The Office’s Angela Kinsey visited the University of Rhode Island tonight. Here’s an event report from Tallyhead Stapler:
Got home from the University of Rhode Island a little while ago, after spending “An Evening with Angela.” It was wonderful! Just thought I’d share a few comments and a photo with you.
The Keaney Gym at URI was set up with a small stage backed by a black curtain, right in front of the stadium seating. When I first heard the event would be in this huge gym, I thought Angela would be a speck in the distance, but the student events team did a great job in making it feel very intimate.
The audience was made up mostly of college students, filling 2-3 sections of seats. I snagged a seat right in the front row, and Angela was just a few feet away!
She came out to the stage with the crowd cheering, and of course she was even prettier and tinier in person than on TV! She was “very chatty” — her words! — and just started talking to the fans before the moderator even had a chance to get into asking his questions.
She talked about how she got into show business, getting cast on The Office, how she knew Oscar and Kate during her early improv and sketch days, and of course, her baby!
At one point she mentioned working with Dom Irrera, a comedian I remember seeing at the Improv in Hollywood almost 25 years ago, and I shouted out “Whoo!” Although she couldn’t see the audience at that point due to the bright stage lights, she said “Oh, we have some Dom love!” and I smiled.
She brought a clip reel with her, showing a montage of Angela scenes from season’s past. Then they brought the house lights up and she could finally see the crowd. She took questions from the audience for awhile, and people asked some great questions!
I even brought up OfficeTally, saying I thought it was great how involved the cast is on your website, and she mentioned how you were just with them for the filming of the 100th episode. Angela said how she goes straight to for all her Office information! She said she’s learned things from your site before hearing about them from NBC!
The organizers announced that Angela had agreed to do a meet and greet after the show, which made us all happy. When I went up to say hello, I gave her copies of the pictures I had of me with Rainn, Leslie and Jenna from my visit to the studio a few years ago. She seemed to get a kick out of that!
She patiently posed for pictures with everyone, signed autographs, and spent a few minutes chatting with each fan. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — the cast of The Office is so great with their loyal fans! We’re a very lucky bunch!
I’m so glad I went tonight. Thanks for posting it on OfficeTally. I probably wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise! Angela was gracious and funny and absolutely charming! It was great to have her visit our little state.

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Awesome! I just bought my tickets.
Oooo! My sister goes to URI…I’ll have to look into this!
Also, Aziz Ansari is coming to my school (University of Hartford) for Spring Fling this April. But i’m not sure of the date/time/if it’s open to the public.
Why does all the fun happen on the East and West Coasts? Those of us from the Midwest are always getting left out. I would love to see something like this.
Just bought my tickets too!!!
For once something is happening soooo close by! Just ordered my ticket online. Maybe prior to the show us Tallyheads can somehow connect. Thanks for the tip, Tanster!
[from tanster: i think that’s a grand idea!]
Whew!!!…. I saw the headline and I thought for a minute that the secret between Angela and I had come out. I JOKE, I JOKE. Seriously, that’s all I’m gonna say. :-) Wish I could go (twss).
#4 Erin –
it doesn’t leave us Midwesterners out…..we just have to drive ….uh….15-16 hours to Scranton as an example.
Ugh is it sold out? There are no tickets available on ticketmaster!
On my way down to URI to see Angela! I’ll probably be the oldest person there among all the college kids, but I can’t wait! Hopefully I’ll have some news or pix to share later.
I wasn’t able to attend, but my friend goes to URI so I sent him a letter to give to Angela–and she read it right there! Here’s a picture of her with my letter:
Thanks Angela, you’re the best!
So lucky! The photo is really cute. You guys look like old friends.
I hear through facebook that Angela went to the Fine Arts Center at URI and gave a talk after the Saturday performance of The Merchant of Venice. So, some of my friends in the cast got to meet her! So jealous. It figures she visits the year after I graduate then move away, haha.
how fun! I would love to have seen Angela..come to the Midwest!
Thank you for the wonderful report. I may be the biggest Angela fan here. If anyone cares to come forward to say you are her biggest fan, I will take you on!
Great pic of you both, too.
Thanks for the great report. Once again, Angela proves herself as one of the sweetest and down-to-earth “famous” people you could meet!
And Cyd: I am coming forward. Game on! ;)
Oh it is so on, Laura!
Though scrolling up, I fear Jenleigh could be the biggest Angela fan!
Cyd ~ Jenleigh could definitely be a contender – no doubt about it. But at the end of the day, I’m still pretty confident. At the very least, I’d win the Greater Midwest title. If you’re reading this, Angela, you’d back me up, right? ;)
No fair, you all got the edge over this little Brit.
I can’t get over how much younger Angela looks as herself. Make up must spend hours making Angela Martin up.
Cyd and Laura- I am indeed a contender! Bring it on!
I would absolutely love to see Angela come to the Midwest! Ohio, perhaps?