Whereas in years past, I would occasionally put together an elaborate April Fool’s Day prank (see here and here), this year I am just content to bring a little smile to your day.
Goodness knows we need it. 😘
When you're bored at work and your boss outlaws Flonkerton.
Two April Fool’s Day pranks arranged by OfficeTally, including an epic prank assisted by NBC.com in 2008, which generated nearly 900 comments and even had some of The Office cast fooled!
After taking a break from April Fools Day shenanigans last year, OfficeTally returned with an important announcement for 2010.
Continue reading “OfficeTally’s April Fools Day prank, 2010”
Hi Tallyheads,
I wanted to announce that effective June 1st, OfficeTally will be joining the NBC Universal family.
I have been in discussions with NBC about this ever since going down to Los Angeles to picket with some of The Office writers. The deal was finalized late last week.
What does this mean for OfficeTally? — there will be a few changes to the site:
There is a brief announcement about the OfficeTally acquisition at www.nbc.com/The_Office (scroll to the bottom of the page).
Thanks for your patience and support during this time! — Jennie
Update on the next page.