Contest: Dead or Alive (Take Two)

Note: There was a glitch in the way entries were validated in the previous post, so we are starting over here. Sorry for the inconvenience!

How to play

Add a comment to this post with the following items:

  • The name of a real person, dead or alive, spoken on The Office
  • The title of the episode in which this person is mentioned


  • Enter one name only, in one comment only.
  • Don’t add an entry that has already been added in a previous comment.
  • Only real people count; not TV or movie characters, etc.
  • Only people mentioned in broadcast episodes count; not deleted scenes, webisodes, etc.
  • If a person is mentioned in more than one episode, each instance counts as a valid entry.
  • You must enter a valid email address with your comment.
  • All invalid (incomplete, misspelled, duplicate, multiple, unverifiable, off-topic, etc.) entries will be disqualified. Read previous comments carefully before you enter yours!
  • This contest is open to U.S. contestants only.

Sample entry

Feel free to copy and paste this sample text and customize it for your own entry.

Person: Doris Roberts
Episode: Hot Girl


One valid entry will be randomly selected to win a brand new Dwight Schrute Bobblehead! (Courtesy NBC)


You have until Wednesday, Sept. 20, 11pm PT to add your entry.

And the winner is …

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Well, maybe not the moment — that doesn’t come until September 21 — but a moment nonetheless. James and I are proud to present the winners of The iPod Giveaway:

Grand Prize iPod Winner:

  • Joseph (coupjoe)


  • garbagethrower
  • Joseph (jj_mcdonough)
  • Kristen
  • lindsay, and
  • smart little cookie

Congratulations! You all prevailed over some very stiff competition. Each of you will be receiving an e-mail from us shortly with instructions on how to proceed. Please let one of us know if you don’t receive anything by the end of Wednesday, September 6.

An extra note to the five runners-up: you all may recall us promising an Office episode from the iTunes Music Store to each of you. We’re afraid that we won’t be able to deliver on that promise; instead, we’ll be awarding each of you a copy of The Office Season Two on DVD. That’s right, come September 12 (or September 13 depending on how shipping works out), the five of you will be receiving a copy of the boxed set delivered directly to your doorstep. We were so impressed with your work that we couldn’t let you all off with a just a single episode; you guys are getting all 22 plus more supplemental features than you can shake a stick at. Course, you’ll want to cancel your existing pre-order if you already have one.

On a final note, we’d like to thank Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, David Denman, Brian Baumgartner and Kathie from Give Me My Remote for providing us with five brilliant questions. Thanks to you all, we only had to worry about coming up with three clever questions rather than eight.

And that, folks, concludes The First Annual OfficeTally/Northern Attack Summer Giveaway. We don’t know if there will be a Second Annual Giveaway, but given how much we enjoyed running this one, we’d sure like for there to be a follow-up next year. Plus, so many of you deserved recognition for your entries this time around that we’d like for everyone to have a second shot at winning next summer. No guarantees that we’ll be able to secure another iPod, but we’ll see what we can come up with.

Again, congratulations to the winners, and thank you, all of you, for participating.

iPod Giveaway status report

Emmys, Schmemmys. What about the iPod?

No, we don’t have an iPod Giveaway winner yet.

I don’t even have my list of favorites done. I read entries all last night, and I feel like I’m only a fraction of the way through.

I think James is almost finished compiling his list, though. Normally I wouldn’t get so behind on a task like this, but James recently introduced me to 24, and I’ve been spending every possible moment catching up on old episodes. Starting from Season 1. As in, five seasons ago. Curse James and that irresistible Jack Bauer!

Nevertheless, I just wanted to pop in here and say, we have some damn funny people who hang out at OfficeTally and at Northern Attack. I’ve laughed out loud many times while reading the entries, and one thing has become clear: you guys are witty, inventive, and often times, twisted. It’s an honor to read you.

We will hopefully have a winner (or in Emmy speak, “award the iPod to …”) by the end of the long weekend. Take a chill pill ’til then …

Battle for the Bobblehead winner!

I am very pleased to announce that Lauren wins the Battle for the Bobblehead!

Lauren’s winning entry (#25):

Who has two plastic thumbs and loves OfficeTally? This guy!

Short, sweet, and includes a show quote and a plug for OfficeTally. Can’t get much better than that. :)

Congratulations, Lauren! You will receive The Office Prize Pack (courtesy of NBC), consisting of a Dwight Schrute Bobblehead and an Employee of the Month t-shirt. I will send you an email with more details, so watch your inbox!

I enjoyed reading each and every entry, and here are a few others that cracked me up …

Continue reading “Battle for the Bobblehead winner!”

Battle for the Bobblehead

Want to win an Office Prize Pack, consisting of a Dwight Bobblehead and Office t-shirt?

Then create a caption for my bobblehead picture!

Simply enter your caption as a comment to this post, along with a valid email address.

The deadline for entries is:
Sunday, August 13, 11pm PT.

One winner will be chosen soon afterwards …

The Office Prize Pack is provided courtesy of NBC.

Quickie Contest #2

Name the episode and the character who speaks each of these lines:

  • “Try to have some fun.”
  • “This is illegal.”
  • “Take a gander.”
  • “It kind of gets under my skin, okay?”
  • “There is broken glass everywhere.”

The first person who adds a comment with all the correct answers wins any Office episode from the iTunes store!

Sorry, U.S. players only — that’s the iTunes store rule. :(

Update: We have our winner, so this contest is now closed.