Congratulations to Trace, Helen, and Amy for winning this week’s OfficeTally giveaway!
You will each be receiving your choice of Office video from the iTunes Store …
Old friends, new lovers, and the disabled, welcome all!
Congratulations to Trace, Helen, and Amy for winning this week’s OfficeTally giveaway!
You will each be receiving your choice of Office video from the iTunes Store …
Congratulations to Jaime, Mike, and Sarah for winning this week’s OfficeTally giveaway!
You will each be receiving your choice of Office video from the iTunes Store …
Congratulations to sheigh for winning this week’s OfficeTally giveaway!
Thanks again to David of The Scranton Branch for providing this week’s prize — any item from The Scranton Branch’s products under $14 page!
Because this Thursday’s episode, Diversity Day, is a rerun from Season 1, there will be no iTunes drawing this week.
There will still be a giveaway, though, courtesy of The Scranton Branch.
David, proprietor of The Scranton Branch, says:
“Think of The Scranton Branch as the merchandise member of the Online Office Alliance. If you want to rate an episode, OfficeTally is the place. If you want the best forums — head to Northern Attack. If you want to pick up gear, though, click over to The Scranton Branch. The designs range from character quotes to the infamous Dwight bobblehead design — on shirts, mugs, hats, coasters, magnets, and more! And with more than 100 products priced under $14, it’s more fun than getting drunk with your laser tag team.”
To enter the drawing:
The deadline to enter comments is Saturday, March 11, 11pm PT.
A single winner will be chosen on Sunday, March 12th, to select any item from The Scranton Branch’s products under $14 page! Thanks, David!