The new version of ‘The Office’ social network game, Dunder Mifflin Infinity 2.0, is now open for business!
Here’s an introductory video of DMI and’s Office website:
Links: Memo from David Wallace | Dunder Mifflin Infinity
The fansite you most medium suspect.
The new version of ‘The Office’ social network game, Dunder Mifflin Infinity 2.0, is now open for business!
Here’s an introductory video of DMI and’s Office website:
Links: Memo from David Wallace | Dunder Mifflin Infinity
Don’t keep your desk barren like mine. Spend your Schrute Bucks by tomorrow!
News from Dunder Mifflin Infinity, The Office online game:
Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, and staff for the week ending August 10.
Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, and staff for the week ending August 3.
(A little late with this one because I was on vacation last week …)
For a complete list of events, subscribe to the OfficeTally Calendar.
Tipsters: Topher, the tempenator, Karis, Carolyn, Secondrink, Meggan
Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, and staff for the week ending June 15.
For a complete list of events, subscribe to the OfficeTally Calendar.
Tipsters: Too Late Kev, Martin, Andrea, Fiona, Clifford, Vampire-Bat Jim
Over at’s Dunder Mifflin Infinity game, people compete in “branches” on various tasks.
Task #26: create a video set to a short clip of Hunter’s ‘That One Night’ song, as featured on The Office episode, Dinner Party.
This entry, created by Cathy (aka Clockwise), completely blew me away.
A short Q&A with Cathy follows. Continue reading “That One Fan Vid”
Yeah, I know tonight’s episode of ‘The Office’ is a rerun.
But … rumor has it that a new Dunder Mifflin Infinity promo launches tonight during the show. And if you’re a DMI employee, who knows who you might recognize in it!
Update: East Coast Tallyheads also report a new cold open AND a new tag! Ya gotta watch now … (don’t read the comments if you don’t want to be spoiled)
Links: Cold Open | Tag | Promo NEW
Tipsters: Rachel, Ashleigh
Tipsters: Kristina, Jessica, ThatsWhatISaid, Paige, ThreeHolePunchVersion