Ask Angela video that’s on
Berry –
You and your brother rock! What great questions from such obviously intelligent young people. I love your brother’s “That’s what she said” although I’m slightly concerned that he knows what that means! Haha, oh well, glad to see you love the show and that there is hope for the world if the two of you continue to watch :)
Abbey in PA-
Aw thanks. We love The Office and still are basking in the glow of having a semi-interaction with Angela Kinsey. The world is already pretty well off when we have celebrities as kind and great as Angela, Jenna, Steve, John, Rainn and everyone else, people with power who can recognize they’re there because of their fans. They have a huge responsibility, being my, my brother’s, and the tons of kids who watch the office ‘s role models. And they handle it well. I hope my generation can be as kind-hearted as the great people on The Office.
-Berry :)
Ohmygoodness, that’s me!! This just made my day. I posted this way back in October and I can’t believe it actually made it to! Wow, I really love Angela. This is so cool!
[from tanster: that is awesome! woo!]
And… that is a good prank. I’m definitely going to use it on the guys in the office next to me.
Dear jenleigh,
will you go out with me?
Levi: Sorry, I don’t think that would work out, lol. But thanks…?
Haha, that’s me in the video! So very awesome, I freaked out. I love hearing about Angela and Jenna!
Wow, that’s three for three! GO TALLYHEADS! :)
Aaaaaaw Steeeeve! That’s so sweet what he said to them. Angela and Jenna really need to become my best friends as soon as possible.
I loved Angela’s latest video and I think it’s great that she has such a close knit family! I have really enjoyed all of the video clips she has done for the web and I hope she will continue to do these for as long as the show is on the air.
LOL — “Computer shut-down!” That’s great!
I love Mindy and Angela! That was cute.
Snort! Oscar is so cool :O)
They are too cute. I’m in central NY right now for school and when it gets to 50 degrees up here we immediately put away the winter coats and walk around in t-shirts.
I’m just about ready to go all superfan and record the audio from that latest ask angela vid with editor dave, and slow it down to get some spoilers or something after that “cat” bit.
I just might… if I have time.
Oh wow, it is way too late for me to laughing that loud!
“Really, cause it’s gold.”
Every time I watch these, I think it’s not possible for Angela to get more awesome. Then she does something like make the rewind noise. Love it!
I think Angela on SNL would be gold.
The part he’s playing back says…
“…struggle when you try to dress her, she’s a third generation show cat, her father was in meet the parents.
Needles to say she’s very, very expensive…
How much?
For a cat?”
Yep, I’m a dork with nothing better to do at work.
Haha! Rewind Girl. Awesome.
I don’t think anyone gets as much mileage out of That’s What She Said as Angela, and I LOVE HER for it!
I don’t think I will ever tire of seeing Jenna and Angela together. They are such cute friends! I might just have to try Jenna’s chicken recipe.
I don’t think it gets better than these 2. LOVE THEM. I totally wrote down Jenna’s chicken recipe and I can’t wait to try it.
They are great and SOO funny! Love them. =D
omg, I have made that recipe from Jenna before! It is so delicious! I highly recommend it to all of you. I got it from my friend’s mom. Now I can make conversation with Jenna if I ever meet her! :)
That was a particularly great interaction between Angela and Jenna, with Jenna looking amused and teasing Angela about her lack of culinary skills. BTW, Jenna has a beautiful profile.
loved the new video. And I too have had that recipe Jenna mentioned. My roommate and I used to make it all the time when we were lazy. Awesome recipe! :)
That’s what she said! I love both of them! They are my favorite celebs ever!!!
The chemistry between Jenna and Angela is amazing! I will have to try the brisket recipe and Jenna’s chicken recipe. Sounds delicious!
I still think a cookbook with an “Office” theme would be great.
My husband and I are making Sweet and Sticky Chicken as we speak! :)
just finished my sweet & sticky chicken dinner, and i must say, super delicious!
I made Sweet and Sticky Chicken for dinner tonight and it was amazing. Now, when I have guests over I can make it. When they ask where I got the recipe I can say I got it from Jenna! Sounds impressive…
Those craft services guys are great! They seem so nice, and Angela’s visit with them was fun to watch.
Those two Cafe Guys are even cuter than Angela!
Oh jeez those craft services guys are priceless! I love how EVERYONE involved on the show feels so warm and fuzzy about one another.
I LOVE this show. They are all so down to Earth. I loved Angela’s rap and “White Girl Dance.”
Angela + Phyllis = AMAZING!!!!!
The only thing that could top that would be Jenna, Phyllis, and Angela together… So great!!!
Angela rapping! Hahaha, that was soo cute! And actually wasn’t that bad. She’s such a cutie!
OMG!! Angela’s rapping just made my day!!
And, I wish we had an Office club in my school!
Angela is such a white girl! I love it. It reminds me of me. haha! =]
i love that phyllis snorts when she laughs! and angela’s rap is priceless! i’m sure it makes isabel crack up.
#1. An Office club!?! I must start one…
#2. Phyllis snorting when she laughs. Priceless.
#3. Angela rapping for Isabel. That is one lucky (or perhaps not so lucky) kid.
Love it!!
I’m glad I’m not the only white girl that does the bite thing. lol
How funny! I don’t know what I was laughing at more: Phyllis’ snort laughs or Angela rapping.
The rapping one is a riot!! I think Angela (Martin) should just lose her mind and start beat-boxing like that.
Is the young lady who submitted the music question a regular Office Tally reader? I heard about a school near me (Cumberland County, PA) that has an Office club and I was just wondering if she goes to that school.
(**Wiping away tears of laughter!!!**) That was wonderful–love Phyllis and Angela so much!
Oh man, hilarious!! Someone seriously needs to give Angela her own show; she’s a riot! Just thinking this would be even more epic if Rainn jumped in w/his “sexy man dance.” :)
omg are me and angela the same person?
Hey little girl in the high chair you got nasty food all up in your hair!
Angela should totally make an album out of her raps.
She could call herself AK-47, as in Angela Kinsey 47, as a rapper name.
For all of you fashionistas/Office lovers out there-you can get a scarf that looks exactly like Angela’s at American Eagle. I was there the other day and pretty much flipped out! :)
This was hilarious. She’s all over the place!
good summer activity=kickboxing…super fun
um…away we go was fantastical!
She is amazing. LOVE
Great summer movie: Up (DEFINITELY, fantastic film for any age)
Great summer activity: Murder Checkers (it’s an Olympic sport)
Yes, Up is fantastic! Made me tear up in a few places.
“Hello, my name is Russell, and I’m a Wilderness Explorer.”
That was adorable! I love you Angela! My mom is short too!
Angela is amazing. I agree with Emily. I want to be BFFs with Angela and Jenna, too.
That’s awesome! She should hook up with Obama if he takes a trip to Indonesia. I think he knows some words too. Our Angela will impress them all!
Yo Gabba Gabba?!
Angela on Yo Gabba Gabba… My two year old’s world is complete! The joining of her two favorite shows, The Office and Yo Gabba Gabba. We’re awesome parents for letting our two year old watch The Office, I know.
HA! i remember in a previous adventures with angela, she said she wanted to be on yo gabba gabba!
isabel is the cutest stinking thing! i love angela running around with her on her back!
Yowza, Angela you are a knockout!
What would Angela Martin think about this photo shoot? She is hilarious, and looks great.
Having met Angela several times IRL, I know that she’s the tiniest thing in person. However, she looks about six feet tall in those heels… yowza!
She looks FLAWLESS!!! Truly humana-humana worthy!
she is soooo beautiful