Melora Hardin ‘Chicago’ Ticket Giveaway

UPDATE 12/30: congratulations to GRAND PRIZE WINNER ctl5 (120) and RUNNERS-UP Hannah (64), MaddieMagnus (66), Callan (2), Sarah (6), and absolutely i do (8)! Please check your email for further instructions. :)

Here’s your chance to win tickets to watch The Office’s Melora Hardin perform in the hit Broadway musical Chicago!

“Hey there everyone at OfficeTally! I’m so excited to play Roxie Hart and also so happy that two lucky Office fans will get free tickets through OfficeTally. Good luck and definitely meet me at the stage door after the show and bring your favorite pics for me to sign! Look forward to seeing you there!” — Melora/Roxie

Sound awesome? Read on. Continue reading “Melora Hardin ‘Chicago’ Ticket Giveaway”

Angela Kinsey’s Baby Mama Giveaway!

UPDATE: Angela has selected the winners! —

Hello OfficeTally folks! Thanks so much for all of your entries. They were awesome! It was hard for me to pick, especially with so many of you having babies pretty soon. I have chosen my four top favorites. Congratulations to Pamela Dean (18), Gary (74), Sarah Bee (80), and Rachel (286)!

Tanster will be forwarding your info to me, and the gift bags will be on their way. Thanks as always for your support of our show. It was fun to do this giveaway with you guys. Alright, I gotta go, I’m in a scene where of course I make Andy’s life miserable. Thanks! Angela

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who submitted entries!

More details about the giveaway after the jump. Continue reading “Angela Kinsey’s Baby Mama Giveaway!”

Caption Distraction — VP Edition

The Office

In the spirit of bipartisanship, I present to you this special vice-presidential edition of the OfficeTally caption contest.

(Actually, this is just a distraction from the fact that we don’t get to watch a new episode of “The Office” tonight.)

UPDATE: here are some of my favorite entries. In some cases, I slightly reworded entries to make them fit or read better, but the credit is still yours. WINNERS — patrick, nicole, and little fish in the big apple! Congrats!

Continue reading “Caption Distraction — VP Edition”

Quickie Giveaway: ‘The Office’ pens!

I am giving away a set of nifty Office pens from my Target goodie prize chest.

Winner: the contest is now closed and the winner is #79, ohhelms!

Correct answer: John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, and Ricky Gervais (who is always listed in the credits as executive producer of the U.S. Office). Here’s a map.

Many of you listed Conan O’Brien, and while it’s true he did appear briefly in the episode ‘Valentine’s Day,’ I don’t think he was listed in the credits for it. Please correct me if I’m wrong. :)

Thanks to all for playing!

Details after the jump! Continue reading “Quickie Giveaway: ‘The Office’ pens!”

The Office Wordle Contest

The Office
This is a Wordle of OfficeTally’s July Archive page.

Oh man, this will be the biggest time-sucking distraction for y’all since … our sign contest. :)

I love words. I love pretty things. I’m no good at making pretty things. Then Tallyhead Joan tipped me off to Wordle. And now I’m addicted.

Do you want to give it a try? Contest details after the jump.

UPDATE: deadline has been changed to tonight, 7pm PT. (CONTEST NOW CLOSED)

Continue reading “The Office Wordle Contest”

‘Real Life Michael Scott’ Contest finalists

Here are the ten Real Life Michael Scott’ Contest finalists! Please pick your favorite in the poll below by Wednesday, Aug. 20 — the top vote-getter will receive ‘The Office’ Season 4 DVD, courtesy of Universal Studios Home Entertainment!

These stories prove that real life is sometimes more inappropriate than fiction.

UPDATE: the votes have been totaled, and the winner of ‘The Office’ Season 4 DVD is Andrea — congratulations!

Thanks to all who participated and voted!

Continue reading “‘Real Life Michael Scott’ Contest finalists”