Part of my Saturday with Angela included doing an interview with Susan Young of the Contra Costa Times.
Did I ever think in my wildest dreams that I would be interviewed alongside Ms. Angela Kinsey? Uh, NO.
And any time I can combine two of my favorite activities — talking about The Office and eating — it’s a good day.
Links: Writer’s reply turns into ‘Office’ obsession | Video (no longer available)
Related links: Dinner with Angela | Angela stops by OTCR
That’s so cool! And I like your “Office Tally” t-shirt, too! You should sell those.
It sounds like you had an awesomely-fun time. I’m jealous. :)
Thanks Jen! :)
You should totally sell your Office Tally shirts. I would buy one. I’m so happy for you, that you got to spend the day with Angela, and that you’re getting some acknowledgement for the work you do! I have quite the obsession with this show, and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. So, thanks again!
What a wonderful photo!
aww yay tanster!!! very cool. loved reading the interview! you rock!
That is awesome…we appreciate everything you do for us Jen!!
What a great article (and VIDEO)! It’s so cool that all this has happened for you. Hooray, Jennie! Thanks for staying obsessed with us!
Not obsessed with US. I meant obssessed with The Office along WITH us. Heheh.
This is wicked awesome, Jennie :) Also…I concur with Jennifer, you should totally sell some OfficeTally t-shirts :D
I’m so glad for you Tanster! I’ve been visiting this site since it first went up…I’m so proud of you!!!!
I love that she called your shirt “snappy”
awesome article! Tanster for President!!
You two really seem to be hitting it off. You guys are so adorable!
It must be so exciting, all of it. First the set visit, and then a few interviews, and now you and Angela seem to have really hit it off – it couldn’t have happened to a better person. :) Thanks so much for this site, I for one don’t know what I’d do without it.
Great article and vid, tanster! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for everything you do!
(I know you hate all caps but this is ever deserving of that :o)
Wonderful article yet again, Jennie! That is so great that the paper interviewed both you and Angela. I hope you get to spend a day with some of the other castmembers someday, too! (I wouldn’t mind tagging along, either! :) ) And add me to the “waiting list” for any potential OfficeTally t-shirts!
Tanster – it so great that you are down-to-earth enough to give Angela some of your time!! :-) Keep up the great work!
[from tanster: hee hee!]
Hey Tanster, are you Canadian or does your Mom just live there?
Great article. Congrats again.
Wow! When I go on vacation I make sure I have internet so I can access OT, too!
[from tanster: if they ever cancel the internet, i’m sunk.]
Well, I think the net’s connected to Gore’s heart. When one stops…
That’s awesome. Tanster, you’re so fortunate! …and what publicity you’re getting these days! Long live OfficeTally!
I would definitely buy an officetally shirt were they made available.
way to go tanster!
What really is there to say except you two are absolutely awesome? I mean, seriously? :)
Tanster you’re such a superstar!
Great interview Tanster. I’m so happy for you! :) Thanks so much for doing this site.
that is so great!! how awesome is angela and the office! i remember when officetally was down that one time last year and i didnt know what to do! i was like wheres officetally?!! wheres tanster!!? what is wrong with the world?!!!? (ok maybe i wasnt that dramatic) but seriously this website is the greatest and i love it, so thank you and im so happy for you!!!! :)
Jennie, It sounds like your boyfriend feels the same way my husband does about my Office addiction, only I don’t run my own website to back me up as a ‘valid’ excuse!! :) You’re awesome. Keep it up!
I received a “google-alert” this morning and it was fun to see your name in the article description :) It’s so great, Jennie! Congratulations!
Thanks for all of your hard work Tanster! And Congratulations! =D
I sense a walk on role for Tanster soon…. I mean what else do you have left to do?! I mean you already have “worldwide notoriety” to boast over…
Great article! I’ll have to wait to leave work to watch the video…. Thanks for all the hours Jennie… we’d be lost without you :)
[from tanster: “worldwide notoriety” — a tad exaggerated, no?]
Yay Tanster! That was an awesome video!
I found your site through that article in my paper this morning. I started watching The Office last fall, and I didn’t realize it had ever been in danger of being canceled. Thank you!
Very awesome! :-)
Congrats Tanster! That was such a good article! It’s good to know you are getting the acknowledgement you deserve!
Tanster thanks for all you do…without this site I think my life would be about 18 degrees more boring. And right now my life is only about 25 degrees interesting at all, so that’s a big chunk. If you can measure boring and interesting in degrees, I guess…
Hope Angela didn’t stick you with the check for the Dim Sum…she totally did that to me when we were hanging out.
Dude! I didn’t know you were local! I’m a tech writer over in the Tri-Valley. *air five* (And where did you eat in San Francisco? I love dim sum…)
[from tanster: lol, i have no idea where we went for dim sum; the place was recommended by the hotel.]
Yay Tanster!!!!
Jennie, you are awesome! You totally deserved the article and the praises! Now how about next time you bring me with you to see the cast members? ;)
Ooh, awesome!! What an experience! Thanks for sharing it with us! :D
Congrats! That was awesome!!
that is SO awesome! Thanks for sharing it and this FANTASTICALLY AMAZINGLY concise and thorough Office fansite. I don’t know what I’d do without my OT fix every single day several times a day. Thanks for all the hardwork you put into it, tanster, it really shows.
haha, tanster that must be so cool being interviewed with angela!
Hey tanster–
It’s so great that you’re getting some recognition for all the work you put into this website. I get the sense that you would do this anyway, but it’s nice to know that every once in a while the universe actually rewards people when they deserve it. Of course, you know this press means yet more traffic on the site and, thus, more work for you! :-)
Meanwhile, I’ve never seen/heard you talk much about how this is impacting your job. For example, what does your boss think about all of this?
Pretty sweet action, Tanster!
Wearing a snappy blue T-shirt bearing the name Office Tally…..that made me laugh for some reason. You deserve the attention! This is where I go to start and end my day. Is that cool or is that sad? I don’t know. I think most people here would say cool.
Jennie, you rock! What a great article! Thank you for everything you do and congratulations on all the very well-deserved and well-earned success!
This is so cute!
What a great opportunity! You totally deserve it. I always appreciate your hard work!
WHAT?! were you guys here in the bay area?!?!
Go Jennie! Go Jennie! Go Jennie!!!!!!!
We love all your hard work Tanster! :) I visit almost every day and hardly ever comment. (Because I respect the website traffic quota….) You totally deserve this kudo. It is overdue and understated!!!!!!!
That was fantastic! I am so happy you got to spend time with Angela and you are getting the attention you dearly deserve!
Congrats Jennie!!!
Awww Tanster what a great day! Thanks for sharing that with us. Office Tally shirts?….. YAY!!
Yay Tanster! Great article.
you are so lucky. I would love to hang out with Angela
Thanks for sharing! I also agree w/ the person who said you should sell those t-shirts! I would love one, they are too cute and I would love to showoff my favorite website!
This was in my paper today :D It made me really excited!
“Don’t forget us when you’re famous!”
Saw your article in the CCTimes yesterday. Thanks for sharing much of your personal life also, because it’s not easy devoting your personal time and life to it. I understand this because I run a fan web page of sorts of my own.
My advice? I implore you to put a time limit on how long you are on your site and recruit others to help you move things along so you can have some assemblance of a “real life”;).
Good luck to you.
Hah hah. They said your shirt is snappy.
It was in the Journal News today :]
Made my morning!
I just thought you might like to know that the article has made it’s way to Wisconsin. It was reprinted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning. I had of course already read it here, but it was pretty cool to see it in my local newspaper too!